250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Water temp is around 71F and I am not sure of the pH...
The roots on my DWC are looking a little brown though so I'm worried that I could be getting root rot :? I'm going to make it a little more light proof and try getting the temps down in my veg box.
Now... I have not had a chance to read and re-read everything, so forgive me where I fuck up... :eyesmoke:

DWC is very temperature sensitive, I have done it with (in my opinion) great success... I had roots to rival all but the best tuned aeroponic ops...

But it is very finicky... everything has got to be right... or root rot is one of the first things to appear...

You need to get the water colder... I kept mine a no more than 60, 58 was usually where it parked... but I have no problems keeping stuff cold, I live in the Arctic... :mrgreen:

One of the reasons why I am so in love with my ebb/flowis that it is sooo much more forgiving, and I am seeing the same results.. though I must say the roots are not as impressive...

But as long as the buds are impressive, who cares about the roots, right?!?!:eyesmoke:

Disease, unchecked, only gets worse...

Lower the RES temp, add the correct dose of ... wait... are you using any organic nutes or additives on your res? if so, you need an organic pathogen controller...

If you are NOT organic at all (100% bacteria free) you can then use the H2O2...

Hope this helps man... that shit spreads like wild fire and will be in your res forever.... pretty much...



Well-Known Member
I'm using the fox farm trio pack for nutes. I added the H2o2 with plain water because I was trying to slow down the rot. The temps have gotten better since it is snowing here and is a little chilly in the room where the cabs are. Soil is a lot easier than this DWC stuff haha. I think I've had more problems in 2 weeks with this thing than I have had in months with soil. If worst comes to worst and things starting getting out of control could I transplant the DWC plant into soil? I can't pH the water so I'm kinda winging it on this. It's more of an experiment than anything. Thanks for your help Gypsy I really appreciate it

Tom :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I was most def planning on doing that, the only thing is I need some more b&w poly plastic. I think I might just move the whole thing outside when the time is right. I just gotta find a good spot haha. Thanks for the comments Gypsybongsmilie
Damn! ... wish we had some of that Star Trek tech available now...

I am staring at a roll of it right now... lol...

Yeah! You should totally move it outside when the time is right... but be careful, they can turn into an oven in no time.... make sure to have a way for the heat to escape... maybe even have a exhaust fan on a thermostat... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm using the fox farm trio pack for nutes. I added the H2o2 with plain water because I was trying to slow down the rot. The temps have gotten better since it is snowing here and is a little chilly in the room where the cabs are. Soil is a lot easier than this DWC stuff haha. I think I've had more problems in 2 weeks with this thing than I have had in months with soil. If worst comes to worst and things starting getting out of control could I transplant the DWC plant into soil? I can't pH the water so I'm kinda winging it on this. It's more of an experiment than anything. Thanks for your help Gypsy I really appreciate it

Tom :peace::joint:
I am not familiar at all with the FF products...

I hear everyone using it.. but I have only seen it at the store... don't know ANYTHING about it..

is it organic?

DWC requires exact and stable parameters... much like aero...

I see a lot of newbs (including me) going straight to DWC, but in fact it is an advanced method of culture... not easy at all....

Oh! and yes, you can transplant VERY CAREFULLY, but you can totally do it...

Now.. may I suggest a trip down ebb/flow lane for your next experiment???:eyesmoke:

It's easy, forgiving, and to put in the Master's (Al B. Fuct) words....

:leaf:Ebb n' Flow is a lazy stoner's best friend:leaf:

Check this link from the GrowFAQ

How do I make an ebb & flow


It's a really good article...

Now.. why can you not measure the water's pH ????

Just don't have a tester? they have them at the pet shops for 3 or 4 dollars...


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Our Products: Organic or Synthetic?[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Our Peace of Mind® and Happy Frog® fertilizers are 100% organic. Our Big Bloom™ Liquid Fertilizer and all of our soils are also organic. We do offer some fertilizers with mineral-based, time-release ingredients that are not classified as organic. These include American Pride® and Marine Cuisine® fertilizers, Tiger Bloom® and Grow Big® liquids, and our soluble products like Cha Ching®, Beastie Bloomz®, and Open Sesame®.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I use the [/FONT]Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, and Grow big. So one of the three is classified as organic. And about the pet store pH kits... I heard that they don't work very well for some reason? I was looking at them because I have a 100 gallon fish tank so I go to an aquarium store and they have 'em. So picking one of those up would be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Yeah Tom... pH is pH...

It is very important.. probably the single most important thing, as if the roots cannot uptake, the plant will die...

Get the drops from the aquarium store, they are not as accurate as a digital, but it will put you in the ball park...

As for the organic stuff... if you have anything organic in your res, DO NOT USE H2O2...

H2O2 will KILL all of the bacteria that makes up the organic soup.. rendering it useless...

In my opinion, and this is just MY opinion...

Organic in hydro is sort of a pain in the butt...

I am not into managing bacteria, waiting for it to shit nutrients that the plants can use...

I rather just dump in the nutrients that the plant can use... no bacteria...

I like my room to have cannabis plants.. the only living being in there is ME...

Me and my Pot plats... no insects, no fungus, no bacteria...

But that is all just my opinion...

Except the "no H2O2 on organic res".. that's fact...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah tom i forgot all about the killing factor when you said h202 ...geeeez good thing gypsy caught it (i hope) yeah it will knock out all the good bacteria when it knocks out the bad:(


Well-Known Member
I have to confer with the weed barons... Sparks in particular...


but I think he uses a product called HYGROZYME or some shit... and it is supposed to be the organic version of Hydrogen Peroxide...



Well-Known Member
Alright the DWC plant only got worse today after I did a water change. SO what I decided to do was transplant her into soil. The soil mix is 50% sphagnum peat moss and 50% perlite. I also found out that the ex DWC plant now soil plant is a confirmed female. Plant number three from the flowering chamber showed its sex as female today. I tried to get a pic of the pistils but my 5 megapixel camera aint allowing that haha. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I topped the plant that was transplanted. You can kinda tell in the pics...

DWC plant potted up in soil:

Flowering plant #3 confirmed female. This plant is the mother of the plant above^^ so that makes it female too :lol: Here's the pics:

And here is a shot of the flowering chamber. I tried moving plant #2 to the right so you can see plant #1... it didn't work too well haha Picture:



Well-Known Member
Yahooo!!!! :bigjoint: Looks Bomb Man...

and I am still looking for the info.. hard to find a reliable source for Organic Hydro in my world....

But I will get the info... and come back...


Well-Known Member
haha i know this is off subject but im very stoned and cant figure out whats your avatar.. wtf is that?hahah:bigjoint::dunce:
i think its a clone that is starting to root??
Pictures are worth thousands of words... ok the words help too...lol...:o

...and here is a prime example of a clone that was kept too wet and never developed roots...


...this is the root system at the day of harvest...

...that's 3 weeks trying to root with the other clones and 2 moths flowering without roots...

...how about that ?!?!?...




Well-Known Member
i guess it stayed alive like a cut flower?? ive had carnations i kept in the windowsill for at least a month and a half they lived on asprin and tap water


Well-Known Member
I have to confer with the weed barons... Sparks in particular...


but I think he uses a product called HYGROZYME or some shit... and it is supposed to be the organic version of Hydrogen Peroxide...

I have returned from the long and arduous journey to the land of the WEEDBARONS...

And this is the message I bring...

The Weed Baron himself said:
yes you absolutely can and imo should use hygrozyme in an organic grow.
So there you are Tom... I say ditch the H2O2 and try to find something that is compatible with ORGANIC nutes... like the Hygozyme...

Sorry it took so long.. but I wanted to bring fact, not guess, to the table....

Cheers... :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for going and getting that info on the hygrozyme Gypsy, I will most def look into getting that on my next hydro store visit. Today I went out and got a pH test kit from petco. Here is a link to the product: http://aquariumpharm.com/Products/Product.aspx?ProductID=73

It measures pH levels from 6.0 to 7.6. My tap water was at 7.0 and I adjusted it to 6.0 to use on my soil plants. I'm going to mix up new nutes and make them the correct pH also.

Tom :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Plant #1- 12/12 from seed, 59 days old

Plant #2- 23 days flowering

Plant #3- 16 days flowering

Flowering Box Shot

Rooted Clone of plant #3


