First Grow Journal: 6 Sweet Afghani Delicious, 400watt hps agro


Well-Known Member
About the roots, I have found that if the soil is moist its easier to transplant. As you see the roots took the shape of bowl, so if they are wet they will tend to hold the soil together better so you can get it out of the bowl all together hopefully without any damage to the roots at all.
I have done a lot of damage to roots when transplanting before i was doing that ... and the plants seemed to recover just fine so you should be alright.
Depending on the strength of your roots though ... I like to get my soil as dry as the plant will allow before transplanting, and always into a flushed medium (not sure if that's what you were getting at). Roots are pretty strong and you could easily take your plant out of the soil, rinse the roots vigorously, andtransplant them into a hydroponic medium or aeroponic medium without much stress. I would highly recommend my method above for soil-soil transplants, followed by a nutrient-free half liter watering (500ml). Good luck guys, hope to see some picture updates soon Greenspace :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Active Member
Depending on the strength of your roots though ... I like to get my soil as dry as the plant will allow before transplanting, and always into a flushed medium (not sure if that's what you were getting at). Roots are pretty strong and you could easily take your plant out of the soil, rinse the roots vigorously, andtransplant them into a hydroponic medium or aeroponic medium without much stress. I would highly recommend my method above for soil-soil transplants, followed by a nutrient-free half liter watering (500ml). Good luck guys, hope to see some picture updates soon Greenspace :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:
NIce, I feel like Im learning so much. Like taking an online weed class :weed:

One of my is starting to yellow a little. Its only on the tips though. I circled some of them in the picture. Should I add more nutes? Is in a nitrogen deficiency? If seen this happen a few times. Up the nutes?


Active Member
NIce, I feel like Im learning so much. Like taking an online weed class :weed:

One of my is starting to yellow a little. Its only on the tips though. I circled some of them in the picture. Should I add more nutes? Is in a nitrogen deficiency? If seen this happen a few times. Up the nutes?
It's likely due to potassium if anything,but I would be careful with the nutes.Afghan is well known to thrive on very little nutrients.


Active Member
Thanks for the input! So I think Im going to start flowering on Monday. I gave them nutes on wednesday, Should I give them more on saturday? or Should I leach the medium to get it ready to use the flowering nutes?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

So my plants are now 37 days old and they are already preflowering pretty heavily. So I'm going to change the light to 12/12 tomorrow. If I could I would veg them a little longer. But, I need to harvest it by some time in May.

They are already starting to smell. The Sweet in Sweet Afghani Delicious is pretty accurate. Just from the preflowers, the room is getting a night light sweet aroma. One reason I chose this strain was because I didnt want a really pungent smell like skunk. But rather that sweet flower smell.

I cant stop thinking about flowers!!!!!:weed:

Today I watered them with fresh water and I'm going to switch to the flowering nutes. The guy are the grow shop told is to use 1ml of nutes for every liter. Does that sound pretty accurate for an Afghani?

Thanks so much!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Well preflowers are good. But flowers are alway better!bongsmilie

So Today I changed the light to 12/12. They are looking really good. Only concerns ar e that the ph is still a little low when I check the old water. But the plants seem to be doing great!

This is a pretty sophomoric question but... Now thati have vegged for 40 days, do you think it will be about two months till harvest? The package of seeds say 45-60 days. Are seed companies normally pretty good about judgment on those kind of things?




Well-Known Member
This is a pretty sophomoric question but... Now thati have vegged for 40 days, do you think it will be about two months till harvest? The package of seeds say 45-60 days. Are seed companies normally pretty good about judgment on those kind of things?
Hey mate, I'm here for you, just haven't been online a lot lately, unusual for me. Anyways, it's looking really nice Green and I would trust your breeder, they have produced the strain, they tend to know the ins and outs of optimum harvesting times. I would shoot for the higher end of that range, the plant tends to pack on weight with resin in it's final weeks, it may even go longer than 60 days but not likely. Hope all is well for you mate, happy growing

KC :leaf:


Active Member
Hey everyone, I figured I would make an update.

My plants are 4 weeks into growing. The tricombs are getting bigger. The smell is great. Its light and sweetens the air around it. Ive had a little trouble with magnesium, but I think Ive firuged out the problem. SOme of the leaves started getting yellow spots followed by brown blottches. They curled up too. So after alot of reserch, I bought some good mineral water with a high mag content. And added a little mag supplement. Im alot foilar feeding the leaves with magnesium. SO lets see if it gets better.

Here are some picks. 4 more weeks!!!: D hopefully...




Well-Known Member
4 more weeks!!!: D hopefully...

looking great, just read through your journal
i think youll need more than 4 more weeks, i vegged for over 75 days and at 4 weeks flowering my plants looked similar but they are at almost 11 weeks now, i think ill be cutting just after 11 weeks at around 80 days flower


Active Member
looking great, just read through your journal
i think youll need more than 4 more weeks, i vegged for over 75 days and at 4 weeks flowering my plants looked similar but they are at almost 11 weeks now, i think ill be cutting just after 11 weeks at around 80 days flower
Any advise on the yellowing spots and browning leaves?