ACORN's Stimulus ...


Well-Known Member
we had over 110% voter registration in indianapolis. because of ACORN .
how in the hell are you going to have a credible election with political groups who recieve government money from the democrats.and how are you going to have a credible election with 110% voter registration? the answer is you CANT .and obama is crooked as a snakes know his wife was sitting on a board of directors making 300K a year.her salary was raised after her husband become senator.she had to resighn her chair seat when he become president and the place that had her hired as a advisor on their board once she had to resign done away with her 300K dollar critical and important decision.all that shit is just some more crooked shit.all that position was .was a pay off for political is the change you changed from bad to worse.from one crook to another.exept this crook is a commie crook.the only change you are going to see folks is the change in your pocket.
Voting is a hoax anyway


Well-Known Member
Wow, you two are bitter as lemons.

Sounds like quite a worthy way to spend tax money in my opinion, stopping people being made homeless, taking some stress off already struggling families.

I don't really see what the problem is...

The problem is that we are giving tax payer funds to a radical left wing political org with a history of voter fraud. I do not want my money spent that way whatever the rationalization. The acorn people are thugs.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of their ideology, which is liberal at worst, and no where near radical. To me the problem is that these organizations place themselves between money and people who need it, and help themselves first and then whatever's leftover goes to the people with the problem.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of their ideology, which is liberal at worst, and no where near radical. To me the problem is that these organizations place themselves between money and people who need it, and help themselves first and then whatever's leftover goes to the people with the problem.
You mean their acting like a government bureaucracy?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. If you're a radical, be a radical, not a bureaucrat.

There's a bit of graffiti from the Paris uprising of May 1968 that said "Humanity will not be free until the last capitalist is hung with the guts of the last bureaucrat" that most everybody agrees with at least half of.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. If you're a radical, be a radical, not a bureaucrat.

There's a bit of graffiti from the Paris uprising of May 1968 that said "Humanity will not be free until the last capitalist is hung with the guts of the last bureaucrat" that most everybody agrees with at least half of.
Capitalism is the expression of Freedom. With out Freedom there'd be no capitalist system. Capitalism relies upon the voluntary exchange between two parties for a good or a service. The key is voluntary exchange.

Me, personally, I think the best society would be an anarcho-capitalist society. The interesting thing about societies is that they tend to adopt their own rules, laws and standards of behavior and enforce them ruthlessly so I don't see crime being a problem.


Well-Known Member
Economically, I like Proudhon's mutualist banking and Benjamin Tucker's "anarchism of the small shopkeeper", but anarcho-capitalism beats the hell out the global-Leninist-NEP-state capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Economically, I like Proudhon's mutualist banking and Benjamin Tucker's "anarchism of the small shopkeeper", but anarcho-capitalism beats the hell out the global-Leninist-NEP-state capitalism.
Interventionist Government, yeah, Laissez faire typically favors small flexible organizations that don't grow too big.

Scale of Economy only works up to a point.


Well-Known Member
Interventionist Government, yeah, Laissez faire typically favors small flexible organizations that don't grow too big.

Scale of Economy only works up to a point.
Getting the State out of the equation promises to be messy.
What passes for the 21st century economy, as decentralized as it is, but not as decentralized as it should be, seems to ripe for reorganization as hubs and spokes, especially with kind of communications technology we posses.
But I'm a starry-dreamer, even at age 35.


Well-Known Member
Getting the State out of the equation promises to be messy.
What passes for the 21st century economy, as decentralized as it is, but not as decentralized as it should be, seems to ripe for reorganization as hubs and spokes, especially with kind of communications technology we posses.
But I'm a starry-dreamer, even at age 35.
Nothing wrong with that, idealism and optimism are inherent traits in people that have a desire for freedom.

Or, I want to say it was Thomas Edison who said it, "Show me a thoroughly content man, and I'll show you a failure."

Or better yet, Franklin, "There are three types of people in the world, those that are immovable, those that are movable and those that move."


Well-Known Member
I just say "You know, the ADD, I just can't think right now"

I'm disabled and it's cold where I live, so I'm usually pretty glad to see her when she's done working, having only right-wing radio and a runt pit bull mix for company. I think ( and you may have gathered from my posts) it's worse for her when I start babbling.


New Member
I just say "You know, the ADD, I just can't think right now"

I'm disabled and it's cold where I live, so I'm usually pretty glad to see her when she's done working, having only right-wing radio and a runt pit bull mix for company. I think ( and you may have gathered from my posts) it's worse for her when I start babbling.

HaHaHa ... No way, man ... I'm enjoying the hell out of your posts. Very well written and thought out. :)



Well-Known Member
All of the internecine bickering, theoretical hair splitiing, and other word games that anarchists of different tendencies engage in can make for decent message board fodder.


Well-Known Member
All of the internecine bickering, theoretical hair splitiing, and other word games that anarchists of different tendencies engage in can make for decent message board fodder.
I think it's more a matter of having a rational world view that fits the visible data as opposed to a theoretical model that will never work (communism) or an idealized version of the past (Republicans, esp. Reagan Republicans.)

I was listening to Mike McConnell up here, and he was saying that Reagan's accomplishment wasn't so much that he reduced government, but that he restored America's confidence in herself. That is, he restored the confidence of the people in their ability to make a better and brighter future for themselves.

Of course, there are those, who I will not point fingers at, that take evolution to mean that people are no better than animals and must be fed, watered and treated as such. Instead of being treated like the only rational, intelligent, sentient species on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you two are bitter as lemons.

Sounds like quite a worthy way to spend tax money in my opinion, stopping people being made homeless, taking some stress off already struggling families.

I don't really see what the problem is...
thats odd how you free loaders think this is fair.ive worked my ass off my whole life paying for my within my means and building my bussiness you free loaders think you have some kind of constitutional right to put your hand into my pocket and steal my work and efforts through your government theifs.fuck you and the horses you rode in on.i got news for you fuckers..i closed my bussiness.let every GO.bye bye.and i will not be paying tax on that bussiness the employees or paying tax on anything else..its not that the bussiness has went under..its has not..very proffitable business actualy.ive just idled it.i see no need in busting my ass anymore and giving uncle sugar the money .and he steals it through his banker friends and gives it to some dead beat who wont work .or over lives his income..then i get to pay for his house too? fuck you and all your type.get your tax money some place else.


Well-Known Member
thats odd how you free loaders think this is fair.ive worked my ass off my whole life paying for my within my means and building my bussiness you free loaders think you have some kind of constitutional right to put your hand into my pocket and steal my work and efforts through your government theifs.fuck you and the horses you rode in on.i got news for you fuckers..i closed my bussiness.let every GO.bye bye.and i will not be paying tax on that bussiness the employees or paying tax on anything else..its not that the bussiness has went under..its has not..very proffitable business actualy.ive just idled it.i see no need in busting my ass anymore and giving uncle sugar the money .and he steals it through his banker friends and gives it to some dead beat who wont work .or over lives his income..then i get to pay for his house too? fuck you and all your type.get your tax money some place else.
Ha ha, good one, as if any of us are going to believe a bearly litterate ape like you could run a business.

Actually ASSHOLE I don't live in your shitty country, MY country already has housing benefits, free healthcare, etc.

And furthermore....I PAY TAXES....(you presumptuous dickweed)....and I AM HAPPY TO PAY TAXES and CONTRIBUTE to SOCIETY (I have never received any benefits, shit I didn't even apply for funds while studying which I would have been more than entitled to).

Just goes to show that even though your wealth is FICTIONAL..... you're still a greedy selfish scumbag.

lol, you looser.