White Widow Flowering


Well-Known Member
I have a 6 week old white widow that just went into flowering yesterday, theres a small problem, the leaves are curling down and turning a little yellow in the middle, i think its a pottassium problem. This is my first grow and im using 150 watts of cfl. Can anybody give me some advice on what to do bout the leaves? I was using water soluable miracle grow but i am buying some nutriets for flowring very soon but i want to know whats wrong. Can anybody give me some advice?

Sorry for the crappy quality pics i had to use my phone.


captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
get rid of the foil and just paint ur background, walls, or what ever ur containing ur growth with white. foil traps photons, heat, it real cheap, but not effective. (funny note, every time someone has plant problems i see foil in 6 out of 10 cases) nice lookin plants. what soil u using, u gotta give the facts. too many variables to give advice. i can see the droop and yellowing, you did a good job getting that. back off ur nutes, seems the yellowing, curling have sumthin 2 do wit it. u have made it this far, don't kill em now. flower is the time to flush, with water. unless u want buds that taste like sulfer and phosphorus.


Well-Known Member
back off nutes? alrightt what do i do to flush it? just get new soil rinse off roots with water and place it into the new soil?

Also tomorrow i will be adding another 150 watts of cfl in 2700k spectrum.


Well-Known Member
just went out nd bought some 10-50-15 nutrients and bought 1 bag of potsoil peatmoss and perlite and mixed it together and flushed the plant and re-potted it in that, and watered with new nutes. We'll see how it turns out.

Will post pics tomorrow.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Flushing as mentioned here means to use fresh clean water to "flush" out the salts in the soil.
IE; If you're using a 5 gallon bucket for a pot you would use about 5 gallons of water to water the soil and remove it as it flows out.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
it can take weeks, i said to flush meaning, giving them nothing but pure water. when plants go into flower, they burn up their nitrogen causing yellowing to start on lower portions of ur plant. can't really see plant too well, but this could be the case. also was the plant ever in close proximity to the light? also if ur using powder miracle grow stuff, u only use 1 teaspoon, when it says 1 tablespoon. don't wanna get all crazy wit the salts. just chill out, n give it water.


Well-Known Member
yah im only using a teaspoon, and i keep my cfls like 3-4 inches away at all times.
What was I supposed to mix my soil? 2/4 potsoil 1/4 peatmoss and 1/4 perlite?


Well-Known Member
just checked on her, shes doing really good but got little cold last night so temp. turned the fans off. How long until i start to see some bud production?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hard to tell with the blue tint to the pic,but looking pretty good from looking at the leaves. no leaf curl.


Well-Known Member
yah I got a good camera i just never thought to look for it, next pictures will be better.

Should I snip a few of the big fan leaves so the bud sites under them can get more light?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yah I got a good camera i just never thought to look for it, next pictures will be better.

Should I snip a few of the big fan leaves so the bud sites under them can get more light?
i say yes, but this is the first time that i am not cutting leaves off. i see no difference in the upper bud growth but as for the bottom they are developing nicely but not like they did when i think them out before to allow better light penetration.:blsmoke: