Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
Fighting off the urge, luckily I made my appointment for early. 15 minutes and I'm there, hopefully they aren't behind already and I can get in and out.

I hate doctors offices, they're always full of old people who each wear a bottle of cologne and by the time I get out of there I'm usually sick from the stench. That's great, feel fine, go to the doc, come home with chest pains and a swollen throat, yay....... :roll:


Well-Known Member
Fighting off the urge, luckily I made my appointment for early. 15 minutes and I'm there, hopefully they aren't behind already and I can get in and out.

I hate doctors offices, they're always full of old people who each wear a bottle of cologne and by the time I get out of there I'm usually sick from the stench. That's great, feel fine, go to the doc, come home with chest pains and a swollen throat, yay....... :roll:
I always make my appointments for 1st thing in the morning... 1st in... 1st out....


New Member
What a waste of time, I sat there for an hour coughing and choking on peoples stink and didn't even see a doctor, after an hour, I thought I was on the verge of death, so I just left and called them and told them not to bother to bill me, I didn't see a doctor anyway and now I'll be sick for 3 fucking days over this shit...



Well-Known Member
What a waste of time, I sat there for an hour coughing and choking on peoples stink and didn't even see a doctor, after an hour, I thought I was on the verge of death, so I just left and called them and told them not to bother to bill me, I didn't see a doctor anyway and now I'll be sick for 3 fucking days over this shit...


LOL I wonder how they talked about you after you left .. Thats what i LOVE about living in the sticks ,,There is NEVER a wait ..Most times within 3-5 min your in the office


Well-Known Member
What a waste of time, I sat there for an hour coughing and choking on peoples stink and didn't even see a doctor, after an hour, I thought I was on the verge of death, so I just left and called them and told them not to bother to bill me, I didn't see a doctor anyway and now I'll be sick for 3 fucking days over this shit...

My lung specialist runs 4 offices in two provinces so if you don't get the right days, and get a hospital rounds or out of province day you can sit quite a while... they know not to give grumpy twisty the shitty appointments.... :fire:

LOL I wonder how they talked about you after you left .. Thats what i LOVE about living in the sticks ,,There is NEVER a wait ..Most times within 3-5 min your in the office
Pssst.... did you see how pissed that lady was.......:-P

It's a violation of the medical privacy act to talk about me. I wish those bitches would talk about me, see them in court !!!
Quick miss...count to 10 before you throw a stroke....................:wall:


New Member
I was in a good mood until I had to sit in a gas chamber for an hour. Now my head is pounding and it feels like there is a sharp spike behind my eye. There is a 5 alarm fire in my throat and I've having severe chest pains, like heart attack style. After a few hours it'll start to subside.

That's it for me, I'm done with doctors, I can't and won't go back.

Let me have one of these bongsmilie maybe I'll mellow out.

Ouch Miss You cranky today ?

Drink some Nyquill and take a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG nap


Well-Known Member
Fuck the Nazi's and their pussy mustard gas, I lived through perfume. :bigjoint:
I hear what you're saying though... some places you go and your eyes water from all the excessive BO juice or perfume...
At least its not like that at the lung Dr. Most there can't breath without oxygen and if you DID walk in there emitting noxious vapor someone would break an oxygen tank over your head..
Actually it freaks me out there because I've only got moderate COPD..some of those poor people are pretty bad off... :sad:


New Member
I was in a good mood until I had to sit in a gas chamber for an hour. Now my head is pounding and it feels like there is a sharp spike behind my eye. There is a 5 alarm fire in my throat and I've having severe chest pains, like heart attack style. After a few hours it'll start to subside.

That's it for me, I'm done with doctors, I can't and won't go back.

Let me have one of these bongsmilie maybe I'll mellow out.
miss... if you were there for just a check up, I could do that for you....:bigjoint:


New Member
Wake n Bake is the best thing EVER. I cant do it before school anymore some kid told the principle and i got caught :x Whatever gives me something to look forward to in the morning bongsmilie