Iran Update...


Well-Known Member
Ya why worry when We have the best politicians hard at work?

HAHA :lol:

Either way, the country is heading for a REVOLUTION unless the gov't lets the people take back the power. Enough is enough. The depression is only going to get worse, and putting the country further in debt could be the last straw on the camels back.

she actualy looks more attractive.LOL


New Member
The sad thing is that you'll just keep on going with this, with no evidence or data to support it, with contradicting information provided by me and others already that invalidates the insane things you've been saying... nuking 95 miles above the continental US... nuking Israel... killing all infidels... hidden Imam's... etc...

Nothing anyone says will change your opinion about anything, you don't acknowledge anyone who doesn't already agree with you, stupid and dangerous, you see what you want to see, hear what you want to hear, you want to feel safe in your little American bubble so you dehumanize the people you fear and disregard the consequences it has for them because well... it doesn't affect you much, which is the bottom line... people on the other side of the planet... they don't mean anything to people like you, you don't encounter them, you'll probably never meet them, why should you send any aid or support their way? You won't get anything back... what's in it for you... you you you! Take a look at your life man, I hope you realize the way you live, I live, we live right now affects thousands of lives around the world, you can try to be fine with that, and tell yourself you are, but I would hope your not, even the most conservative of people have empathy for a fellow human being.

So the next time you hear someone attacked us or our allies, before you say "FUCK THAT, LETS GIT THER ASES!", ask yourself "why?"...

Probably the best piece of advice you've ever been given.
Obviously, you have not poured over quotes form the Iranian leaders.

Obviously, you have not studied up on the prophecies THEY believe (ur belief is irrelevant to them)

Obviously, you are not aware of the 12th Imam and what it portends.

Obviously, you didn't hear about their constitutional duty to annihilate Israel. (why should we take them at their's in their constitution)

Obviously, a ballistic missile launch just prior to producing a nuclear weapon is meaningless.

Obviously, I must be wrong.

Obviously, I don't do my homework.

Obviously, it must be me, I'm the problem, not them.


I guess since every state dept. memo reinforces my position and makes yours laughable ...but sad..... lawdy. I think you just like to argue without any thought to what you are arguing FOR.

I argue to keep the world safe by reigning in the nutjobs. Yah, I'm the problem.

Don't worry, every day your position becomes more foolish. I'm shocked... :lol: not really.

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
i cant believe i just seen this communist bull think you have a right to stick your hand in someones pocket through the government and steal from them? wow.,,you are not only stupid you are a crook.and a theif.if the government would allow it..why dont you just go get a gun. go over to whos house you think is to big.or someone you think earned to much money by working smart and hard and just take it from is more honest then getting guy of gisbon(the government ) and the sherrifs men go and steal from the people.they need a arrow through their hearts...if you could find one to stick a arrow through
HAHA :lol:

No need to get all ignorant, I'm just being real. You can still keep your opinions and I'll keep mine.

I'm pro capitalism but I see whats wrong with the current system. And the top 100,000 people are most likely crooks anyways making thousands of times more than what they pay their employees. After a certain point they should retire, You don't need more than a billion dollars anyways, after that its just greed.

I don't think you have anything to worry about Max420 so stop complaining. This would keep the worlds powers in check and help distribute more wealth to the lower classes besides just the FILTHY rich getting richer.

Yes it would be a good deal for the people of the world. 99.999999999999.....% of the population would be better off that way. The top 100k people would be happy as a pig in poop, they would be at the apex of wealth and would have enough money to support MANY generations of their children from just the interest alone.

And BTW Cracker, don't worry about the Iranians. They would get blown to pieces if they ever tried to nuke another country so stop the irrational fearmongering. The USA has got it under control, actually they are just waiting to pull the trigger on them so they can use more of the tax payers dollars to pay for the military industrial complex services and set up central banks on the last countries that don't have it.




New Member
HAHA :lol:

No need to get all ignorant, I'm just being real. You can still keep your opinions and I'll keep mine.

I'm pro capitalism but I see whats wrong with the current system. And the top 100,000 people are most likely crooks anyways making thousands of times more than what they pay their employees. After a certain point they should retire, You don't need more than a billion dollars anyways, after that its just greed.

I don't think you have anything to worry about Max420 so stop complaining. This would keep the worlds powers in check and help distribute more wealth to the lower classes besides just the FILTHY rich getting richer.

Yes it would be a good deal for the people of the world. 99.999999999999.....% of the population would be better off that way. The top 100k people would be happy as a pig in poop, they would be at the apex of wealth and would have enough money to support MANY generations of their children from just the interest alone.

And BTW Cracker, don't worry about the Iranians. They would get blown to pieces if they ever tried to nuke another country so stop the irrational fearmongering. The USA has got it under control, actually they are just waiting to pull the trigger on them so they can use more of the tax payers dollars to pay for the military industrial complex services and set up central banks on the last countries that don't have it.


I'm guessing you're not a reader. Else wise you wouldn't have posted something so inane and misinformed.
Get back to you tube where the real info is, right? :lol: Shuffle off now...

out. :blsmoke:

We Love 1

New Member
I'm guessing you're not a reader. Else wise you wouldn't have posted something so inane and misinformed.
Get back to you tube where the real info is, right? :lol: Shuffle off now...

out. :blsmoke:
I'll give you that one. I didn't read his whole post. Satire, funny. I'm on the defense I guess with all these vicious people running around here.

"i cant believe i just seen this communist bull think you have a right to stick your hand in someones pocket through the government and steal from them? wow.,,you are not only stupid you are a crook.and a theif.if the government would allow it..why dont you just go get a gun. go over to whos house you think is to big.or someone you think earned to much money by working smart and hard and just take it from them."

I just read the above quote and got offended. I'm rather tired. What a waste of a post. HAHA




Well-Known Member
So Iran just started up their new Nuclear Power plant, should we bomb them now?
no.obongo just needs to sit by.and let israel do it so we can have a nuclear was in the middle east..i think israel will launch a bunch of nukes at russia to.i think i would if i were israel.after all.they are the ones that have given the terrorist state of iran these pretty certain the former prime minister of israel has told russia as much at one time or another.
if i were israel and have a nuke launched at me by any one of the terrorist states that surround them i would buke russia first.
right off of the they are the ones who supply the arms to the include nuke tech.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Unlike regimes that the US props up, the Iranian people seem to be less resentful of the US than the rest of that neighborhood (they still hate the Brits, though). Can the US even make a play without reinstating the draft?


Well-Known Member
Unlike regimes that the US props up, the Iranian people seem to be less resentful of the US than the rest of that neighborhood (they still hate the Brits, though). Can the US even make a play without reinstating the draft?
it is my understanding thousands of military officers resigned their commission's on jan 20th.
in refusal to serve under a obama admin.
even the marine's of marine one will not face the new president as he gets off the heli.
yea.obongo would have to try and start the draft.the problem is we wont be involved with a war in iran.the israeli's will do it.and the israeli's cant stand he is already trying to make deals with iran.
there is big fucking trouble in the USA from this idiots


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should make Marine One one of those marine-killing Ospreys? They could finally end the program if the president fell out of the sky. I lived on the NC coast when they were test flying those things, and I never saw one fall, but they definitely looked like they didn't need to be airborne.


Well-Known Member
it is my understanding thousands of military officers resigned their commission's on jan 20th.
in refusal to serve under a obama admin.
even the marine's of marine one will not face the new president as he gets off the heli.
yea.obongo would have to try and start the draft.the problem is we wont be involved with a war in iran.the israeli's will do it.and the israeli's cant stand he is already trying to make deals with iran.
there is big fucking trouble in the USA from this idiots
And once again your cynicism can not be outdone . . . .


New Member
When George Bush got himself reelected....the first thing he did as COMMANDER IN CHIEF during wartime was.... VISIT THE TROOPS. he went to iraq...first trip out of country.

Where did Obama go? Canada!! i think that says it all don't you? We are at war and the new COMMANDER IN CHIEF doesn't go and see the folks he's asking to risk their lives?

The soldiers can read the writing on the wall. they don't want to die for nothing.... and certainly don't want to serve under someone who doesn't understand what Commander In Chief really means.

Whether you agree with the war or visit the troops dammit. First thing out the gate.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
When George Bush got himself reelected....the first thing he did as COMMANDER IN CHIEF during wartime was.... VISIT THE TROOPS. he went to iraq...first trip out of country.

Where did Obama go? Canada!! i think that says it all don't you? We are at war and the new COMMANDER IN CHIEF doesn't go and see the folks he's asking to risk their lives?

The soldiers can read the writing on the wall. they don't want to die for nothing.... and certainly don't want to serve under someone who doesn't understand what Commander In Chief really means.

Whether you agree with the war or visit the troops dammit. First thing out the gate.

out. :blsmoke:

Maybe he is just re-thinking old definitions :wink:


Well-Known Member
When George Bush got himself reelected....the first thing he did as COMMANDER IN CHIEF during wartime was.... VISIT THE TROOPS. he went to iraq...first trip out of country.

Where did Obama go? Canada!! i think that says it all don't you? We are at war and the new COMMANDER IN CHIEF doesn't go and see the folks he's asking to risk their lives?

The soldiers can read the writing on the wall. they don't want to die for nothing.... and certainly don't want to serve under someone who doesn't understand what Commander In Chief really means.

Whether you agree with the war or visit the troops dammit. First thing out the gate.

out. :blsmoke:
How do you know what the troops think? Everyone over there fighting knew when W came over there for his dog and pony show that he hid in the national guard when it was his time to serve. You think the troops give a shit about these politicians trips over there lol. There a little busy you know hiking mountains weeks on end, kicking down doors, getting shot at.ect. And you use the "troops" to try to make your little political points you don't know jack shit, half of the "troops" voted for Obama, and I forget who was that guy who received the most donations from military by a nearly 6 to 1 margin :idea::oObama


New Member
Well lookey here, you guys don't understand it either. I AM SHOCKED!! :lol:

You don't ask someone to die over the phone.

The presidents first job is Commander In Chief during wartime. It is wartime right now. Or don't the deaths of our sons and daughters count now that Bush is gone?

You visit the troops....period. If you want a fighting force that is.

out. :blsmoke:


Well lookey here, you guys don't understand it either. I AM SHOCKED!! :lol:

You don't ask someone to die over the phone.

The presidents first job is Commander In Chief during wartime. It is wartime right now. Or don't the deaths of our sons and daughters count now that Bush is gone?

You visit the troops....period. If you want a fighting force that is.

out. :blsmoke:
CJ, as far as I'm concerned, you don't have the right to use the troops to support your argument. You're the one wishing them to stay there for undetermined amounts of time, risking their life day in day out fighting an invisible enemy, the rest of us want them brought stateside out of danger. You contradict yourself every time you visit this thread man.

And apparently you missed all of Obama's other trips to the middle east huh... I guess the only one that really matters is the one right after he gets inaugurated... I mean, fuck all this financial shit we're neck deep in, shelling out another $200 billion for Afghanistan and taking a little week long trip to the middle east is the most important thing right? If he doesn't make an appearance in the war zone he's not fit to be commander in chief!

So, basically, this is your position;

-I totally support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, even though Iraq had nothing to do with anything, Sadaam was a terrible dictator who killed thousands of his own people while keeping a relatively stable infrastructure and protecting thousands more, but we did the right thing by going in and removing him from power and killing and displacing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. We need to protect Americans and Israelis at all costs and at any expense to anyone else, we need to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities to stop them from enriching uranium, which they shouldn't have the right to use because I say so, and even though I love war and think all this unnecessary war we've had the past decade is awesome, we need to support the troops and support their mission and support everything they do because I don't like it when our soldiers get killed, and the only reason they do get killed in the first place is because all the commie democrats in congress voted against their funding, and they voted against their body armor, and they all want to give all the money that would have paid for that to the illegals and welfare recipients, and it's all Obama's fault for not visiting the troops! Daddy Bush would have done a way better job! And McCain and Palin would have showed those terrorists why not to fuck with America!

Yep, that sounds about right so far... you're nothin' but a walking talking stereotype of the worst kind of American this country can possibly produce.


Well-Known Member
CJ, as far as I'm concerned, you don't have the right to use the troops to support your argument. You're the one wishing them to stay there for undetermined amounts of time, risking their life day in day out fighting an invisible enemy, the rest of us want them brought stateside out of danger. You contradict yourself every time you visit this thread man.

And apparently you missed all of Obama's other trips to the middle east huh... I guess the only one that really matters is the one right after he gets inaugurated... I mean, fuck all this financial shit we're neck deep in, shelling out another $200 billion for Afghanistan and taking a little week long trip to the middle east is the most important thing right? If he doesn't make an appearance in the war zone he's not fit to be commander in chief!

So, basically, this is your position;

-I totally support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, even though Iraq had nothing to do with anything, Sadaam was a terrible dictator who killed thousands of his own people while keeping a relatively stable infrastructure and protecting thousands more, but we did the right thing by going in and removing him from power and killing and displacing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. We need to protect Americans and Israelis at all costs and at any expense to anyone else, we need to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities to stop them from enriching uranium, which they shouldn't have the right to use because I say so, and even though I love war and think all this unnecessary war we've had the past decade is awesome, we need to support the troops and support their mission and support everything they do because I don't like it when our soldiers get killed, and the only reason they do get killed in the first place is because all the commie democrats in congress voted against their funding, and they voted against their body armor, and they all want to give all the money that would have paid for that to the illegals and welfare recipients, and it's all Obama's fault for not visiting the troops! Daddy Bush would have done a way better job! And McCain and Palin would have showed those terrorists why not to fuck with America!

Yep, that sounds about right so far... you're nothin' but a walking talking stereotype of the worst kind of American this country can possibly produce.
I'd + Rep you for this post but apparently I need to spread the love.


Well-Known Member
Well lookey here, you guys don't understand it either. I AM SHOCKED!! :lol:

You don't ask someone to die over the phone.

The presidents first job is Commander In Chief during wartime. It is wartime right now. Or don't the deaths of our sons and daughters count now that Bush is gone?

You visit the troops....period. If you want a fighting force that is.

out. :blsmoke:
You are the stereotypical American that causes the hatred of your country around the world, you are the bully in the playground. Being feared rather than respected is a cause for great worry, fear causes iraational behaviour on all sides, respect causes stability.