Why arent they growing?

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
I picked up some White widow clones from the club last week. And they arent growing?

I have 8 florescent 40 watt lights (4' long each) and they are in miracle grow. Since I put the light above them... They havnt grown 1 bit. And they are turning light purple towards the tops of the stem.

PH is at 6.5, temp is a little low (65 deg) they are in my attic. And mild circulation. I realize the conditions arent perfect (due to finances) But zero growth???

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
its probably cause they are week old clones give em a bit, if they aint dieing they will grow, u probably just shocked them in transplant or moving or something dont sweat it


Well-Known Member
its probably cause they are week old clones give em a bit, if they aint dieing they will grow, u probably just shocked them in transplant or moving or something dont sweat it
I agree w/ pacman. They take a couple weeks to grow some roots. Give them another week maybe even two. If nothing, then I would start to worry :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Priority mail...Nice. Of course now you using federal property to grow weed. But to get to your question. Could be the mircle grow. Im one my first soil grow so by no means an expert. I grow DWC but its normally same issues. Anyways it could be Phosphourus. Phosphorus deficiency stunts growth and makes the stems turn purple. If it is P then your older leafs will get dark green and then they too will turn purple or blueish color and the lower/newer leafs will turn yellow and die. The plants have a hard time taking in P if it hits 50F or lower.


Well-Known Member
I dunno. This clone is in RW, right? If it is, it probably hasn't even started to take up nutes. I'm not sure tho. Could be the nutes.


Well-Known Member
RW = Rock Wool. It's a plant medium that tend to be host to most clones. Nutes = Nutrients. Nutrients is plant food :)