drip system setup, what do ya think?


Active Member
just wanting to get some advice from anyone on here with anything u might see or have a question about. i started out first in a cooler place then where i have them now. they were not growing at all for about three weeks.. there takin off. they are just about two months old , i have them under 4, two bulb, 40 watt lights. with some side lights to fill in a lil. i have kept them just above the plants.using flora grow,bloom,micro. using the chart right on the bottle.distilled water...makeshit tub im using just till i can get a real hydro tub i want .



Well-Known Member
Nice work so far. Looks like you didn't succumb to the noob mistake of placing the light too far away(resulting in stretched plants). Your babies appear to have tight node spacing, which is good.


Active Member
pics were taken today, Couldnt make it to the hydro store today will have to make it tomorrow. i just need a few things ....anybody have any ideas about cloning i have a few good questions.

i cant use my other space yet, slacker here havent finished it yet. so im forced to use the left over lighting from my growing area to use for the clones. ill set something closer to the floor and have it in the light path. Would this work or should i use a light just for the clones? lights are what i have said before...

what temp should i keep them at

how wet should my rockwool be at all times? damp? or half damp?

should i just spray in the water or pour in.

i wouldnt mind trying clones just in water, maybe ill cut a few xtra, see how they go

thanks for checkin them out..ill be posting more often from now on i hope



Active Member
well 5 of the 7 ended up being female, :weed: im so happy! i cant get a good pic of them with the hps on so ill have to wait till i pull them all out and do it in good lighting. i had them out to clean the system and add new water, full blooming nutes now 3b-2m-1g flora series. i pulled the smallest plant out so there is only 4 in this crop, ill want to work my way up next time. i would like to buy another 600w hps so i could get 10-12 plants in my flowering room. i am still working on my clones, ill have more pics soon.



Active Member
just wanted to update some pics i have, ill make sure i get some good ones when i change the water this weekend.

i have a question about the hps light, i have a 600w wondering how close i can get it. i have to fans blowing across it and i can get my hand pretty much right to the bulb and hold it there without even feeling as hot as a floro. i have ti roughly 2feet now. give or take an inch or so...

thanks again



Active Member
As long as heat isn't an issue, you can get the light closer to your plants.

Hey thanks for everyting man, i was wondering. my room is cool and so is the air blowing around in it. i have the fans blowing on the bulb/hood/ just under the light, and two more fans blowing half way down the plants.
so its not always lack of water that makes tips or leaves dry up? so heat stress, from light being too close?

another question for ya, what about watering, i have them set on 3 times a day while the lights are on for an hr and fifteen mins a watering. im also running a half hr water in the middle of the night so its not 12 hrs of no water. IS THIS ENOUGH, or should i up the watering. im useing grow rocks, with the plant orig started in rockwool. should i try to max out how much water intake the plant takes in?> i have read but i have noticed even on mine sometimes everything is just diffrent.


Well-Known Member
Low humidity can also cause the tips to dry up, but this really isn't a huge deal. You're in decent shape if your only concern is some dried leaf tips.

I know it's not recommended to feed during the dark period, but there's nothing wrong with scheduling one full feeding in that time. I flood 3x per day with one feeding at night. Been doing it this way for 2 full grows and my plants haven't given me any indication that they don't like it.


Well-Known Member
hey whats up nice little setup u got there i was wondering ir u made that system ur self or if u bought it if u made it where did u get that dripper manifold and about how much was it i was gonna start a dripper system or a ebb and flow so ive been trying to find one of those but i havent seen one around and i dont know if you can only get them with a store bought system so let me know i appreciate it thanks hydroman ......leo:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
oh yea i forgot to ask u are those just regular shoplights just wodering because i didnt even know if they were worth using so i was gonna buy a t5 but if they work i got like three 4 footers that just need bulbs i used them like once for some seedlings but now my veg room needs more light so i might just use them and save some money thanks again .... leo


Active Member
oh yea i forgot to ask u are those just regular shoplights just wodering because i didnt even know if they were worth using so i was gonna buy a t5 but if they work i got like three 4 footers that just need bulbs i used them like once for some seedlings but now my veg room needs more light so i might just use them and save some money thanks again .... leo
shop light but the bulbs are the plant and garden ones that are sold at lowes. i have two cool white i believe mixed into them. i would like to get more lighting ,i dont know about the t5lights. i saw them around but nothing so far in 6400k, all i see are the 3000k .

hey whats up nice little setup u got there i was wondering ir u made that system ur self or if u bought it if u made it where did u get that dripper manifold and about how much was it i was gonna start a dripper system or a ebb and flow so ive been trying to find one of those but i havent seen one around and i dont know if you can only get them with a store bought system so let me know i appreciate it thanks hydroman ......leo:mrgreen:
walmart sells them, i saw them there late last yr and they were cheap.

Low humidity can also cause the tips to dry up, but this really isn't a huge deal. You're in decent shape if your only concern is some dried leaf tips.

I know it's not recommended to feed during the dark period, but there's nothing wrong with scheduling one full feeding in that time. I flood 3x per day with one feeding at night. Been doing it this way for 2 full grows and my plants haven't given me any indication that they don't like it.
it might be humidity, its around 12%. but i thought its good? its only affecting maybe 10%of the leafs, most are in the middle. i have been flushing them every week, they seem to love it.
Last yr i had my plants watering two times a night and the plants loved it, i dont know to try with this one now. im scared to mess with them , there so sexy!

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Ease up on the flushing. Ideal humidity is at least 40%, but shit happens. When the Santa Ana winds kick up in my area, humidity pretty much disappears alltogether for a while. You could try raising it by putting a bucket of water with a towel hanging out to wick up the water and evaporate. This may not help much if you have a good active exhaust.


Active Member
Ease up on the flushing. Ideal humidity is at least 40%, but shit happens. When the Santa Ana winds kick up in my area, humidity pretty much disappears alltogether for a while. You could try raising it by putting a bucket of water with a towel hanging out to wick up the water and evaporate. This may not help much if you have a good active exhaust.

seems that i cant get it up past 19% now. im going out tomorrow looking for somethign small to fit in there to help with the humidity. Maybe when i finish my door of the growroom ill have that neg air flow into the room to balance everything. temps are starting to creep up on me here and there so im watching them closely avg is 84 or so. i plan on changing the water tomorrow or sometime this week, ill take more pics then. stupid me blew some shit around so i had to clean everything , so i took some pics. not the best tho
thanks again



Active Member
ok well its at the end of week two , tomorrow will be three weeks. i have delt with the temp prob now its sitting at 78. humidity is sitting at 20ish % i just changed the water today and cleaned everything. there looking good and the pics are from today.

watched on cnbc tonight Marijuana inc. if u can watch it, its awesome.

thanks again all



Active Member
well its been awhile since i have updated any pics, not alot has changed since the last posting. i am planing on changing out the water, and cleaning up the system this weekend. had probs with the venting over the weekend while i was gone, and well it reached almost 100 in there . lucky it was only for about 4 maybe 5 hrs it was that high. I have fixed the problem once and for all so that will never ever happen again.

I have noticed a lil more leaves turning yellow on one of the plants but all the new growth is a beautiful green. just its natural way of doing things im guessing but would like to make sure.
you know what It only took 3 -4 weeks but the clones i took off the plants two did make it. nice looking roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool. im setting up the other system this weekend also. not sure if i had said anything yet about them. ill be back later with more. thanks again all



Well-Known Member
Nice going so far. Try not to worry about the yellowing leaves, as it's normal during flowering. If your upper leaves are yellowing too, ease up on the nutes for a week.