It was an Excellent question, 1 that can be answered........, but it's simplicity requires an intrinsic amount of spiritual maturity, or it goes completely mis understood and complicated furthermore........, thus actually hindering your maturation
but we all have the answers that are right, or if for better well said, on the correct path, (as indicated by TinyT, MastK, BigP, & hosts of others) it is the clutterness of irrelevant thoughts of present /past tho' that keeps the noise level turned up, so clarity is missed......
It is like a group of men trying to measure an elephant with a 12" ruler, or a child trying to take apart a small radio, in attempt to understand just how it works
.......quite nearly impossilbe, so you must acquire the corret tools ehh,
What I have given is a resourceful starting point to guide one, the only other tool I would and adamantly suggest is Meditation ( the only way to turn down the noise)