Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
barnacles the word i use to replace swear words around the kids...........think abou tit it can be very funny at times
behind a slow driver this morning i say if this guy would get his head out of his frikin barnacles we may make it on time


New Member
barnacles the word i use to replace swear words around the kids...........think abou tit it can be very funny at times
behind a slow driver this morning i say if this guy would get his head out of his frikin barnacles we may make it on time
when your kids are away from you they prolly ask each other..."why does mom call ass barancles"?


New Member
when my son was 5 he wrote FUCK, with sidewalk chalk. I asked him what word that was? he said, is that a bad word? he got mad cause I was laughing at him...


Well-Known Member
when my son was 5 he wrote FUCK, with sidewalk chalk. I asked him what word that was? he said, is that a bad word? he got mad cause I was laughing at him...
I learned not to write anything like that.. when I was a kid me and a friend stole some felt pens, (we liked the big scores).. and on the way home we saw a white Cadillac..so we wrote swear words on it... that night the cops showed up at my place..."damn small towns".. so the cop asks me to spell "shit"... so I did... S-H-I-T-E.... same as the Cadillac.....
damn... foiled by my English heritage.... :shock:


Well-Known Member
I learned not to write anything like that.. when I was a kid me and a friend stole some felt pens, (we liked the big scores).. and on the way home we saw a white Cadillac..so we wrote swear words on it... that night the cops showed up at my place..."damn small towns".. so the cop asks me to spell "shit"... so I did... S-H-I-T-E.... same as the Cadillac.....
damn... foiled by my English heritage.... :shock:
LOL, that is funny!

This whole ass/barnacle/kid talk reminded me of an email I got a long time ago


New Member
That condom commercial was funny as hell !!!

Good morning people, wake and bake bongsmilie

Did you kids ever play the "rhyme game"

bucket bucket, bo bucket
fee fi fo fuck it.......

Oops, we shouldn't rhyme bucket anymore you guys !!!


Active Member
that candom commercial was very funny, I stayed home from classes today to relax, clean, and spend some quality time with my new glass gravity bong :) I was lucky enough to get my hands on some fire fire exotics


New Member
Bla ... Im sick .. and in a bad mood

Good morning .. I hope a few bowls make me feel better

sorry to hear it, im just clearing a 5 day cold

yesterday i handed over all my cold medications to my stepfather who picked up the bug from me most likely, I told him i no longer planned to be sick and that he should do what he will with the tylenol cold shit. he half scoffed half laughed, but today when he had to get up at 4:20 to get ready for work, he still had the sniffles, and i was cough/cold free :)

i hope ya feel better, smoking was a chore for me the past could days..take about 20-30 minutes to smoke half a gram out the bong.

:o throats still kind of scratchy. anyhow

Morning All!

finally gettin ready for a bong rip i can take as soon as i pack it