What's the Deal With LED lights Anyway


Active Member
its not brightness that counts the most.....its what color spectrum it produces
No you are wrong, the spectrum doesn't have nearly as much to do with it as how many LUMEN'S of light your plant gets. LEDs are expensive to use because they put out very little lumen's. Per watt they are efficient but you need ALOT of them to generate enough lumen's to grow well.

Its all about the lumen's, you can use a 3700k light that puts out 100,000 lumen's, vs a 7000k light that puts out 50,000 lumen's and the bigger light will grow bigger plants period.

Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium are are the most feasible, least expensive, lumen cranking, efficient lumen per watt lights available. I highly recommend these lights over any other. Search Google for a nearby hydroponics store. I did, found one 20 blocks away...


Active Member
I am sorry, I am glad you passed the ACT, respectively.

There is no point in continuing our disagreement because we disagree on a fundamental premise.

I believe that the grow light should be effective as a primary benchmark of its purpose, you seem to believe that it should be bright.

To summarize, If i were lighting a warehouse, I would talk to you. Everyone who wants to grow healthy plants and NOT use a lot of electricity, should talk to me =)


Well-Known Member
LEDs aren't made for growing yet , they have come some way since they first came out though. I my self wouldn't use LEDs for growing quite yet


Well-Known Member
I am sorry, I am glad you passed the ACT, respectively.

There is no point in continuing our disagreement because we disagree on a fundamental premise.

I believe that the grow light should be effective as a primary benchmark of its purpose, you seem to believe that it should be bright.

To summarize, If i were lighting a warehouse, I would talk to you. Everyone who wants to grow healthy plants and NOT use a lot of electricity, should talk to me =)
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic here, but hell, apology accepted anyway. I have no idea what your use of the word respectively is referring to though. When I used it, it was referring to my ACT scores and their *respective* categories.

Hey, if you think you're so smart lets see some pics of those super healthy LED plants of yours. Didn't think so.

Official last post from me on this childish subject with an obvious right answer ends...now.