hello every one ive been a long time soil grower but im leaving the soil behind and going to a aeroponic hydroponic system. I still have my mother plant in soil and will never transplant to hydro she is old and grows me great buds i always keep her under fluro lights just common cool whites i keep the light about 6 inches away move when she moves. I grow in a inclosed closet with a water heater in it keeps the room pretty dry not too dry but the heat ranges from 75-81 i have a small fan blowing on my mother plant she is always on 18 off 6. i have a 6 plant root spraying unit with a 150watt Hps i think its good enough for the small room i got to work with . I am clueless on what i should be doing with the hydro unit the pump sits in rez and sprays water on the nets where roots hang but should it spray always or be timed? if time how long also should i get a airpump to put in rez also or will pump suppl air? Last one is the water i feel my rez can i use my tap water? i got a filter on it when tested my Chlorine lvls is like 0.6 and PH is around 6.3-6.8 for my soil plants i fill gallon jug up and leave the lids off for 48 hours before watering plants but i checked the waters lvls and was supprised that there was Zero chlorine but the ph shot up 8.0 -9.0 lvls which i believe is horrible for my plants but they always did great ANY IDEAS,COMMENTS ANYTHING THAT WOULD HELP ME IN MY FIRST HYDRO SET I THANK YOU .