>?dying plant?<

High Flyer09

Active Member
hey i'm in my 3rd week of growing and i have a plant where it seems like my leaves are dying. all my others are fine. its about 3 inches tall and there is a small dry spot on one of the leaves. is this alright or is there something i can do to make it more healthy. let me know

High Flyer09

Active Member
alright man... how often should i use the miracle grow when i start it. my other plants seem healthy and i've done the same to all of them... should i flush all of them?


Well-Known Member
if the others seem alright don't bother...just don't give em any more nutes right now...as far as how much to give em' when they need it...i would say every 3rd watering....you'll be able to tell when they want more because the lower leaves will start to die ( it's pretty much trying to feed off itself when it does that)...you'll figure it out...


Well-Known Member
your best option right now... would be to flush those nutes out of the soil... you dont really need anything in there... that MG is some rough stuff for some strains.. my babies used a full power flower soil for all stages of growth and i got some beauty's.... flush with 6.0 ph water untill run off is not dirty piss colored... close to clear then just let the soil dry.fairly well then water again with plain ph adjusted 6.5 water. and let them sit again... your plants will grow quickly and you'll be smilin