Things to Know About Lighting


Well-Known Member
I made it up to about 60g/sqft, crowding NL#5's on a drip table and vegging for a bit too long for ~1plant/sqft.. But that stat fell when I started growing good weed I really enjoyed in nice big pots of soil.. Alot of bud that contributed to the 60g/sqft really didn't have alot of bag appeal and was grueling to manicure.. Wasn't garbage, but was pretty damn airy from growing deep in the jungle.. The happy plants may not have yielded as much bulk/area, but each and every bud was a sight to behold..


Well-Known Member
I think that small plants will make better use of artificial lighting...

SOG... with waves of these....1/2 to 3/4 Oz. lollipops.... as many pots as your tray can hold (ebb flow)...



Well-Known Member
The jungle that was our 3 VERY BIG girls
How have I not noticed M Blaze before this?? Impressive.. By far the most impressive indoor monster I've seen in a long time.. I misspoke saying you can't do that.. But all other things being equal, the sun would have beaten that yield..
The tallest was about 7 foot including the pot and they were grown under 4 x 600 watt lights.

Dry weight was just over 4.5 pound which was exactly as expected so we were happy with the result.
It took almost 16 weeks from the time we got the very big clones to the day we harvested.
Not actually the best numbers from a production calculation POV though huh Stevey?? Not bad by a long shot, but only 0.85g/Watt and it took 120days..


Well-Known Member
How have I not noticed M Blaze before this??
I don't know... you must have been looking the other way.... was she pretty?:o

Isn't it....

By far the most impressive indoor monster I've seen in a long time..
He does the right... he's like the INDOOR FDD.... hahahaha....:weed:

I misspoke saying you can't do that..
Thanks you for being so.... well, you know what I mean.... :clap:

But all other things being equal, the sun would have beaten that yield..
100% agreed... but he did a damn fine job at a tree..inside...

Not actually the best numbers from a production calculation POV though huh Stevey??
Not bad by a long shot, but only 0.85g/Watt and it took 120days..
Thats one of the nicest lollipops I've ever seen too..:)
That one IS mine... I prefer SOG single colas because of the bud in that picture... or one of it's dozens of sisters...

If you notice, the bud is dense from top to bottom... there is NO fluff... easiest trim job in the world... and they use the same space as the pot.. so you can really cram them in there...

Here are a few lollipops from the last harvest.... :o



Well-Known Member
You and M Blaze are like the yin and yang of indoor growing..:) I bet your hands hurt less after manicuring a crop though.. When I first opened the link, the picture popped up before I could read anything, and I thought "Wow, I had no idea fdd did that shit indoors.." I honestly thought it was his for sure..

Edit: How densely do you pack those? 4"x4"/lolli??


Well-Known Member
You and M Blaze are like the yin and yang of indoor growing..:)
I feel honored seeing my name and his in the same sentence...:o but ...

I am just a newb... and I don't know shit...

I bet your hands hurt less after manicuring a crop though..
I get to manicure a lot.. just not at the same time... works out really well... just about the time I am getting bored... it's over...:-o

When I first opened the link, the picture popped up before I could read anything, and I thought "Wow, I had no idea fdd did that shit indoors.." I honestly thought it was his for sure..
Those guys... they are so awesome...!!!

I can totally see that though... that is deff.. FDD's beach (indoor pool?!) there... hahahaha...


Well-Known Member
I am just a newb... and I don't know shit...
Had me fooled.. Must just be the rep point, but I thought I recognized your name from overgrow.. Funny how the mind manufactures things.. 5-10 years from now I'll probably get confused and remember M Blazes crop as fdd's..:(


Well-Known Member
Had me fooled.. Must just be the rep point, but I thought I recognized your name from overgrow.. Funny how the mind manufactures things.. 5-10 years from now I'll probably get confused and remember M Blazes crop as fdd's..:(
I am not a kid.. nor is this my first crop or two.. but the whole indoor world is less than a year old to me...

And I TOTALLY hear what you mean...

I was a at bar once and recognized a bunch of people speaking a different language (which I speak).. but it was loud and we were drinking... so I laughed at my buddy and told him how i could hear perfect (...insert secret foreign language here) and in all reality it was english and my mind was just playing tricks on me.. hahahaha.. we had a 1/2 hour long discussion on tricks your mind can play....

but when we go inside ... there is a whole GROUP of foreigners.. speaking their native tongue... my buddy and i just started laughing and I found a way in to their table and talked with them for hours.... drinking and eating ...

Good times...


Well-Known Member
3 plants with 32 tops... in a 3.5' x 3.5' ????

Won't fit dude... you can barely fit one tree in there.. and you are creating a shade farm...

You can most certainly get that kind of weight... but not with 1 600 watt and most deff. not in a 3.5x3.5 space....


Oh.. and there is nothing that I would love more than for you to prove me wrong and teach me how to triple my yields... :clap:
Fucking crist sakes. You are all fucking noobs here arent you. No 3 32 cola plants will not fit in a 3.5 x 3.5 i know man. but you can fit three ak47s in this space easily--------> its called sea of green SOG... put a screen in there and you have a scrog set up in which you only need two plants to get three pounds from. Because you are training all the tops to grow above the screen canopy to recieve maximum amount of light energy. Thats another way for you people who dont know shit, to try out.


Well-Known Member
Fucking crist sakes. You are all fucking noobs here arent you.
I am.. you are right... I suspect you are right all the time.. so that is nothing new to you...:lol:

But I do know that SOG and SCROG are 2 completely different things... so get your facts straight before you come out all agressive and shit...

No need for that at all... but whatever... I'm gonna go smoke a bowl... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Fucking crist sakes. You are all fucking noobs here arent you. No 3 32 cola plants will not fit in a 3.5 x 3.5 i know man. but you can fit three ak47s in this space easily--------> its called sea of green SOG... put a screen in there and you have a scrog set up in which you only need two plants to get three pounds from. Because you are training all the tops to grow above the screen canopy to recieve maximum amount of light energy. Thats another way for you people who dont know shit, to try out.

SHUT YOUR MOUTH. You are dead wrong. That room there in my picture is a 3x4 (12 square feet) and that's over 200 colas. 3 plants in a 3.5x3.5 (12.25 square feet, LARGER ROOM) could easily have 30+ colas each, WITHOUT using a Sea of Green or Screen of Green.

You are WRONG. Go back to weed school. Those of us that have done this quite often know better. QUIT SPREADING MISINFORMATION.


Well-Known Member
Did I not say that it is possible? I did say that you could not fit three plants in a small closet with 32 colas each (That # is supposed to be the maximum # of colas by the way(dont know how you got 200 colas)) out of frustration, but yess I have not managed three plants under a scrog grow like your two plant set up, I have grown two plants under scrog like yours and yess my set up looked almost identicle except I only had 54 colas total, and my 2 ak47s were in a 3.5 x 3.5 x 6 closet with chickenwire screen and i produced 2.75 pounds of bud in 13 weeks. I also had three ak47s in the same closet previously without supercropping and FIMing, but I did prune for yeild and topped them at 6 weeks veg.
I have also had the experience to tell the truth and recognize the "shenanigans" bullshit. I did produce 3 pounds of weed just with the three plants in sea of green but because I pruned it doubled my yeild plus i had(CO2) which increases yeild by 40% in case if you did not know that part. How much bud in dry weight do you grow with that set up, with those two plants? You are not using CO2 are you? CO2 is very important.
Good photo by the way I love your set up.

If anything im in agreance with you man, maybe you should try to read the rest of the posts before you call me a dumbass you jackass.


Well-Known Member
If anything im in agreance with you man, maybe you should try to read the rest of the posts before you call me a dumbass you jackass.
I think this is a classic case of ... ooops... not fun when someone comes out in a less than cordial way , eh?!?!

But I am the one that should be eating his words...

I said you cannot fit 3 30 top plants in a 3.5' x 3.5' room...

I was the one spreading MISINFORMATION...

But I think a scrog as beautiful as yours is the exception, not the norm... especially amongst newbs...

But I ate my words... no sauce... dry... I WAS WRONG... but I know better now...



Well-Known Member
If you don't know how I got so many colas, I'll tell ya.

Scissors. Give each branch a chance to develop 4 or 5 nodes, cut, let those branch out, trim away bad/small, leave larger ones to grow, trim those again after 4 or 5 nodes.

Exponential cola production. Within 4-5 weeks you've got 200+ budsites ready. Mine in the picture actually took longer because I was only using a 400w light.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kali...

I have read about SCROGing and have followed a few SCROG journals...

Yours has to be the best looking I've seen... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you don't know how I got so many colas, I'll tell ya.

Scissors. Give each branch a chance to develop 4 or 5 nodes, cut, let those branch out, trim away bad/small, leave larger ones to grow, trim those again after 4 or 5 nodes.

Exponential cola production. Within 4-5 weeks you've got 200+ budsites ready. Mine in the picture actually took longer because I was only using a 400w light.
Thats sweet to know man thanks for the info. but yeah thanks for showin that pic though its awesome looking with that many bud sites pokin out like that lol.