Dr4g0n3's First Hydroponics grow.


Active Member
Hello all! as you can all see im new here, but im not a new browser.

This is not my first grow, its actually my third

First one was with two 15 watt florescent fixtures that produced a two foot plant with maybe a 16th of a gram, it was garbage,

the second was four clones taken too late. they are flowering at 6-8 inches tall, you will see them

the third is just starting!

Ive got a DH1 system from discount hydroponics.

150 watt HPS bulb with 120 volt connection and reflector (can support up to 275 MH bulb)
and all the stuff needed to pump that lovely water to the plants roots

I was running my pump 24/7 but my leafs on the plants were turning a bit yellow, like they were being over watered, as I asked today I changed it to the 15 minute increment timer and bought a new timer for my light and fans.

in the pictures you will see
three small plants (one on the side, doing ph tests atm,) and two in the slots,

Im just trying to strech these flowering plants out of its cycle and back into veg if its possible.

and two seedlings, one that just popped from the peet pellet and one thats going nicely.

my PH was low so I am using a sodium based product to raise it, I will change if demanded!

if any tips please let me know, I am open too all opinions!



Well-Known Member
i would put one clone in one pot. and it petty hard to the see the pic . also with my experment clone from flower is stage is a bit it takes forever to get them back to veg so i would just bud them as soon as they clone ].


Active Member
i would put one clone in one pot. and it petty hard to the see the pic . also with my experment clone from flower is stage is a bit it takes forever to get them back to veg so i would just bud them as soon as they clone ].

I think im gonna put that new sprout into the netcup of the plant that was sitting out, that plant has yellow leaves and the roots were barely forming, unlike the two others where roots were starting to hang and grow.

I also added two bubblers to my set up, thinking of adding two more when my seeds get here, so I have one under each net cup.


Active Member
Evening 2 Pictures:

Put sprout into netcup and took out plant that was in it.

Sprout not growing very fast. as of this morning still looks the same.

other plant seems to be growing fine

the two plants in flowering look like they are coming out of it and going into veg, more roots coming down into water.

Side note, my White Widow seeds have been mailed, I expect 7-10 days until they get here.



Well-Known Member
Evening 2 Pictures:

Put sprout into netcup and took out plant that was in it.

Sprout not growing very fast. as of this morning still looks the same.

other plant seems to be growing fine

the two plants in flowering look like they are coming out of it and going into veg, more roots coming down into water.

Side note, my White Widow seeds have been mailed, I expect 7-10 days until they get here.
Looks like it's coming along... Good report.

Question: What strain are you growing right now ?

Good luck !!


Active Member
All the better to sharpen your skills my friend !! Good luck, I'm subscribed.


Well thanks, just wish the pros would get in here and leave me some tips, or improvements or something to help me, I WANT CRITIZISM PEOPLE :). not often you hear that IRL


Well-Known Member
Well thanks, just wish the pros would get in here and leave me some tips, or improvements or something to help me, I WANT CRITIZISM PEOPLE :). not often you hear that IRL
True that... I'm no expert but I have done a good deal of reading.

First, I don't think you can overwater in a DWC unless the seedlings aren't mature enough yet. I had yellowing of the leaves but it was because of my addiction to nutes, so I had to lay off a bit.

Are you using nutes at this point ?

When the roots hit the water is the time you'll notice serious growth. I shut my pump off and took it out of the tub around the 2 week mark, maybe less... Check out my Grow Journal if you wish. Now, the suckers are taking off except for one, just think he's a runt basically. I have one that's 5 times the size of the runt, it's nuts.

How far away is that 150w HPS ?



Active Member
True that... I'm no expert but I have done a good deal of reading.

First, I don't think you can overwater in a DWC unless the seedlings aren't mature enough yet. I had yellowing of the leaves but it was because of my addiction to nutes, so I had to lay off a bit.

Are you using nutes at this point ?

When the roots hit the water is the time you'll notice serious growth. I shut my pump off and took it out of the tub around the 2 week mark, maybe less... Check out my Grow Journal if you wish. Now, the suckers are taking off except for one, just think he's a runt basically. I have one that's 5 times the size of the runt, it's nuts.

How far away is that 150w HPS ?


Yeah im using nutes, just barely adding them in, a buddy said the yellowing could of been because of stress, I dont know. but that plant is gone now so Ill see if it happens to other plants.

the light is 12-15 inches from the plants depending on the plant size.

the temp is around 82-84 inside the box with a humidity of 30ish %

Ill look at the grow journal, but I should shut my pump off when the roots hit the water? wont that promote stale water and the growth of alge's and bacteria?


Well-Known Member
Yeah im using nutes, just barely adding them in, a buddy said the yellowing could of been because of stress, I dont know. but that plant is gone now so Ill see if it happens to other plants.

the light is 12-15 inches from the plants depending on the plant size.

the temp is around 82-84 inside the box with a humidity of 30ish %

Ill look at the grow journal, but I should shut my pump off when the roots hit the water? wont that promote stale water and the growth of alge's and bacteria?

If you're using nutes on the larger plants I say great... but those seedlings I think need some time. I hope an expert jumps in too !!

Yellowing is a good sign of nute burn. Some of the expert testimony I've read states that going easy on the nutes in the beginning, and even flushing with plain water for 24-48 hours is the best remedy. Try that and see if the plants respond.

I think your temps are high, what is the reservoir water temp ?

Also, I'm not saying shut the pumps off and leave them.... What I did was shut the pumps off when I had a good amount of roots in the water, not just a string. AND I also go in there a couple times a day to check on the babies, and I take a clean turkey baster, suck up some fluid from the res and gently put that on the rockwool cube. Plants have been growing like mad! You just have to make sure that the cube is fairly wet, and don't let it dry out. It's not that hard if you don't have a lot of plants.

I hope this helped somewhat.


Active Member
If you're using nutes on the larger plants I say great... but those seedlings I think need some time. I hope an expert jumps in too !!

Yellowing is a good sign of nute burn. Some of the expert testimony I've read states that going easy on the nutes in the beginning, and even flushing with plain water for 24-48 hours is the best remedy. Try that and see if the plants respond.

I think your temps are high, what is the reservoir water temp ?

Also, I'm not saying shut the pumps off and leave them.... What I did was shut the pumps off when I had a good amount of roots in the water, not just a string. AND I also go in there a couple times a day to check on the babies, and I take a clean turkey baster, suck up some fluid from the res and gently put that on the rockwool cube. Plants have been growing like mad! You just have to make sure that the cube is fairly wet, and don't let it dry out. It's not that hard if you don't have a lot of plants.

I hope this helped somewhat.

well I just flushed two gallons of water/nutes and put in two gallons of clean water. and my water temp is in the low 70's,


Active Member
day 4 pictures, skipped yesterday asI have a head cold, dont feel like doing much other then sitting here on the couch browsing the internet.

little sprout hasnt changed much, can see pointy leaves barely now.

bigger sprout, is getting bigger, can see third set of pointy leaves coming on now.

can see roots of one plant, the buds are getting smaller on it and the crystals are no longer sticky, much like a dry powder.



Active Member

Bigger sprout has grown about a two-three inch root since this morning and is now hanging down into the water. i expect this baby to take off now!

Smaller sprout's leaves have doubled in size.


Active Member
Day 5

plants looking good, bigger one had its root grow another two inches or so since yesterday, two other roots sticking out now equaling about two more inches, this baby is gonna be a beast.

other sprouts leaves doubled in size again, maybe it was just a stunted growth at first, who knows.



Active Member

Come on guys,making me worry now that Im doing a bad job

Im thinking of picking up foxfarms, grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom formula.

bag filter for pump

more PH test strips (100 for 3 bucks, better then my 50 for 9)

anything else you guys can think of?


Well-Known Member
Doin good bro. Whats you ph ppm? Your temp is a little warm, try to increase ventilation. Your ok now, but when the roots get bigger, lower the light. Its hard when you check on your stuff evvvery day, espcially at This stage of growth. It can be tedious at times, but once you get your roots going, the tops explode.



Well-Known Member
Bro, you're doing fine. From seed to sprout to full veg are just steps that take time, don't push them.

Do this journal for yourself and don't worry about the # of people coming by. This is a great record for future grows.

Once you're into flowering more ppl will stop by.

