OMG Problems Again.


Well-Known Member
i try and i try just cant figure it out.

My plants were ok till couple days ago.

its about 8 days i put them in budding.

1- big bud
2- m39

i have 4 little plants in back m39 was gona trow them away because i have no room so i put them there i get what i get from them i dont care.

my last crop was a disaster i got 2 onces from 3 plants.

Right now the big bud is doing ok my problem is the other 2, the green from there leaf are pale almost fluo green right now i took pic when there in darkness

the plants are in a 10" pot i water every day i give 250ML of water and every 3 days i give 250ml water with monster booster 0-53-33 ive been giving it since they went into budding. the big bud i tried something new i put a drip feeder 7-15-10 the plant is tall but good health.

i have a 430watts hps all vented perfectly with fan blowing on them.

temp is 65 at night and 75 to 83 when light is on

i use filter water.

what im i doing wrong

i have the germinating and cloning to perfection just finish germinating 2 ice, 2 white lighting and 2 jack herrer.

So help from pro's please.



Well-Known Member
i try and i try just cant figure it out.

My plants were ok till couple days ago.

its about 8 days i put them in budding.

1- big bud
2- m39

i have 4 little plants in back m39 was gona trow them away because i have no room so i put them there i get what i get from them i dont care.

my last crop was a disaster i got 2 onces from 3 plants.

Right now the big bud is doing ok my problem is the other 2, the green from there leaf are pale almost fluo green right now i took pic when there in darkness

the plants are in a 10" pot i water every day i give 250ML of water and every 3 days i give 250ml water with monster booster 0-53-33 ive been giving it since they went into budding. the big bud i tried something new i put a drip feeder 7-15-10 the plant is tall but good health.

i have a 430watts hps all vented perfectly with fan blowing on them.

temp is 65 at night and 75 to 83 when light is on

i use filter water.

what im i doing wrong

i have the germinating and cloning to perfection just finish germinating 2 ice, 2 white lighting and 2 jack herrer.

So help from pro's please.

well im no pro but to me it looks like ur over watering thats why ur leaves are so droopy as for the leaves being light in colour its probly nitrogen deficiency try feeding them sum nutes with high nitrogen in them i had the same problem with my grow and it worked for me hope this helps:leaf:ras:leaf:


Well-Known Member
the leafs are droopy because the plants are sleeping the pop up when lights come on. all is nice with the plant but the color light green some leaf come yellow i just picked them off.

the watering part gets me confused very much i have a tester but not to sure it works great.


Active Member
well cut down on the nutri instead of usen the dripper n only add it ounce a week


Well-Known Member
oh man i can never post for people to understand next time ill try and post not stoned lol

Big bud is on feeder is doing very good

the other 2 are not on feeder i give them monster booster every 3 days <------- i have problem with them the leaf are very pale green all the leaf

i would think that my watering is a problem might give them to much because i still dont understand the watering process. like i said before

clooning i get a+
germinated i get a+

i have a problem with nutes and watering.

right now i use 0.6 gram of monster booster for 2 litres of water thats what they say on the can.


Well-Known Member
oh man i can never post for people to understand next time ill try and post not stoned lol

Big bud is on feeder is doing very good

the other 2 are not on feeder i give them monster booster every 3 days <------- i have problem with them the leaf are very pale green all the leaf

i would think that my watering is a problem might give them to much because i still dont understand the watering process. like i said before

clooning i get a+
germinated i get a+

i have a problem with nutes and watering.

right now i use 0.6 gram of monster booster for 2 litres of water thats what they say on the can.
water the plants every other day and water them til the water tickles out of the bottom of the pots are u using ph'd water?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
try giving them a good watering evry 3-4 days and feed them evry other watering looks like ur overwatering them they need air...


Well-Known Member
i will try that i am almost sure its a water thing.

like rasclot says "water the plants every other day" thats the part thats confused me alot of people told me that. its not a number for me.

so i will try to water them every 2 days

since i dont care about my 4 little clones in the back ill experience with them :-) ive been told you can use urine for fertilizer :-) mixed 10 water to 1 urine lol if it works i cant tell anyone whats in that weed :-)


Well-Known Member
your only using 250ml of water everyday, thats not right. Mary likes a good deep watering. Water until you get at least 10% runoff out the bottom of the container, then once the top 1or2 inches of the soil dries out water again this will probable cut you back to watering every 3 days or so. water,feed,water,feed....