whats the best time to water during a 18 / 6 vegging cycle under a 600 watt light?


Well-Known Member
Just before the light goes out. less evaporation. plants can rest and use there energy to easily uptake the water.


Well-Known Member
Its ok to water while the light are on but many people find that smaller pots watered while the lights are on and the fans can evaporate quickly. Just don't overwater. Its hard to keep track of how much ferts are in there when the water evaporates in 4 hours. Try dif things. really i don't think the watering schedule if all else is in check should make much effect on finished product anyway. i once tried soil and just watered whenever and had great results


Well-Known Member
mother nature seems to rain randomly. don't worry man. just water when they need it and they'll be fine. but like i said before. if your room is hot with fans and small pots it WILL evaporate very fast. don't worry about it . good luck