New Plant and Questions.


Active Member
Hello, I just found a cannabis plant while walking though a forest here in green old Portland Oregon. I took it home and its looking nice, but I've never grown or really talked with a lot of growers, I just found this website and was wondering if anyone could help me out a bit.

I have it sitting in some nice planting soil in a planting pot, I'm afraid if the pot is too small, but its for a temp. being. It stands at almost 4' right now and I've been finding out it needs to be flowered.

It's been in my room, using simple shoe string and bamboo up underneath a black light.

I'm trying to borrow a heating lamp for it soon, but do you think there are any other suggestions I should know about??

I'm not looking to make a profit, I'm just looking to learn and have fun and watch the plant grow.



Well-Known Member
One black light doesnt do anything not does a heat lamp except make heat. Get some CFL's in the blue spectrum, and whenever ur ready to flower for bug get cfls in red spectrum. go to the grow faq and read.

Heres something id like to add.....many of our outdoor growers much like ourselves hate people like you ok. We hate plant thiefs because once they steal it they abuse it and dont let it grow and dont treet it right take u for example u stole someones plant that they had hidden int he forst and ur using black lights and a heat lamp to continue growing it.....i gave u my 2 cents, and now u can kiss my 2 fat hams i call ass cheeks cause ur jerk. Why dont u mention this to some out door growers. YOU DONT JUST GO IN THE FORST AND TAKE SOMEONES OUT DOOR CANNABIS PLANT OK DAMNIT. YOU DONT STEAL A PLANT TO JUST LEARN U GET A SEED AND LEARN FROM START. Youve disgusted me, why not bring this upto Beaner or some other outdoor growers. Good bye.


Active Member
Well seeing as the forest area I found it in, and the condition, I'm just trying to revive it, it looks like shit, and I'm just trying to help, I wanna make this into a learning experience, if you would have seen it in the condition it was in, you probablly would have left it, and it will more than likely die, seeing as I don't have the growing conditions, I was just wondering if there was anything I could do it help, and if I stole the plant, then I did it some good, by putting it out of its misery.


Well-Known Member
I want pics, outdoor grows find a spot that no one would think or have a reason to go back there. Well u apparently did and found this thing and stole it. Ok. A learning experience if its ur first grow is to start from seed ok. then u go to clones and stuff. you dont start the basics off by stealing someones already hard wroked vegged plant and then u put it in flower and get the bud. i mean id be pissed off and probably punch u in the mouth and temples of ur head if i caught u doing this to my plant, if it was ready for flowering or if i had just barely gotten it to grow and inch off the soil


Active Member
The roots alone looked like a deer had been sleeping on it, and there was only one plant, and it was next to an area the government was clearcutting. Sounds like excuses, but say that once in a while excuses are in all actuallity what they really are.

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything at all, I just wanna see if I can fix this and cheaply.


Well-Known Member
See Ty whereisdabud.

Not only did you steal it from mother nature and whoever planted it. But you put it under a black light, and u wanna get a heat lamp. Jesus christ you would be better growing under 4 halogen lights. they produce heat like a heat lamp but give some coloring of light compared to black lights. God you make me so mad unless u show me pics of it and it looks like its brown or half dead. ur a dick evne if it was about to die its responsibility belongs to the owner not u, u didnt plant it


Active Member
To tell you the truth its a weed, it can grow anywhere, I don't think I stole it from anyone, now with all the theft put to the side, can we please talk about where I can go from here, I stole the plant from mother earth, but its a weed. There are many more, I should have started from a seed, you are right.

With all the name calling and anger set aside, what can I do... shit the bed guys you are good at making me feel like sh it already. But from where I am what do I do eh? And if you can't say anything but mean things then don't say anythign at all.


Active Member
If I had one I would, I'm sure the plant would have been destoryed in the clear cutting that was going on for road construction, so really I'm not doing anything bad here, if I did steal someones weed, they suck at growing because I've seen good weed on

And they chose a bad spot, p utting it next to some place that the government was clearcutting, I would have already fucking moved it.


Active Member
Well with that help, if I can grow a cacti, I can grow a weed. Was hoping that fellow stoners would help each other out, I'll keep searching around.


Well-Known Member
well if you didn't steal it from anyone, that means you found no evedence whatsoever that it was messed with before you??? it wasn't in a pot? or have different soil neerest it's roots? maybe even a little pearlite? well if thats the case then you are either growing something that looks like pot but isn't, or a wild hemp plant that could get you arrested for keeping, and will never get you high, trust me weed grows wild EVERYWHERE where i live and i have smoked much more than i care to admit trying to desperately get some kind of high, it is a waste of time.

basicly, if in anyway that was somone elses plant and you took it, i hope you get herpies and that they itch and leak puss really bad, but if you found it, i hope you have the brains to not be growing a grape vine or stinging nettle in your house, as they can look a tad like pot at times to the amature.

If it is really a wild growing cannibus plant you might as well kill it, because if your caught with it you will get charged with some sort of felony growing charges and possibly the intent to distribute, as they will weight the whole plant wet, including roots, not worrying that it has almost no thc at all is is just a feral industrial hemp plant that wouldn't get anyone high.

also a blacklight is useless, you might as well try growing it by candle light, black lights don't emit the spectrums needed for growing, wich would be 5600K for veg and 2700k for flowering.


Well-Known Member
lol wow u make me laugh ok a couple things. If theres no other plants near it that are cannabis then someone planted it, maybe they didnt know it was going to be cut ok. Obviously there was sitll lots of forest there. Secondly admit it you stole someones plant, Third your going to kill this tihng cause youve allready started. Your being a dick just calling cannabis just a weed , if u think its like that then treat it like that u dick ok. We love it , we call it weed we dont say its just a weed. cause its not it has flowers. Weeds dont have flowers. And people dont grow Weeds , weeds randomly grow in places. Well we do purposly grow cannabis, its not a weed. Get that through ur skull first

This made me laugh hard actually

"If i can grow a cacti, i can grow a weed." LOL well i already corrected u on the weed terminology you jerk. As far as the first part of that fragment of a sentence. How are they even similar a cacti u water wat once a fucken month maybe more maybe less, a cacti grow sin shitty soil and in dirt not soil, like hard dirt and clay and other desert bullshit, you dont smoke a cacti, a cacti has fucken needles. Its not hard to tame a cacti. ok iunno where u getting all this info but seriously read EVERYTHING on grow faq then ask for help. u got urself into this. Btw your making friends really fast, not just with the theft but ur insulting marijuana cannabis by calling it Just a weed. adios muchacha


Well-Known Member

Go to Walmart or home depot and buy some high wattage Compact Fluorescent bulbs. Try and get as many as you can, If it's 4' already, I'd just buy the warm bulbs as they are high in the red spectrum and are so so for flowering.

Wire it up, stick the plant under them and get a timer and put your lights on 12 hours on and 12 hours off. During the 12 hours off make sure your plant is in a completely dark space.

Probably a total cost of like $50-$70

This will make it bud after a week or 2.


Well-Known Member
well if you didn't steal it from anyone, that means you found no evedence whatsoever that it was messed with before you??? it wasn't in a pot? or have different soil neerest it's roots? maybe even a little pearlite? well if thats the case then you are either growing something that looks like pot but isn't, or a wild hemp plant that could get you arrested for keeping, and will never get you high, trust me weed grows wild EVERYWHERE where i live and i have smoked much more than i care to admit trying to desperately get some kind of high, it is a waste of time.

basicly, if in anyway that was somone elses plant and you took it, i hope you get herpies and that they itch and leak puss really bad, but if you found it, i hope you have the brains to not be growing a grape vine or stinging nettle in your house, as they can look a tad like pot at times to the amature.

If it is really a wild growing cannibus plant you might as well kill it, because if your caught with it you will get charged with some sort of felony growing charges and possibly the intent to distribute, as they will weight the whole plant wet, including roots, not worrying that it has almost no thc at all is is just a feral industrial hemp plant that wouldn't get anyone high.
Beaner arent you happy i refered you to this guys thread. i like the herpies part.

And i wouldnt be surprised if it is Hemp cause it will be funny when he gets nailed and when he trys to get high. When hes smoking fucken Rope making material. Your like me beaner you put ur heart into this and people that just steal others plants well.....the herpes part.

speaking of herpes

a quote from Demetri Martin

"If you mess with glitter , be prepared to have it on you for the rest of your life. Because glitter is the herpes of craft supplies" lol


Active Member
I'm in the great NORTHWEST!! We are all forestry... The plants that grow here in the wild do get you high, and I don't really wanna turn everything into an argument.

What kinda lights should I use, I'm tired of all theft shit, I found it, I didn't fucking steal it, it was half unrooted, and the soil wasn't messed with other than the fact that it looked like it had been layed on by a fucking deer. I'm not retarded, I've been smoking pot for a couple years, not just randomly picked it up. I wasn't asking about high potent THC weed, I'm not even looking for something to fuck me up

I just wanna grow a beautiful plant so fuck me for even asking.

And you know here in the states, I can get fucked in the ass for even having 20 dollars worth aka 2grams. So I'm not worried about getting arrested lol


Well-Known Member

Go to Walmart or home depot and buy some high wattage Compact Fluorescent bulbs. Try and get as many as you can, If it's 4' already, I'd just buy the warm bulbs as they are high in the red spectrum and are so so for flowering.

Wire it up, stick the plant under them and get a timer and put your lights on 12 hours on and 12 hours off. During the 12 hours off make sure your plant is in a completely dark space.

Probably a total cost of like $50-$70

This will make it bud after a week or 2.
Please refer to my post above.


Well-Known Member
not to kill a good cause, but a "weed" is a plant growing where it is not wanted, a plant that flourishes to the dismay of a gardener who wishes to grow slower developing species. dandelions are famous, though delicious, weeds and grow flowers as we all know.

i would say that i have seen over generations, allowing the right weather over a couple of seasons, can see hemp plants take over an entire field, overgrowing many diverse species that were once growing wild in harmony with eachother. in some climates it is better suited to survive than the native flora and will take over when not wanted too, i would say this would define it as a weed. i would venture that any species, be it tomatoes or crabgrass, could take over a habitat given the right climate, and would thus be considered a weed in that context.


Well-Known Member
true. i was kinda getitng into that but i knew u would come and re explain it u give the weed explination alot .


Active Member
In some other places of the world, this lovely plant is plucked because its in the way and ruining other vegetables. Its a weed, a very beautiful one indeed.

Sabud, we got off on the wrong foot, I really didn't steal the plant, I was just trying to see if I could fix something that someone else might have messed up, or abandoned or something.

Anyway High Pressure Sodium Lights?


I'm reading those are the best for indoor growing.