Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes


Well-Known Member
Things sure have changed since I was at Great Lakes. They hounded me to try BUDS, because of my ASVAB, even though I'm scrawny, but even at age 20, I knew I couldn't possibly do it.
Now they take functional illiterate, internet tough guy-stoners?
They are stretched too thin.


Well-Known Member
Hooboy is an exclamation of consternation at something ridiculous...like 9/11 conspiracy ppl...they get a lot of hooboys.... from you know...logical folks.out. :blsmoke:
You wouldn't know a logical person if they bit you on you bushwhacked ass.
Your come back to the unanswered questions of 911 is conspiracy theory ... you can't point out why ... just like to parrot the phase ... so you can have the false feeling of logic. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Not that it matters ... anyone with common sense and decency knows these people must be brought to trial ...

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beau-friedlander/air-america-poll-90-want_b_169047.htmlAir America Poll: 90% Want Bush Crimes Investigation

Air America conducted a poll that asked a question raised by Time Magazine's Joe Klein: "Should Obama pardon George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney?" The idea: a pardon would brand them for crimes without the agony of a trial.
Air American's aren't buying the Klein solution. They want the whole lot thrown in jail. No trial necessary! A whopping 90% of our 9000 respondents want to see Bush and Company pay for their crimes with either hard time in the pokey or hard time in the pokey after enhanced interrogation techniques. (Shocking!)
Obama faces an angry nation getting angrier by the minute.
Offering up the Bush War Criminals as a target for the righteous anger of the people might become a political inevitability.
Otherwise, we just might think Obama shares the guilt.MR WRH

Yes AA is liberal ... but most liberal do have a good sense of right and wrong ... so there ya go.:clap:


New Member
Air America had a poll? LMAO!

Fox News had a poll that said 90% of Americans want Obama impeached. :lol:

Love your accurate analysis there GR. You continue to close ground on that first place spot currently held by Med.



Well-Known Member
Air America had a poll? LMAO!

Fox News had a poll that said 90% of Americans want Obama impeached. :lol:

Love your accurate analysis there GR. You continue to close ground on that first place spot currently held by Med.

only 90% of real americans ( gop) want him impeached did he fuck an intern in the mouth


New Member
He is off to an awful start..... I think he should just come clean and admit he doesn't have a clue what to do next. At least he would be honest. That's something at least...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Air America had a poll? LMAO!

Fox News had a poll that said 90% of Americans want Obama impeached. :lol:

Love your accurate analysis there GR. You continue to close ground on that first place spot currently held by Med.

Yeah that's right AA ... they're no worst that fauxnews ... and you are blowing out your ass as far as the faux poll.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
medman you know none of them will ever see a day in jail, dumbass!!! go smokem peace pipe! america rules we are the best evryone knows that! we will allways be the strongest nation on earth!! cmon try us>>>>> england had a hard time taking the falkland islands back, wooo i hurt me bum also we had to bail your ass out of 2 wars last century


New Member
It's funny to watch liberals implode...and very very predictable. Since their economic ideas don't work, ...ever. I'm popping popcorn already...this is a hoot. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
medman you know none of them will ever see a day in jail, dumbass!!! go smokem peace pipe! america rules we are the best evryone knows that! we will allways be the strongest nation on earth!! cmon try us>>>>> england had a hard time taking the falkland islands back, wooo i hurt me bum also we had to bail your ass out of 2 wars last century
Jimthorpe, you call me a dumbass with that pea sized unit you call a brain? Your penchant for all things war incline me to believe you've never seen a minute of combat, but revel in telling tall tales and exuding huge piles of bravado/shit. When you grow up get back to me, meanwhile, I'll just peruse your ramblings in the context of you being an adolescent little whiny bitch.