1 month grow. Take a look.

Brick Top

New Member
For the most part they look pretty nice. A few seem to have a few somewhat nasty looking bottom leaves but nothing horrible. A couple seem to be a fair bit smaller than the others but I do not know if they were started at the same time and are just lagging behind or if they were started a little later or if they are different strains.

But overall I would say they look nice and if they were mine I would not be unhappy with them.

I would suggest staying away from clear or semi-clear containers in the future and would repot what you have before the roots are all around the containers and all over the edges. Roots do not like light and it they receive much it can and will kill the plants.

What may have kept things ok so far is a combination of you have them packed so close together that little light can get between the containers, if you are using CFL’s that do not penetrate like HID lighting would and so far there isn’t enough root-mass around the sides/edges of the containers yet for it to have become a real problem and kill your plants.

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
looks good man. like murderallay said it not good to use clear cups. the light will kill your roots. i had some problems with my current grow at first because i used the clear cups. but they look good keep it up.


Active Member
I am using 5 26w flouros with a base heater since the are in my garage. They never see over 80 degrees. They are on 18 hrs light and 6 hrs dark. they are in a mix of 4 things seed starting potting mix, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and organic mix. And they are a mix of random seeds i collected.

I have some hindu kush seeds but I am experimenting first so I know what I am doing when it comes to the real deal.


Active Member
I was thinking about painting them but then I would release that odor into the box. They dont make different color jugs that would fit over them. what do you guys suggest?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about painting them but then I would release that odor into the box. They dont make different color jugs that would fit over them. what do you guys suggest?

When i found out about the light killing the roots i just wrapped any clear ones i had in duct tape.. sounds kinda ghetto but its a quick easy remedy

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about painting them but then I would release that odor into the box. They dont make different color jugs that would fit over them. what do you guys suggest?

Well I would go buy the same set of cups but colored. Then just slip those cups in the others. That way you could take them out to see root growth. Alot easier than tape or paint. Might run you a whole 3 dollars. I use keg cups to start seeds and for clones. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
his are already in bigger pots so i'd use duct tape. next grow do the cup trick, live and learn i say.

this was my fist grow yes laugh one of my first pics on here i was so prould. I got hammered

and now i can do this trick

edit again that pic is funny now


Active Member
yea like i just said not be sarcastic but they dont make colored cups that i could just slip them over. Plus I really dont have much room to deal with as you can see. haha

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
yea like i just said not be sarcastic but they dont make colored cups that i could just slip them over. Plus I really dont have much room to deal with as you can see. haha

Woops.. My bad. At a quick glance they appeared to be in keg cups. There's always next time. Happy growing:weed: