Obama Stimulus Plan Dangerous to Your Health..CODE RED.


Well-Known Member
It tells me the doctors are subsidizing your 700.00 root canal by bilking the insurance companies out of 800.00 while the insurance companies are bilking their participants out of outrageous amounts and co-pays that would equal that 700.00, so CEOs and high paid staff can sit around making decisions about your health. The dentist told me that an implant would be around 3500.00 and the ins., would pay about 700.00. My Buddy got his implants done for 2200.00 cash each. What this tells me is we need not for profit medical and dental paid for by taxes on us and our employers, wiping the greedy insurance companies and dental co-ops and HMOs off the face of the earth. Scum sucking pigs all. Anyone that makes a living from other peoples misery deserves the fires of hades. Socialized medicine would eliminate that for the most part. Yeah we'd have to pay a few mor buckaroos in taxes, but the money we'd save in insurance and co-pays would more than make up for it. the age old dillema is that the healthy youth don't want to pay for the unhealthy seniors, not realizing I guess, that someday they will be old and in need of more medical.
I'd say that it provides arguments for the following.

1. Obama and McCain are really both idiots when they focus on making sure that everyone has health insurance (as opposed to health care)

2. That, as Medicare/Medicaid would have probably paid the 2,200, possibly even more, that Socialized Medicine will never work. Neither will having everyone have insurance. Not if the actual goal is to keep prices low.

Both Socialized Medicine and Health Insurance create artificial distortions in the market.


Well-Known Member
Everyone bashes having a national health system but it's a choice you know... You could always have private insurance if you weren't a deadbeat yourself and go to private hospitals.

And actually, if any of you knew how good National Health Services are in other countries that have them you wouldn't fight it so much. (say for example France)

The reason some might want you to hate the French isn't just because of Freedom Fries, it's because they want to keep their money with lower taxes and let everyone else suffer and be slaves. 35 hour work weeks, no limits on sick time, never a worry about any physical ailment, the best level of care, better than available in the US. They even live three years longer than us on average and have a far far better infant mortality rate.

At a cost lower than private insurance we pay now.

If that means 100 year old fart doesn't qualify for a new heart, so be it. Some things really don't make sense when you take emotions out of it.


New Member
There is absolutely no evidence anywhere in the world that socialized medicine is cost effective or supportable in the long run. You can't just make it up as you go along.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Everyone bashes having a national health system but it's a choice you know... You could always have private insurance if you weren't a deadbeat yourself and go to private hospitals.

And actually, if any of you knew how good National Health Services are in other countries that have them you wouldn't fight it so much. (say for example France)

The reason some might want you to hate the French isn't just because of Freedom Fries, it's because they want to keep their money with lower taxes and let everyone else suffer and be slaves. 35 hour work weeks, no limits on sick time, never a worry about any physical ailment, the best level of care, better than available in the US. They even live three years longer than us on average and have a far far better infant mortality rate.

At a cost lower than private insurance we pay now.

If that means 100 year old fart doesn't qualify for a new heart, so be it. Some things really don't make sense when you take emotions out of it.
Well, instead of haranguing us about how we should be more like the Frog Eating French, you're perfectly welcome to go join them.

No one's forcing you to remain in this country.


New Member
Forcing people to have health insurance doesn't do any good if all the doctors and hospitals call everything "out of network" and triple the price.

People need health care, not just another scam, pay in, pay in, pay in, get denied, denied, denied........


Well-Known Member
The thought; everyone gets healthcare!
That's hard to argue against.
lol what would jesus do?

The reality; I can't think of one single government healthcare program that's running now without maj unerfunding.
The government run neighborhood clinics run short handed, underfunded, lacking supplies and is totally overwhelmed in patrons and paper work. Do you see anyone from the gov reacting? Had it not be for this train wreck called the american government, hell all gov's really, I would fully support free healthcare. It's not about the price, money is only paper and if we can do right by others using paper, I'm all for it! Social security and The VA are prime reasons to why not.
The truth is the government hasn't showed it could handle the responsibility.

hearing about healthcare cuts because of the budget, lord help us all!!


New Member
What neighborhood clinics? Don't have any of those fancified things around here.

There's the health department where you can get a TB test or immunizations for free, but you aren't seeing a doctor or a dentist.

We need some choices that aren't part of a "network" that way nobody gets reamed for being "out of network".

We Love 1

New Member
lol what would jesus do?


The problem with the whole system is that the gov't borrows money from the "Federal" Reserve which has to be paid back PLUS interest, at the tax payers expense. Which ultimately will bankrupt the country. Now it would be a different story if the gov't could print its OWN money and SPEND some of it directly to areas that the tax payers majority vote wants it to go, e.g., healthcare, infrastructure, educations system, law enforcement/military, etc. I don't believe in taxes personally, like I said the gov't should be paying theirselves for their services and thusly bringing "debtless" money into circulation for the economy/country.

But I do believe there would have to be a cap on how much money is injected into circulation compared to the growth of the country. The big wigs should have a formula to keep the moneys value in constant check so not to cause inflaction, and thusly having a constantly stable monetary system. A possible way to do this would be to have a certain amount of dollars in circulation per citizen, maybe like 500K dollars, and keep it at that fixed rate. There would still be a difference in the working class but it would eliminate the word "inflaction" from peoples vernacular all together.

So whats stopping Us from living better, more debtfree, lives? The "Federal" Reserve and their cronies in the gov't that go along with a corrupt system that employs fractional reserve banking (where they only need ~10% of what they loan out, and the ~90% is printed on the spot AKA monopoly money) without a precious metal standard. Also where they TAX TAX TAX the hard working families to pay the fat cats when instead the the gov't should be actually working for the people and a good way to do that would be spending debtless money where the people vote they want it to go the most.

I wonder what would happen if they disclosed the facts about marijuana on the media and told the public how it would save the economy, I wonder if the population would vote in favor to legalize it? Aren't We, the people supposed to rule and not big gov't and big corporations?

Whats the problem? The gov'ts which has been taken over by the central banks is the problem! Why do You think the guns sales have been sky rocketing? Its because a REVOLUTION is on the way.

https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/161143-viva-la-revolution.html <<<Click here<<<

Edit- And BTW these "stimulus" packages are like trying to fix broken pipe with wood glue. The damage is done and their remedy won't work. The only thing its going to do is cause more inflaction and put the tax payers into more bebt. Why must the tax payers pay for everything when the system which governs them is corrupt and caused the problems in the first place? These wars and these stimulus packages are nothing but a bill for the tax payers so the gov't can have some legitimacy taking 1/3 of the workers paychecks per year.

Where are these trillions of dollars going to go? Well to special interest groups mostly and then all of the working class has to foot the bill for the next 3 or 4 generations.




New Member
You haven't a clue to how the money system operates do you.... just print money...lawdy.

Government needs to pay interest so monies are not just wasted without repercussion....translate that by principle to everyday people.... so everyone should just get interest free loans? It's a natural extension to your illogical statements.

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
so everyone should just get interest free loans? It's a natural extension to your illogical statements.

out. :blsmoke:
When did I say anything about interest free loans? I clearly said money should be brought into circulation via public works and this money should be debt free. Any personal loans would inherently have interest otherwise people would be taking out copious loans.

First off I do NOT believe the fractional reserve banking is just. The banks shouldn't lend out more money than they have in reserve, this would lead to higher interest rates but deter people from taking out huge loans. This would also deter inflaction and keep everyones money valuable and not cause "bubbles" which created the great depression and the current one too.

I also believe people should get paid fair wages and shouldn't be taking out loans they can't afford. People should just work and save up their money for things needed. I paid cash for My house :D

All I'm saying is that there are better ways to go about things, and it should be apparent that the gov't is controlled by the banks and the banks objective is to make as much profit as possible. Hence a slave system, where most everyone is in debt and working for the "machine".

Look whats happening right now. The banks are bankrupting the public. The banks own all the forclosed properties and paid pennies on the dollar for them.

Its all because of a corrupt central bank and their unjust ways. Period!

The government needs fired.




New Member
You found the flaw in your thinking when you typed your second sentence. "Any personal loans would inherently...."

It would be no different with the govt. except by scale. You cannot have two money systems...why not three, four? Why not have separate money systems for domestic supply and international supply? You need to take an economics course instead of copy/pasting your research ad hoc. That's no way to learn kiddo.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I'm thinking government backed 4% 15-30 year loans. With no trickery or balloon payments etc. That would put me in fine shape, and dare I say millions more also.

We Love 1

New Member
You found the flaw in your thinking when you typed your second sentence. "Any personal loans would inherently...."
You? You should have typed "I". Because I don't find any flaws in that rationale.

I believe gov't should actually do some good and bring debt free money into circulation via public works which the public votes to where and how the money is injected.

It would be no different with the govt. except by scale. You cannot have two money systems...
I'm not sure what You mean by "money system". But I think everyone would benifit from this system. Capital would be injected for the the best infrastructure projects and the tax payers wouldn't have to foot the bill. There wouldn't be half as many personal loans, and people in debt, and everyone would prosper.

If the central banks didn't have such a monopoly over the world things would be run this way.

And talking about different "money systems" what about all lthe different currencies across the globe? I think they could be deemed as different.

Why not have separate money systems for domestic supply and international supply? You need to take an economics course instead of copy/pasting your research ad hoc. That's no way to learn kiddo.
Please stop putting words in My mouth. I haven't copied or pasted anything in any research. I'm simply thinking about how to best benifit the working class and sharing My ideas.

There is nothing wrong with My logic. The banks would lose and the good of the public would win.




New Member
but that would help the people and the government isn't interested in that. They only want to help corporations that have bled themselves dry through bonus checks.

Niro fiddled while Rome burned......... CEO's raped the accounts while their companies failed.

I'm thinking government backed 4% 15-30 year loans. With no trickery or balloon payments etc. That would put me in fine shape, and dare I say millions more also.


New Member
but that would help the people and the government isn't interested in that. They only want to help corporations that have bled themselves dry through bonus checks.

Niro fiddled while Rome burned......... CEO's raped the accounts while their companies failed.
Actually, I hope the Obama regime does have the people in mind. Granted money talks and the people walk, but I'd venture to say this regime will give a lot more to the people than either McCains or Pauls would have. That is what is driving the righties on the site into a fervor. We're trying to actually help the people. Don't you know we don't deserve any help, fuck us?


New Member
If they're going to help homeowners then they need to help all of us. My mortage payments are up to date. I'm not thrilled about people getting mortgage help especially when they're living beyond their means.

They should at least give those of us who are up to date a free pass for property tax this year or something. I'd take that, one year of no property tax.


New Member
Excellent historical knowledge being exhibited here regarding Wilson ... FDR and the Great Depression. Also, very correct in analysing the parallels with Obama.

I find it particulary funny when people who's historical basis begins with Kent State and the burning down of the Bank of America building in Isla Vista try to compete on an intellectual level in this forum.

Hey Med ... you're a laugh a minute. :lol:




New Member
If they're going to help homeowners then they need to help all of us. My mortage payments are up to date. I'm not thrilled about people getting mortgage help especially when they're living beyond their means.

They should at least give those of us who are up to date a free pass for property tax this year or something. I'd take that, one year of no property tax.
That's right Miss...and how about the folks that decided to wait be responsible? Why they have to come up with 20% down now because of all the dumbasses who ruined it for everyone.... and how are these losers doing? Why, they are getting a bailout. Change....

Poverty for our future generations...that's change.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I don't think poverty for the future generation is change, they're souls have already been sold. The world will come to a fiery conclusion before this mess is completely straightened out.

Dammit, I want my prize for being responsible !!!