New Plant and Questions.


Active Member
Just so you know guys, I would love to thank Home_Grown for just being straight and to the point. Thank you, for not accusing me of being someone I'm not without even talking with me.

I'm sorry you guys just started calling me a thief and being dicks. Enjoy life.


Well-Known Member
unless you live near the equator, i can assure you, potent wild weed does not grow in your area, in no part of the usa are there potent feral species, natural selection favors the less potent, hemp varients, and even the most poten strains will evolve tword nothingness if left in the wild.

not true of course if you live along the equator, where wild thai evolved, or wild affgani or hindukush, or even haze came from. unfortunatly that never happened in usa and never will. Im not trying to cause any trouble and i almost never do, however if you found it and it was wild, it would seem an unruly and hazerdous plant to keep, no matter how beautiful, and if it were somone elses it is deaply againced every growers code to take it, no matter how bad the previous owner was caring for it.


Well-Known Member
alright i understand why everyone is flustered with him for what he did but before i actually started growing and such and semi-"got to know people" on this site if i saw a plant in my area i would have taken it yes.... but now i understand more so why you shouldnt and i NEVER would. im not defending him at all its just a statement. its kinda like you dont really realize its wrong till you know i guess.... he may have taken a growers plant yes but still he should be helped. imho anyway.

alright just look through the faq... its all there anyways.


Well-Known Member
heres my advice. its simple, makes everoyne happy, it works and ur plant will live forever and healthy.

Drop Dead and Die

Remember the 3 D's


Well-Known Member
C'mon guys, you's are taking this a bit too personally.

@HappyCamper - You live and you learn. Put this down to a learning experience!


Well-Known Member
i agree.. he made a mistake... may have been a big one but he knows to never do it again... im sure if it was possible to find the owner.. he would gladly give it back....


Well-Known Member
i doubt he would, he wants bud thats it. Listen happy camper ill respect u when u get a seed, spend time to germ it, plant it, veg it for a month or 2, then flower it. Then and only then he will understand why its hurt to have a plant stolen and then he would have learned


Well-Known Member
i cant say i disagree with that.... growing something from the beginning makes you feel much more differently about them.


Well-Known Member
Exactly thats like if ur parents gave u 500 dollars to buy a half way decent computer or something, he doesnt care hes got a computer . he might even resell it if he needs the money. but if he works every day or every weekend for every dolllar then buys it, theres a better feeling, more attachment to it like i worked for this its mine i worked for it.

I mean come on this guy doesnt deserve the free bud that he gets off this plant he stole ( i doubt he gets any its under a fucken blacklight atm )

He will not understand what the original owner of this plant is going through until he purchases seeds, germs them, plants them, veg them, flower them, harvest them, dry and cure them, can and then smoke it ok. only then he will know how bad the original owner feels. This guy has no sympathy for me . He can kiss my ass, make me sick.


Well-Known Member
Thank You for understanding. Normally id be more sane about this but i mean this is over the limits for me. People make mistakes but come on its theft let alone the lowest form.


Active Member
I think you are a very funny person. I work at a gas station, I pay for my bud, I never do any sneaky shit, I like to live life to the fullest. I'm trying to do my best, I read a guy said if I could give it back I would. Hes right, if someone could prove to me that it was theirs, I would gladly give it back.

As I said in the beginning, I wanna make this a learnign experience, I didn't have any seeds and this landed in my lap. I'm sorry to have offended you so badly, that wasn't my intent at all, nor was it ever to steal someones plant. I understand the value of growing plants. I personally have never grown a plant, but I've made lots of music, watching it grow from nothing and turn into something so fuckign amazing.

I want to see if I can make beautiful plants now as well, I've been thinking about this for a long time indeed. I've asked around about it, being curious, but never really having the balls. For some reason I just decided this would be a good idea.

Again I'm sorry to have offended you, and I don't like to argue. Please forgive me.


Active Member
And I also saved up for my now $2500 ( after upgrades of hardware ). I saved up for my shitty ass Geo Metro. I saved up to propose to my girlfriend who dumped me. I have saved up for things man, I'm not just a fiend out looking for a fucking weed fix, and its sad that you come and accuse me of that. Seriously dude, I work my ass for a living as well, and anyway, my life doesn't have anything to do with growing a plant. I was just asking for advice, not begging for someone to call me a thief and then bad mouth about me and my supposed "lifestyle" that you've created about me based on very little, VERY LITTLE conversation we've had, which have all consisted of you bad mouthing me and then not listening, twisting my words and then using them against me as if I was a mean person.

Please seek help?


Well-Known Member
Hey maybe someone did abandon the thing so maybe you did save it but I would look around in the faq for info on saving it. It has a very informative plant problem section with pics. As to how these guys feel if you did indeed steal it is very waranted. I had an outdoor grow once with one plant and I gave that thing love and care and my utmost attention for every day of it's life. Labor of love you know. Anyhow I came out one morning to a hole in the ground where my beloved plant once was and felt a tremendous sense of loss. I have gotten the call to tell me someone very close to me had been killed and the sensation and emotions were very similar. It's not just something you can go replace. It's like losing a child. I wish you good luck saving it if it was abandoned.


New Member
Thank You for understanding. Normally id be more sane about this but i mean this is over the limits for me. People make mistakes but come on its theft let alone the lowest form.
ive gained so much respect 4 u and this is the first time ive seen u on here.......i
i hate the fact he has admitted to stealing it and taken it back a million times. he prob wont post a pic cause the damn thing is a flourishing 4ft monster. No plant looks nearly dead @ 4ft or it would have already died....... ESPECIALLY if it were wild. u know how strong id have to be to get to 4ft? wild thc containing plants rarely get bigger than 2ft fully FLOWERED. and there are some in remote mountains of north carolina