New Plants turning yellow


Active Member
I have about four types of plants growing and its really odd some of them have grown well and the others seem to be very stunted and turning yellow.
I have moved the biggest plants in one container and the weakest ones in the other.
Any help would be appreciated.

Jock Horror
Northern Lights Haze
Durban Poison


Well-Known Member
They look like they need repotting and some nutes.
What soil are you using?
did you add anything to it?
What lights are you using?
They have ended the seeding stage and are entering the vegative stage.
Start nutes at 1/4 strength and repot.
Add 30% perlite and 20% worm castings to your new soil mix, and dont overwater.
Not much info supplied so I'm only saying the basic things to give your babies a good start.bongsmilie


Active Member
What soil are you using?
Using Fox Farms
did you add anything to it?
Nothing added
What lights are you using?


Active Member
Whats really odd is all the plants have the same soil and water and you notice the difference between the plants on the right and the plants on the left.


Well-Known Member
Whats really odd is all the plants have the same soil and water and you notice the difference between the plants on the right and the plants on the left.
WTF? The only odd thing here is you told us you separated them then 'YOU' say how odd it is we noticed that, WTF?
Do you need help or what?


Active Member
Let me clarify so you don't get upset. What I meant was that all of these plants were put up at the same time in the same soil and watered at the same time, I find it odd that some are turning yellow and not growing and some seem to be thriving. Which is why I made note that I seperated them. Thanks for your info I am going to feeding tonight


Well-Known Member
Not upset, just confused a little by the way you worded it.
I know you said everything is the same but those yellow ones look over watered to me.
They all look like they my be under a little moisture stress.
How often are you watering?


Active Member
I dont actually have a schedule I try and look at the surface and pick up the cup to test the weight, I have never fed these plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the best way to tell if they need watering, lifting etc.
Maybe next water give them a weak dose of some N based nutes and see if the green up.


Active Member
I just planted for the first time ever, and I had to use Miracle Grow Starter Soil ( I know this is horrible .) I had 3 seeds sprout, but they are turning kind of brownish. Can anyone tell me what is causing this? The light may be the issue, because i haven't got the fixture for my fluorescent lights ( 2 F12 tube lights.) Help!!


Well-Known Member
I just planted for the first time ever, and I had to use Miracle Grow Starter Soil ( I know this is horrible .) I had 3 seeds sprout, but they are turning kind of brownish. Can anyone tell me what is causing this? The light may be the issue, because i haven't got the fixture for my fluorescent lights ( 2 F12 tube lights.) Help!!
You need to start another thread bro otherwise you'll be accused of high jacking this one.
Get some pics together as well when you do.
Sounds like there burning, flush'em good or get them the fuck out of that soil.


Active Member
Just so you know I started my first grow in the MG
Mammath looks like it worked some nutes seemed to have perked them up a bit


Well-Known Member
Cool, now you know what they need.
Stay on that dosage and see how they go.
Best to not over do it with the nutes, you just want to green them up.
Dont worry about that first set of true leaves if they don't green up because they will die off anyway.
Keep us posted.


Active Member
Thanks I do think the trickiest piece is to manage nutes and water everything else is just waiting.
Here is a pic of my first grow with some bag seed.