Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up. my daughters mother(i HATE the term 'baby mama'!) is court ordered to pay only $29 a week and in 2 yrs ive seen $120.00 TOTAL

its not even worth going after her for it, ill pay ten times that on a lawyer.
I would go after her....you can file the paperwork yourself. She will lose her license, she will go to jail. She needs to own up to her responsibility. I hate it when parents don't take care of their kids, it really angers me. My hubby and I had sole custody of his son and we went through this crap every month. She would never pay, I finally got sick of it and started filing with the courts. After a couple short stints in jail and losing her license she realized she had to do what was right. She never showed up for visitation, she never sent bday cards, she never did anything. Then one day it hit her, she has a kid! Then she got it together and we were able to co-parent together. Things sometimes can work out, with a little push.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add something....It was also important for Rick and me to show our son that you do have to own up to your actions. We sheltered him as much as we could, but, he knew. He also saw that when things don't go the way you want you can't just simply put your head in the sand and it will go away. I don't know, I know he was hurt by her but I also know he knows he is loved.


New Member
I spent so much time in court trying to collect $20 per week, that it was sickening. He was supposed to pay medical too, but it just wasn't worth the fight. I couldn't spend all my time taking off work to fight a deadbeat.

It worked in my favor though, when my son was 13 he legally changed his last name to my husbands last name. The huge thick child support folder full of court dates was an ace in the hole for us. The moron even showed up for that hearing with no lawyer trying to contest it. The judge pretty much laughed in his face.

The judge even asked me why I didn't pursue the medical expenses and I answered that pursuing the $20 dollars a week was so stressful that I just put my son on my insurance to save my sanity.


Well-Known Member
i dont think you fully understand...i dont want her help. she is a loser, i dont see her having any positive impact on my daughters life. its not worth the 29 measly dollars a week to have her back in my life. i dont need her money.


Well-Known Member
I spent so much time in court trying to collect $20 per week, that it was sickening. He was supposed to pay medical too, but it just wasn't worth the fight. I couldn't spend all my time taking off work to fight a deadbeat.

It worked in my favor though, when my son was 13 he legally changed his last name to my husbands last name. The huge thick child support folder full of court dates was an ace in the hole for us. The moron even showed up for that hearing with no lawyer trying to contest it. The judge pretty much laughed in his face.

The judge even asked me why I didn't pursue the medical expenses and I answered that pursuing the $20 dollars a week was so stressful that I just put my son on my insurance to save my sanity.
thats how i feel. every month the state sends me some papers saying that they are trying to get money from her. these are what i save for when anna decides to ask about where her mother is.


Well-Known Member
Wow, $20 a week? That isn't enough to help raise a child!!! WTF? That is insane. Ours had to pay $600 a month. To me, that was worth going after! We saved every penny she paid to us and gave a portion to our kid when he turned 16 to get a car. The rest of the money we gave to him when he turned 18. Wow, I still can't get over how low your guys support is/was. That is insane.


New Member
Yes just keep your documentation, that way you have it if you need it.

I think you are better off without her.

Mine started at a whopping $25 per week, but he went to court and had it lowered. It added up to a thousand per yer. No you can't even begin to raise a child on that. Which came up in court that my husband who had raised my son had supported him financially as well as emotionally and metally.


Well-Known Member
Yes just keep your documentation, that way you have it if you need it.

I think you are better off without her.

Mine started at a whopping $25 per week, but he went to court and had it lowered. It added up to a thousand per yer. No you can't even begin to raise a child on that. Which came up in court that my husband who had raised my son had supported him financially as well as emotionally and metally.
18K for his half of raising a child....what a joke. i cant believe theres someone who actually got less than me.

topic change!

did i mention that i love butane honey oil?


New Member
Yes you did and I have a funny story to share with you guys about "honey"

Here in farm land, sometimes the young people hear of things but they don't know the whole story. My daughter was hanging with some people on night and some guys were rolling a joint. Another guy spoke up and said "I hear if you put honey in the joint you get really ripped" and you guessed it, they put honey, like from bees on the joint. My daughter said she just watched knowing that this was incorrect, but didn't volunteer anything because that wouldn't be as funny.

They kept bitching because the joint wouldn't stay lit !!!


Well-Known Member
Yes you did and I have a funny story to share with you guys about "honey"

Here in farm land, sometimes the young people hear of things but they don't know the whole story. My daughter was hanging with some people on night and some guys were rolling a joint. Another guy spoke up and said "I hear if you put honey in the joint you get really ripped" and you guessed it, they put honey, like from bees on the joint. My daughter said she just watched knowing that this was incorrect, but didn't volunteer anything because that wouldn't be as funny.

They kept bitching because the joint wouldn't stay lit !!!
soooo many dumb highschoolers have ruined a pefectly good blunt this way! i myself thought honey sounded stupid long before i found out they were talking about honey oil.

i was thinking about burnt cookies and how bad they smell and taste and i thought, why the fuck would you want to smoke sugar?


New Member
She thought it was odd when they did it. She didn't want to try it. She knows how long we've smoked and she sees it as "if I haven't seen it at home, I'm not trying it until I've at least asked about it". Which is good.

She's now trying to educate another dumbass about the meaning of the word "dro".

soooo many dumb highschoolers have ruined a pefectly good blunt this way! i myself thought honey sounded stupid long before i found out they were talking about honey oil.

i was thinking about burnt cookies and how bad they smell and taste and i thought, why the fuck would you want to smoke sugar?


Well-Known Member
no slik we are like strangers that get to know each other then the visit is over..sucks so bad tears my heart out every time...:cry:
im terribly sorry, i kind of feel like an ass for almost bragging.

when things first jumped off her mother took her and hid for a month, i cried myself to sleep every night. i cant begin to imagine what your situation feels like, i get a bit choked up thinking about it.

you have my deepest sympathys.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
thanks slik she also did the kidnapping thing then had her girlfriend call to tell me he wasn't even my child but we all new better hateful woman..still looking forward to karma to catch up with her......


Well-Known Member
I have a pier party to go to in an hour. I am taking coconut shrimp and Heath Bar Torte. I am going to chow down! And, hopefully pick up a few boats to clean...I may even take my scuba gear just in case someone wants their boat done today.