FireSmurf's Weed Pics - Can the pro pro's tell?


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Yes I'm new to the site & growing etc. Im excited and hope everything works out well with my 5 new life forms. They came from 3 different buds i got from 3 mates.
Anyway's, I don't want to waste much of your time so:

Please see the pics of plants. They have been growing for nearly 8 weeks 18/6.
Bearing in mind the size of the pots I read somewhere they might need larger pots, but I just wont have the space in the enclosure, (i placed a standard 'bic' lighter to scale). Is it time to switch to 12/12 yet?
Also, any clue as to the strain/s and/or sex? Perhaps the pro pro's can tell?

Thanks for your time.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!!!!! swich over to 12/12 ASAP you might be too big already as they are going to tripple their size. you are only going to be able to tell sex when you switch, and its impossible to tell the strian by the photos. Good grow keep up the good work


Active Member
One minute please ...
OK here some closer ones, i hope they are better... and btw amazing response times! cheers.

Also, I can tell you I am using 8 X 6400K CFL, consuming 16w, producing 75w each, thats like 600w. When i change i have 4 X 2700K CFLs and i intend to replace 4 of the 6400K's for the 4 new 2700k's. So when on 12/12 i will be 4 and 4 of the 2 light types. i hope this will be fine.



Active Member
looking like ladies 2 me. looking good.when are you going to flower
Hi Mygirls, thanks for reply...

To be honest i intended to grow them in the box i made, i read that if u just get the seeds from random buds, the chances are like 50/50 for girls, so i figured id have the space. Could mother nature be on my side and give me 5 girls? would be awesome if i were that lucky, specially for a first grow!

As from the first pictures, the box is 70cm X 50cm wide and 120cm high.
Oh man, i hope its gonna be big enough.

I will switch to 12/12 tomorrow then i guess.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
in about 10 days post some pics will be able to tell a lot better.from the looks of it im leaning toward girls.keep your fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
As soon as you swith to 12/12 space will be tight.

You might get lucky and have all Females!

Nice little grow :)


Active Member
in about 10 days post some pics will be able to tell a lot better.from the looks of it im leaning toward girls.keep your fingers crossed.
I will certainly post more in 10 days then.

So should i worry about space u think?

Tomorrow im gonna brighten up the interior with some glossy white contact paper.


Active Member
I will certainly post more in 10 days then.

So should i worry about space u think?

Tomorrow im gonna brighten up the interior with some glossy white contact paper.
Thanks also 'DownOnWax', wow, possibly all females and maybe slightly different strains, i really dont know. It's 'lucky dip' time then... I will keep you all posted.

c u soon :)

(this is a nice site).


Well-Known Member
lookin good. id say theyre hybrids for sure, looks like indica dominant. cant tell sex yet, closer pics of just a node would be sweet. do 12/12 now and you might have to tie the tops down if they get too high.


Active Member
lookin good. id say theyre hybrids for sure, looks like indica dominant. cant tell sex yet, closer pics of just a node would be sweet. do 12/12 now and you might have to tie the tops down if they get too high.
Thanks again for the replies...

*Important question*
Should i take a cutting for a clone now, or can i do that as soon as ive established the sex? i worry that if i dont get any seeds, or even if i do, it will take a long time again to start from scratch. (lol, saying that if they are all girls i will be well stocked!).


Well-Known Member
Thanks again for the replies...

*Important question*
Should i take a cutting for a clone now, or can i do that as soon as ive established the sex? i worry that if i dont get any seeds, or even if i do, it will take a long time again to start from scratch. (lol, saying that if they are all girls i will be well stocked!).
You could do it now but best to wait till you determine that they are all Female.


Active Member
lookin good. id say theyre hybrids for sure, looks like indica dominant. cant tell sex yet, closer pics of just a node would be sweet. do 12/12 now and you might have to tie the tops down if they get too high.
Ok I have taken all your advice so far...

I have an idea to save space, but before I do it, perhaps you guys can have a look...

I was thinking of cutting the top of the plant so it doesnt get any taller... Please see the pic, would something like this work? is it a bad thing? Suggestions welcome, thanks!



Well-Known Member
I don't know how people are guessing gender from those pix. Can't tell without closeups of a node, and even then only if there are pre-flowers. Not all strains show signs of sex while in vegetative growth. I would take 2 or 3 cuttings from the lowest branches of each plant, label them and root them-- before you induce flowering. After you determine gender, throw out all the clones from the males. At harvest you will know which was the best female so save the clone(s) from that plant.

Cutting the top will not necessarily slow down its upward growth. The node below your cut will produce two new tops that will continue to grow upward. Tying them down will have benefits in addition to saving vertical space. Do a search for "LST" or "low stress training" for details.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have taken all your advice so far...

I have an idea to save space, but before I do it, perhaps you guys can have a look...

I was thinking of cutting the top of the plant so it doesnt get any taller... Please see the pic, would something like this work? is it a bad thing? Suggestions welcome, thanks!
Yes, you can cut the top of the plant. Its a technique called topping. Just simply snip the main stem like you circled. This will not stop upward growth, just delay it really. Your lower branches will also take off. I like the guy above me said use a little LST and tie down those branches. I've attatched a few pics of one of my plants I topped...i think 3 days ago? I also tied down the lower branches. As you can see they will start to grow fast and reach the top of the plant, creating multiple colas.



Active Member
Yes, you can cut the top of the plant. Its a technique called topping. Just simply snip the main stem like you circled. This will not stop upward growth, just delay it really. Your lower branches will also take off. I like the guy above me said use a little LST and tie down those branches. I've attatched a few pics of one of my plants I topped...i think 3 days ago? I also tied down the lower branches. As you can see they will start to grow fast and reach the top of the plant, creating multiple colas.
Awesome! Seems like a simple proceedure...

Would this reducde the size of the buds in the long run, and create many smaller ones? Or is it actually considered an advantage/disadvantage yield wise?

Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
I would suggest topping, and then you are still going to have to tie them over in that setup. I would start "lst" now. And since you are on a space restriction then i would wait until see you see sex before switching to 12/12. This will give you more room for the females also you can then cut clones before flower. ( since i am guessing you will have to build another box to grow those in ) Also i am not to sure but i believe those were recessed lighting set into card board? How hot does that get? seems sketchy!!

Usually topping increase yield on smaller plants. Id wait at least 2 weeks before switching light cycle after a top


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Seems like a simple proceedure...

Would this reducde the size of the buds in the long run, and create many smaller ones? Or is it actually considered an advantage/disadvantage yield wise?

Thanks man!
Yeah dude, it will increase your yeild, especially if you use a little lst so the branches are all getting the same amount of light. You might have the 2 main colas be a little bigger, but they should be relatively even.