My plants is in Fifth week...can i flower them yet??


Well-Known Member
dream on he says... OF-FUKING-COURSE you can yield 16oz.. look at 'mygirls fukin monster of a plant.. wudnt be surprised if it was more than 16oz

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
i now i read it to and theres no way. yes a plant can grow that hight in that amount of time i have but not even close to a yield like that.
LOL yes they can the lights are hung in the center of the plants not above like normal hung from above. look at the pics the bottom of the plants are the same as the top, do some serching on krusty buckets if you can find some old posts from overgrow you will see it done step by step krusty used say to flower them *his words* " gets to your tits" then hit 12/12 the lamps hand no reflectors the bulbs just hung bare and plants placed around them the botom buds are bigger than most ppls top cola's.


New Member
MONKZ, the debate isnt about 16oz its about 36oz m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
MONKZ, the debate isnt about 16oz its about 36oz m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
exactly. and if he would look at my pic he would see that all lower branches are up as tallas the cola buds, and my one light is derictaly over the top. niner is high as hell. but thanks monkz that would be nice to see over a pound dryied. :weed:

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
exactly. and if he would look at my pic he would see that all lower branches are up as tallas the cola buds, and my one light is derictaly over the top. niner is high as hell. but thanks monkz that would be nice to see over a pound dryied. :weed:
click the link in this post>

video of 1.5 k.g 1 plant indoors

exactly. and if he would look at my pic he would see that all lower branches are up as tallas the cola buds, and my one light is derictaly over the top. niner is high as hell. but thanks monkz that would be nice to see over a pound dryied.
what light are you using? and how is it hung? from above or veritical? hang them vertical is the answer 2 x 1000's or 3 x 600's in a line from the roof the top of the plant will get the same light as the bottom of the plant place the plants around the vertical bulbs with out reflectors and then see what happens 9-)
light is lost by every foot its form the plant if the light is hung vertical (in the center of plants) the whole plant gets bright light= more light = more yield it works next tree grow you do try it.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
dude your talking over 2 pounds a plant. im not saying it can not be done im saying it cant be done when a plant has only veged for 10 days. i dont care what you say.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
dude your talking over 2 pounds a plant. im not saying it can not be done im saying it cant be done when a plant has only veged for 10 days. i dont care what you say.
im not saying a plant 10 days old? where did you get that from? 6 weeks veg with vertical lights will if you are a tidy grower will.

where do you get 10 days from?


New Member
who gives a fuck about yeild ere guys its about quality, 3-6oz a plant is the norm forme but the bud is TOP BUD, thats what counts for me coz i dont make any money out of my hobby its just FOR ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

9INCHER, I DONT CARE IF U YEILD 98,000,000oz seriously i just had tocomment coz i thaught 36oz per plant was just off the scale stupid. only my opinion and i have the right to say it. thankyou

im not a heter so im stoping this shit rite now, peace to all..................


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
who gives a fuck about yeild ere guys its about quality, 3-6oz a plant is the norm forme but the bud is TOP BUD, thats what counts for me coz i dont make any money out of my hobby its just FOR ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

9INCHER, I DONT CARE IF U YEILD 98,000,000oz seriously i just had tocomment coz i thaught 36oz per plant was just off the scale stupid. only my opinion and i have the right to say it. thankyou

im not a heter so im stoping this shit rite now, peace to all..................
the dumb ass is covering he ass by edting his post that said 10 days. thats because he is just a little boy who 's trying to play with the big dogs. nice try niner. :spew:


New Member
9er u did say 10 days veg m8, are u growing imaginery plants my friend,u seem like bit ov a dreamer, leave it to the boys who have actualy done it,and done it properly, ending up with gear that actualy gets u high, lets all stop this mess and start helping eachother even if it does mean puttin 9incher in a nuthouse lol, thats wot this site is for helping and comparing, and lockin up the odd nutter lol. Peace

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
who gives a fuck about yeild ere guys its about quality, 3-6oz a plant is the norm forme but the bud is TOP BUD, thats what counts for me coz i dont make any money out of my hobby its just FOR ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

9INCHER, I DONT CARE IF U YEILD 98,000,000oz seriously i just had tocomment coz i thaught 36oz per plant was just off the scale stupid. only my opinion and i have the right to say it. thankyou

im not a heter so im stoping this shit rite now, peace to all..................
then dont go jumping in on peoples posts that you have no clue what your talking about! you jusmped on me 1st and tried to make me look like a dick by making a seprate thread to try and mock me, i have showed you proof it can be done, but you still slag me off, dude i have on argument with you, you are a new grower, listen and learn before you you speak.

fuck about yeild ere guys its about quality,
so the more you yield the qulity goes down does it? thats new to me? please explane how if i grow a plant that yields 1 gram will it be super potant shit? *rolls eyes*

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
9er u did say 10 days veg m8, are u growing imaginery plants my friend,u seem like bit ov a dreamer, leave it to the boys who have actualy done it,and done it properly, ending up with gear that actualy gets u high, lets all stop this mess and start helping eachother even if it does mean puttin 9incher in a nuthouse lol, thats wot this site is for helping and comparing, and lockin up the odd nutter lol. Peace
thats my sog grow from cuttings 3-10 days veg>

you are the one who said 10 days i have not edited my post

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
9er u did say 10 days veg m8, are u growing imaginery plants my friend,u seem like bit ov a dreamer, leave it to the boys who have actualy done it,and done it properly, ending up with gear that actualy gets u high, lets all stop this mess and start helping eachother even if it does mean puttin 9incher in a nuthouse lol, thats wot this site is for helping and comparing, and lockin up the odd nutter lol. Peace
your post >

but on another thrad you clame its 5 weeks veg >

dude now your a lier allyour post on the first page as be edited. little boy you need to grow up . i myself am done with this and they realy need to close this thread down. niner is a lire and fat mouth.
i am no lier, bull shit

if you look at the qutes from other ppl that i have made then you will see i have not edited my original post.


New Member
9incher i have never made a thread asking when to flower u tit, i kno when i want to flower mine thanx , i did make a thread askin how much dank, it wasnt to do with inexperience it was to do with the strain that i hadnt grown b4!! it was also a 100% sativa wich i hadnt grown b4 therfore was askin a clue on how much sativa yeild in normal indoor conditions, u have a serious problem, pls stop the hating there no need for it, we all could be using our time better on this site helping eachother and enjoying instead of bitching how much we can yeild and stuff ok, END OV CONVO


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
9incher i have never made a thread asking when to flower u tit, i kno when i want to flower mine thanx , i did make a thread askin how much dank, it wasnt to do with inexperience it was to do with the strain that i hadnt grown b4!! it was also a 100% sativa wich i hadnt grown b4 therfore was askin a clue on how much sativa yeild in normal indoor conditions, u have a serious problem, pls stop the hating there no need for it, we all could be using our time better on this site helping eachother and enjoying instead of bitching how much we can yeild and stuff ok, END OV CONVO