right just a qiuck reply to any1 whos still subscribed to this thread, i have choped my babies after 2mnths of total devotion to find that the bastards were he/shes (bollocks) (literally) any1 of u ever experience this listen to me, if u ever see over large cylaxes, in clusters and think there sumin up the best thing to so is watch them every couple of hrs checking thoroghly for male flower(they look like mini bannanaz)if u see anything like that remove it imedietly and very carefully taking it as far fro the plant as possible!! if u see the clusters of large cylaxes spreading up ur plant u may as well cut it like i did to save some of that bud uve worked so hard for because like in my case if those male flowers throw their pollen(even a little bit) its enuf to fuck ur whole crop and turn all female buds into male flowers wich are NOT WHAT WERE AFTER, so if