Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
43 get it right ..... Not Middle aged yet.. still got 7 more years
And how did you become retired at the age of 43??? Was it the help of your mom or did you do this all on your own???? If so, please share the secret and then I can pass it on to my boys and can keep my wallet in my purse where it belongs, lol.


Well-Known Member
And how did you become retired at the age of 43??? Was it the help of your mom or did you do this all on your own???? If so, please share the secret and then I can pass it on to my boys and can keep my wallet in my purse where it belongs, lol.

I worked hard my whole life ,, My Mom does not support me ..

I just made the right choices . I got lucky ..
I work Now , But now I work around the house .. For China and Myself and Our family's . I'll remodel still , but now I just pick and choose jobs .

When your self employed you are able to do that .. with a 9-5 you'll never get anywhere .


Well-Known Member
I worked hard my whole life ,, My Mom does not support me ..

I just made the right choices . I got lucky ..
I work Now , But now I work around the house .. For China and Myself and Our family's . I'll remodel still , but now I just pick and choose jobs .

When your self employed you are able to do that .. with a 9-5 you'll never get anywhere .
Well good for you! Most people, self employed or not, have to work until their 65. Hell, my dad is 65 and self employed, and he will not retire until he is 70 or so.....You must of picked one hell of business to run! For now, I will continue to share the wealth I have with my kids....and hopefully one day they will be 43 and retired...doubt it, but you never know.


Well-Known Member
Well good for you! Most people, self employed or not, have to work until their 65. Hell, my dad is 65 and self employed, and he will not retire until he is 70 or so.....You must of picked one hell of business to run! For now, I will continue to share the wealth I have with my kids....and hopefully one day they will be 43 and retired...doubt it, but you never know.

Best advice I can give your son's is ..Go Find a woman Like China Cat ...

Its the WOMAN WHO MAKES the Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She Made me who I am Today .. Without her I'd prob be dead .I was on a path of destruction.. I had money to spend and I used to drink So Co and beers from 8am till 9pm Just about every day ..

And still work 7 days a week and run 2 business ,,Home Improvements and a Pizzeria..


Well-Known Member
I was raised spoiled and as an only Child yea I got everything I wanted .. But that was wrong.. I know better now ..I'll make my kids earn whatever they get .. They will learn the lesson of VALUING What is theirs
I was an only child too.... I made the mistake of asking for $$ when the old man asked me to paint the trim around the roof....
So about a month later at supper time I get this itemized bill for every meal/nights rent..etc... Sooooo guess who was painting the next day......:wall:
If I asked as a kid in a store for something mom would say no...."ONCE"..
If I made the mistake of asking a 2nd time I got a smack in the face right in the middle of the store...it was a common event back in the 50 &60's... kids didn't throw tantrums then, and if they did, it was their last if they knew what was good for them.......


Well-Known Member
Best advice I can give your son's is ..Go Find a woman Like China Cat ...

Its the WOMAN WHO MAKES the Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She Made me who I am Today .. Without her I'd prob be dead .I was on a path of destruction.. I had money to spend and I used to drink So Co and beers from 8am till 9pm Just about every day ..

And still work 7 days a week and run 2 business ,,Home Improvements and a Pizzeria..
You know what? My brother said the exact same thing to me yesterday. He swears he would be a millionaire right now had he had the right wife, lol lol. I love his wife, she is a doll. There is something to that though, when you are paired up with your soulmate nothing but good can come of it, I am happy for you and China I love reading your posts back and forth to each other they are always so cute. I will pass this advice forward.:)

I was an only child too.... I made the mistake of asking for $$ when the old man asked me to paint the trim around the roof....
So about a month later at supper time I get this itemized bill for every meal/nights rent..etc... Sooooo guess who was painting the next day......:wall:
If I asked as a kid in a store for something mom would say no...."ONCE"..
If I made the mistake of asking a 2nd time I got a smack in the face right in the middle of the store...it was a common event back in the 50 &60's... kids didn't throw tantrums then, and if they did, it was their last if they knew what was good for them.......
Damn, I thought my mother was the only parent that would wale on me at the store, lol. I was hard headed, I would usually ask twice.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
As a child My mom was too busy for me .. So Instead of love and affection , I got Money and gifts ..
Sounds like my dads mom... she never let me as a child in her place..she hated kids and their grimy fingerprints.. she was of the Old English mindset that kids should be seen and not heard....... I never met her..only saw pictures....talk about a serious old bitch........


Well-Known Member
My Dad died when I was 16 ,, At That time my mom was still in med school.. So I Became a wild child .. No supervision.. I used to leave notes on the table ,Thats how we comunicated


Well-Known Member
That was my dad, best gifts ever though, lol. :weed:
My Dad died when I was 16 ,, At That time my mom was still in med school.. So I Became a wild child .. No supervision.. I used to leave notes on the table ,Thats how we comunicated
My old man was an odd duck... very quite sort.. never even threw a ball to me as a kid.. I never saw him at any games or school activities..... just no interaction....

Good grief.. I was a potted plant.... :sad:


Well-Known Member
Speaking of potting plants ,, Im going to germ a few beans tonight after the kids leave , Im going to get something vegging cause in 6 weeks I'll be flowering them .. Im trying to have a 2 month turnover every two months get a sack that'll last to the next .. All indoor , Outdoor ,, It''ll Be Hijack for sure ..


Well-Known Member
mornin...got to sleep in for once. very nice.

vette- im surprised your not joining in on our veggie journal. you do a veggie garden outside dont you?


Well-Known Member
nice...the weather is weird out here...one day its 80 and the next its 50...

I went hiking up at red rock yesterday...fucking beautiful up there.
gonna go check out some old gold mines on sunday..we have a metal detector. It should be fun