Little Bangs and Mangs


New Member
16 days ago this seed and others were germed 5 big bang fems and 10 KC Mangos All the others are in solo cups and are similiar in size and characteristics of the drooping problem. I also have fought this problem with about 30 bagseeds started a few weeks earlier on 12/12. These are not on 12/12 but the problem is the same. I think i've overwatered but almost everyday the top 2 to 3 inches of the solo cup are dry. When i do water it doesn't help even if it seems like the whole cup is dry right to the bottom. I repotted on of the bangs and it seemed to have no roots a few strands here and there. They are severley stunted not over watered but not liking water either. My temps start at about 68 in the morning and are at 78 at the highest with 40 to 50% humidity at all times. I use a 400 watt hps for 12 hrs and then they go under flouro tubes daylight for the other 12. The bagseeds fought through this problem and ar now starting to flower but i don't want to put up with all the slow growth i want these new seedling to get to the explosive veg with out anymore hitches what can i do



New Member
Yeah and i've added more like i said sometimes the soil is almost completely dry and when i water i still get negative results and hardly any root development


New Member
Its used soil about 35 percent perilite but I am snowed in until about april ususally every year so i gotto use wat i have i have good nutes and lime but i dunno if thats the problem or not as of now still giving them straight water


Well-Known Member
Let them dry till the cup feels llight may be one dat or two or three the plant will tell you when it need more water. If your giving it nute stop! Waht soil are you useing?


New Member
anyone ever grow bangs the mangos seem to be a little more healthy but the bangs just seem like they don't want to grow roots. or be wet or dry i dunno i wanna stab them


Well-Known Member
Stabbing will do nothing! Stop watching the plant every fifteen minuts it will grow just give it time..


New Member
so knowbody has any idea why these are rejecting water will roots still grow if the soil is almost completley dry for like 5 days cuz its been dry for about 3 and today i broke down and gave some of them water and they didn't like it i repotted the one in the pic and when i say completle dry i meant there is no moisture in the soil what so every when i repotted and the root mas was like a half inch taproot and 4 or 5 small laterals and its been 16 to 20 days growing and i meany the soil was crumbly dry i don't even know how they are staying alive and not looking even mor shitty maybe its the fem seeds


Well-Known Member
Dude if your transplanting and fucking with the root system your setting them back at least two week each time you do that..


New Member
I know that but i had to get a little info on the root system and i figured one out of five wouldn't be bad and discovered a weird problem because of it


New Member
I have The ff line of soil products alaska fish 5 1 1 alaska bloom 0 10 10 bat guano bone an blood meal what should i give the 1/4 strength of and what really helps root development.


Active Member
i dont know why you guys are helping this f*k stik, he comes onto my post and makes idiot jerk remarks to me and i never even seen or heard of him before. dude is a douche.... hope your plant dies and the cops kick in your door, seize the crispy remains, and bubba takes your ass virginity...