What happened to my favorite Marajuana Strains???

Brick Top

New Member
Cause the old school mexican weed was probably laced w/ malathion or some other crap !!

No one needed to lace Acapulco Gold or Oaxaca Gold and any number of other 1960’s and 1970’s Mexican sativas with anything.

People who were not alive in that era or were alive but little kids have no idea of how fantastic a number of pure Mexican sativas were.

So many people today grew up in the era of worthless Mexican brickweed and because of that they came to believe that was how Mexican pot always was.

Well it wasn’t. There was a time that it was damn good.

What killed it was when it became really big business and ignorant growers tried to play breeders and crossed their pure strains with Afghani strains and other indica strains trying to shorten the flowering time and increase their yield.

What they did was kill the clear soaring head high their plants used to give and turned their product into a mediocre product with a mild head high and a mild body buzz at best.

In the quest to make more money they killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.


Well-Known Member
No one needed to lace Acapulco Gold or Oaxaca Gold and any number of other 1960’s and 1970’s Mexican sativas with anything.

People who were not alive in that era or were alive but little kids have no idea of how fantastic a number of pure Mexican sativas were.

So many people today grew up in the era of worthless Mexican brickweed and because of that they came to believe that was how Mexican pot always was.

Well it wasn’t. There was a time that it was damn good.

What killed it was when it became really big business and ignorant growers tried to play breeders and crossed their pure strains with Afghani strains and other indica strains trying to shorten the flowering time and increase their yield.

What they did was kill the clear soaring head high their plants used to give and turned their product into a mediocre product with a mild head high and a mild body buzz at best.

In the quest to make more money they killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.

I couldn't have put this better, myself. The desire to get HUGE and make faster money killed off good pot as we know it.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I just picked up some weed from a friend who brought it back from Brazil, I've been doing a bit of research on weed in Brazil and what this strain might possible be, as there are a few beans in the bag. I'm happier with the beans than the smoke. The smoke is really good and smells great but its nice to have some exotic beans. I've found that the majority of weed in Brazil comes from Paraguay although Brazil is quite the producer of cannabis. I'd imagine I most likely have a land race strain these being the most commonly produced. So my search has narrowed it down to Paraguayan or Brazilian (Manga Rosa, Santa Maria) marijuana. Tonight these go into paper towels and we'll see what happens. Anybody know about these strains??? I know the seeds could be from any variety at all but seeing as these countries are quite poor and 90 percent of the marijuana there is produced in underdeveloped regions I'm guessing there not super silver haze. What's your opinion?? I have made a thread on this matter already but thought you guys might like this.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I just picked up some weed from a friend who brought it back from Brazil, I've been doing a bit of research on weed in Brazil and what this strain might possible be, as there are a few beans in the bag. I'm happier with the beans than the smoke. The smoke is really good and smells great but its nice to have some exotic beans. I've found that the majority of weed in Brazil comes from Paraguay although Brazil is quite the producer of cannabis. I'd imagine I most likely have a land race strain these being the most commonly produced. So my search has narrowed it down to Paraguayan or Brazilian (Manga Rosa, Santa Maria) marijuana. Tonight these go into paper towels and we'll see what happens. Anybody know about these strains??? I know the seeds could be from any variety at all but seeing as these countries are quite poor and 90 percent of the marijuana there is produced in underdeveloped regions I'm guessing there not super silver haze. What's your opinion?? I have made a thread on this matter already but thought you guys might like this.
sounds interesting,so your haveing a journal


Well-Known Member
well see. not sure. I'll take pics along the grow and maybe post afterwards. have to see if they pop through the dirt first.


Well-Known Member
Blow Boston George was bringing back incredible fukn pot before got started with the cocaine. My grandfather used to pick up a hundred pounds a week of him in southy... papa said it was the most incredible pot ever


Well-Known Member
id love to see a journal of that grow... landrace sativa from s.america sounds awesome id be fukn excited if i had those seeds


Well-Known Member
They're in paper towels as we speak. I have lots of room now in my new 3 bed house for plenty of experiments. Hopefully they come out good. Would love to cross em if they do.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
They're in paper towels as we speak. I have lots of room now in my new 3 bed house for plenty of experiments. Hopefully they come out good. Would love to cross em if they do.
The hole point of this thread is about the the old time buds we smoked in the 60's and 70's. You may have a very unique sativa, it would be a shame to change it.
Please keep her genetics intact, and share... :weed:


Well-Known Member
Depends on the outcome really. If it is a strain such as the old time sativa's there is very very little chance of it being stable let alone getting a female. Hence the crossing if I am successfull.


Well-Known Member
i hate the be the bearer of bad news.

as you get older you brain does not react the same way to THC as it does when you younger. say 20

at 20 years of age they say that is the peak of of cannaboid receptors in the limbic system.

basically its not that todays stuff isnt as good its that in a way you lost the way to get totally fucked up like at the age of 20

i am not gonna disagree about people destroying lineages of sativas because that does have a part to play in this.

this post is mostly refering to older users

Big P

Well-Known Member
very interesting cuz in the back of my head I kept thinking maybe these guys are just over remebering the potency because of nostalgia

or because they were more of lightweight smokers back then

I remeber when I was a kid 13 and started smokin weed in the 90's

and I would get so high like i remeber riding my bike home and the sun was out and bright it felt like we were literally in heaven. me and my friend swervin our bikes in the middle of the street grining riding home in heaven

then i heard a honk and realized there was a line of cars behind us:bigjoint:

anyway I also halucunated a little at my buddies house

I think you can never go back to the highness you used to get as a child.

hey do you have a link to the info about not gettin as hi when you grow up?


Well-Known Member
Well when I first started smoking I was well able o hold my own. And I could get my hands on some special smoke indeed back then. But thesedays I find any of my homegrown knocks me for 6. But this is totally different really.