The triangle offense: Alaskan ice, trainwreck & mazar-i-shariff! 1st gro


Active Member
I just germinated 2 of my AI seeds... cant wait to see how yours turns out. I've seen a couple people getting frustrated with theirs...


Well-Known Member
you only got 2?, if you have more i would advise to germ them all so that you may have a good chance to find at least one mother that grows normal.
i have one that clearly outperforms the rest, she is surely a sativa dominant by the way she is growing, the internodal distance on all her cuts is consistent. I say "she" but i dont know yet, they are taking a long time, i should have documented this much better because i cant remember when i flipped them 12/12.
i think its at least 1 month since i cut and started rooting


Active Member
you only got 2?, if you have more i would advise to germ them all so that you may have a good chance to find at least one mother that grows normal.
Yeah I guess your right. I'm gonna start the rest tomorrow. I got 5 fems from drchonic.

I'm really surprised at how slow its taking them to germinate... I'm using my tried and true method and its been 4 days now! Usually it only takes a day or two before I can put them in soil. These AI's havent even cracked yet :wall:


Well-Known Member
Most of the bad reports I've seen on Alaskan ice are by newbs growing out of dirt who have no idea what they're doing...have you seen any decent hydro grows anywhere by veteran growers?
yea im very new and usin dirt lol soooooo...

yo men i think that with 1x400watt HPS:idea: results of the triangle offense will be 5xbetter:!::weed:
i have a 600 watt now how would a 400 make it better isnt that goin backwards?lol

You are moving along brother, very exiting!

yea man its lookin like march 13 ill be cuttin em down 4 the burnin:weed::weed:

my AI's are all looking fine so far, touch wood!
your ai is lookin good my dude!! my lil ones in cups are takin shape and i wont over nute these this time lol


Well-Known Member
i ran out of tiger and big bloom (i still have alot of grow so ill finish that off before i upgrade)so since i was upgradin for my next grows i bought iguana juice bloom carboload and voodoo juice (i figured id start backward since the BBS girls are ready to go into flower!) and get the rest of advanced nutes 100% organic schedule bit by bit. im also gonna get a hanna ph/ec/ppm tester cuz im tired of the "drops in a vile" way lol ill put some pics up in a sec


Well-Known Member
i ran out of tiger and big bloom (i still have alot of grow so ill finish that off before i upgrade)so since i was upgradin for my next grows i bought iguana juice bloom carboload and voodoo juice (i figured id start backward since the BBS girls are ready to go into flower!) and get the rest of advanced nutes 100% organic schedule bit by bit. im also gonna get a hanna ph/ec/ppm tester cuz im tired of the "drops in a vile" way lol ill put some pics up in a sec
Yeh, that's the one I got as well.


Well-Known Member
yea im very new and usin dirt lol soooooo...

some of the best weed is grown in soil, theres nothing wrong with it.

i have a 600 watt now how would a 400 make it better isnt that goin backwards?lol

you want higher wattage's, 600 is the minimum if your serious about your weed.

yea man its lookin like march 13 ill be cuttin em down 4 the burnin:weed::weed:


your ai is lookin good my dude!! my lil ones in cups are takin shape and i wont over nute these this time lol
i did the same thing


Well-Known Member
(Fed girls 6 gal DW; the AI got 1 tbl of molass. each. In veg the BBS got 1 gal DW with Advanced nutes organic schedule week8 and the tri2 were fed week3 (subsitutin iguana grow with ff grow and sensizhyne with hygrozhyne until i run out lol "i waste not")

Oooooook... its been a while but the girls look great! The buds look fat and crystally and the aroma is whoa (maz: lemon peels AI: a sweet woody smell tw: a cat pee vinegar fruit smoothie?:confused: ) Im flushin all them except the AI which ill give molass with the DW for 1 more week. Wednesday will be 8 weeks woooooooooow:hump: I'm so happy with my first grow (nute burn, dead clones and crazy temp drops and all lol)! I learned alot and now with my new nutes line up i can do better for the BBS and tri2 and have healthier girls which = more yield:-). Speakin of yield i wonder how much ill get on this first harvest? well see



Well-Known Member
I'd def give em another week but i can see why you're geting excited, they're some sweet lookin buds dude, keep it up a little while longer...
excellent job on the finished crop. I skipped ahead to see the end result of your journal so has someone commented on why it is your leaves look so damaged? I saw you have 600 hps, advanced nuts, and great airflow, did these strains burn up from the nutes possibly? ph look alright?

You seem to hate waiting for drying as much as i do. i found this thread today and might set this up for myself next time.

cheers man. great job. I saw you used a grow tent. how did yours work for controling odor and light exposure? Im looking at a few myself. thanks