Obama Stimulus Plan Dangerous to Your Health..CODE RED.


New Member
I don't think poverty for the future generation is change, they're souls have already been sold. The world will come to a fiery conclusion before this mess is completely straightened out.

Dammit, I want my prize for being responsible !!!
Me too. I'd sure as hell buy into a 4% federally backed loan, in fact I'd probably even consider a privately backed loan (4% or lower) as long as It was a cut and dried 15 year straight no bullshit loan.


New Member
I really need to stop watching the news, it just makes me want to hurl.

Governers are starting to fight over stimulas money like foxes scraping over a dead squirrel. :roll: When they're down on the floor rolling around, let's grab the dough and run !!!


Well-Known Member
My insurance is good, but that doesn't mean that can't refuse to cover things. Who said I was talking about my personal policy? Where is it right for a person to pay in for 10 years and never really have a claim, then when they need to have a claim they are denied?

I suppose Elf, you have 50K in your bank account, just in case?
I am not saying it is "right" or moral for the insurance companies to mislead you so, but that is the reality you must compensate for in today's society.

And yes, I plan ahead for my care, as we all should.


Active Member
in the uk we have the nhs which is free for all,,,without it many more ppl would die!yes some ppl arnt given the treatment they need straight away but they normally will get the treatment!the positives far outway the negatives.in some countrys your left to suffer or die if you cant afford to pay for treatment and that is discraceful.


New Member
in the uk we have the nhs which is free for all,,,without it many more ppl would die!yes some ppl arnt given the treatment they need straight away but they normally will get the treatment!the positives far outway the negatives.in some countrys your left to suffer or die if you cant afford to pay for treatment and that is discraceful.
Yup, it happens right here in the good old USA, Emergency care only. If you are poor and have a curable terminal disease, you are going to die without care.


Active Member
To be honest with you, is'nt that going on right now? When a woman has a mastectomy, the hospitals have to let them go home after a short recovery period, even if it's the same day. They can't worry about compiications. The health insurance provider is the one who says how long you stay in, not the doctors or hospitals. Now if the politicians get into this it means big trouble for people who need medical help.


New Member
To be honest with you, is'nt that going on right now? When a woman has a mastectomy, the hospitals have to let them go home after a short recovery period, even if it's the same day. They can't worry about compiications. The health insurance provider is the one who says how long you stay in, not the doctors or hospitals. Now if the politicians get into this it means big trouble for people who need medical help.
The politicians would not be involved in day to day medical care, in fact, the only involvement they would have would be the taxing part. I'm pretty sure most of them would be all about saying how great the care was so their constituents would feel better about the system. The rich will be opposed, naturally, and maybe those with already great insurance, but the vast majority that pay way too much for insufficient coverage and outrageous co-pays, would undoubtably be better served for less money with a true universal health care system, one that paid for everything, single payer. It has to come, it's just a matter of time. All you with great medical plans currently, keep them and quit squawking, the rest of us (47 million +++) need help. Not I though, I have sufficient coverage.


Well-Known Member
I really need to stop watching the news, it just makes me want to hurl.

Governers are starting to fight over stimulas money like foxes scraping over a dead squirrel. :roll: When they're down on the floor rolling around, let's grab the dough and run !!!
borrowed from your grandchildren enslaving them to a debt that can never be repaid.all mostly because of the greedy selfish people in this country who have refused to live within their means.now the rest of us get to pay..and pay and pay


New Member
The crisis was manipulated to gain powah.... as always.

The real pain is just forming now under his EXPERT knowledge.... :lol: Can it get any worse? You bet....

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I've been hoping and praying that you would agree with me. I have read your posts and it's quite obvious you are a mental giant. I'm gonna go enter it into my diary... welove1 agreed with me today.

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
I've been hoping and praying that you would agree with me. I have read your posts and it's quite obvious you are a mental giant. I'm gonna go enter it into my diary... welove1 agreed with me today.

out. :blsmoke:
What are friends for? Right? :D

All the other stuff is constructive critism. Good for the soul ;-)




Well-Known Member
I don't think I'll be having any grandchildren. My kids think things are too fucked up to drag someone new into it.
I know how you feel Miss.. but who's supposed to help fix it if only the idiots are reproducing? LOL. My man wants like 10 kids- I dunno about that many. :shock: LOL. But I know where he's coming from.. planting the seeds of intelligent informed children operating outside the system, seriously, 1 informed critically thinking child outweighs a lot of the mindless indoctrinated ones. LOL. So while others may think it's irresponsible to bring more kids into this world right now- well, I disagree, and will continue on- because I honestly think it is parents like me who NEED to be raising children right now more than ever.


New Member
I know how you feel Miss.. but who's supposed to help fix it if only the idiots are reproducing? LOL. My man wants like 10 kids- I dunno about that many. :shock: LOL. But I know where he's coming from.. planting the seeds of intelligent informed children operating outside the system, seriously, 1 informed critically thinking child outweighs a lot of the mindless indoctrinated ones. LOL. So while others may think it's irresponsible to bring more kids into this world right now- well, I disagree, and will continue on- because I honestly think it is parents like me who NEED to be raising children right now more than ever.

Think too many kids are coming into the world with unprepared parents? :lol: Just wait .... Obama is filling up the welfare programs....and since welfare ENCOURAGES the poor to have more kids....voila.... built in democrats. I luv it...:mrgreen: The road to prosperity!!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I know how you feel Miss.. but who's supposed to help fix it if only the idiots are reproducing? LOL. My man wants like 10 kids- I dunno about that many. :shock: LOL. But I know where he's coming from.. planting the seeds of intelligent informed children operating outside the system, seriously, 1 informed critically thinking child outweighs a lot of the mindless indoctrinated ones. LOL. So while others may think it's irresponsible to bring more kids into this world right now- well, I disagree, and will continue on- because I honestly think it is parents like me who NEED to be raising children right now more than ever.
So you are a breeder then? I think you are way too full of yourself, like only people like you should be allowed to breed. Quite funny actually. Kinda like a chicken laying eggs, eh?