

Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just got a new digi cam.... I thought I would take a couple of shots of my pets... I have 6 snakes, 3 tarantulas, 2 dogs and a turtle. What have you guys got?... post pics if wanted.

Cheers kwaka



Well-Known Member
Lol Im almost shitting myself in that snake shot... just got it at the wrong moment the snake dont usually concern me what so ever


Well-Known Member
Sweet pic of the snake, that's a really badass shot.
What types of snakes do you have?


Well-Known Member
Nice dogs guys, probably gonna be getting a husky soon

I hate bugs and snakes though, I cant even pick up a bug in my house that's bigger than an ant. I have to spray it with bug spray and have my gf pick it up, I'm a little bitch about bugs lol.

Edit: I'll post my douchebag cats later


New Member
Nice dogs guys, probably gonna be getting a husky soon

I hate bugs and snakes though, I cant even pick up a bug in my house that's bigger than an ant. I have to spray it with bug spray and have my gf pick it up, I'm a little bitch about bugs lol.

Edit: I'll post my douchebag cats later
hahahahahahahahahaha i dont like bugs, so when i see em i go john rambo..been known to throw boots, take my shoe off, shoot them with air rifle, aerosol and lighter...i dont let the fear keep me from wreckin em, i let it build to craziness!:fire:

edit: i have one Otis B. Driftwood



Well-Known Member
hey guys ... mmmsticky that is the cutest pic I have seen is it a german shepard mix?. Dude that it a good action shot Im still laughing at the look in his eyes just as he is about to flick. misshestermoffitt we cant get mexican tarantulas here in australia quarintine laws prevent any importation of animals not indemic to australia, So I just have 3 of the phlogius species a sarina (pictured) a Spiderling goliath and a spiderling of an unknown black tarantula. I have to go to work shortly but ill take some more pics when I get home.

Cheers kwaka

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Kitty cats, frogs, and birds.



New Member
You have a Goliath bird eater? That is the t-rex of tarantualas.

hey guys ... mmmsticky that is the cutest pic I have seen is it a german shepard mix?. Dude that it a good action shot Im still laughing at the look in his eyes just as he is about to flick. misshestermoffitt we cant get mexican tarantulas here in australia quarintine laws prevent any importation of animals not indemic to australia, So I just have 3 of the phlogius species a sarina (pictured) a Spiderling goliath and a spiderling of an unknown black tarantula. I have to go to work shortly but ill take some more pics when I get home.

Cheers kwaka

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, folks, I wanted to tell you....I was planning on getting my blind cat declawed because he never goes out and he runs around with his damn claws out all the time...I researched it, and it's actually quite cruel.Several countries have ruled it inhuman, as well as Hollywood,California,I believe.I thought they just removed the nails....they actually amputate the cat's first knuckle.So I looked into alternatives and they have cat nail covers I'm going to try instead.Just thought you cat owners might like to know.


New Member
You didn't know that? When people tell me they plan to do that to a cat, I explain the procedure, but I take ahold of their hand and show them on their own hand. "What if someone came along and cut off all of your fingers at this knuckle?"

I've changed quite a few minds with that approach.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, I really didn't and I'm glad I did some research before I had that done,because I'd never do anything like that to an animal.I would have felt horrible if I found out later.I didn't generally believe in declawing anyway because cats need to be able to defend themselves;but he's a different case and ran across my three year old's face with his claws out yesterday as she was lying back on the bed as I put her shoes on.He didn't hurt her badly,she got a small poke to the nose and her eye watered, but there was no injury, thank goodness.He's just kind of a dummy, he's loving, but he's blind and kinda dumb,and he scratches us a lot.I was so mad at him yesterday I considered taking him to the pound before I calmed down,because he could have really hurt her.I'm gonna try the nail covers and see if it helps.
You didn't know that? When people tell me they plan to do that to a cat, I explain the procedure, but I take ahold of their hand and show them on their own hand. "What if someone came along and cut off all of your fingers at this knuckle?"

I've changed quite a few minds with that approach.