Yeah, doing ebb and flow trays, but just six inch rockwool cubes. Should I get some hydroton and line the bottom of the trays like you're saying? Will there be plant damage up top if I don't?Are you doing a ebb and flow system? The roots always grow through the cubes - I fill the flood table with Hydroton, and rest the pots in the Hydroten. The roots cover the whole flood table under the clay.
Nope, not yet. That's what I was worried about though. They just popped out in the last 24 hours. So a layer of hydroton to cover? Is there another type of cover I can use?Cover them or your roots will suffer and in turn your plants will suffer. Your roots don't have algae on them yet do they?
YEESSSSSSSSSSYeah, doing ebb and flow trays, but just six inch rockwool cubes. Should I get some hydroton and line the bottom of the trays like you're saying? Will there be plant damage up top if I don't?
So flush the hydroton through a five gallon bucket until the dust shit stops. Check. How much of it should I get at the store to fill two 4'x8' trays with 60 six inch cubes?YEESSSSSSSSSS
and YES
Get the hydroton. It will use less water to flood the table which is another reason to use it. I wouldnt use anything else. Cleaning new hydroton is a bitch though. Use a garden hose and cut holes at the bottom of the bag. I then use a 5 gallon bucket with perfect sized holes for more cleaning. I hate that red dust shit!