Legalize it i'll pay the taxes


Well-Known Member
I wanted to start this to see if or how many on here feel the same as I do that if the U.S. made weed legal I would gladly pay taxes to smoke grow a little bit if i wanted to without getting a big ass fine or going to jail for growing a personal stash for myself I don't want to be a dealer just sick of paying crazy amounts for seedless green with a made up name for top dollar like 75 a 1/8 so anyone with a word or two on this let me hear you if nothing more than to say you will pay your taxes for the U.S. to legalize marijuana. If this is the land of the free then free the weed it's more of a plus to the world we live in in more ways than just smoking it as far as all the things you can do with hemp and last but not least the positives that smoking it has on medical patience and what it does for people like me that don't really drink but after a hard day of work and it can be one of the worse days ever and mary jane makes it all better just like some people like a sip of somthing alot of us like to toke and have been toking for 20 plus or better and like I said when I drink I do dumb shit but that sweet sweet green makes things right noone can tell me that it was'nt put here for man to use like other pure things of this earth thats natural and not man made


Well-Known Member
lol, in the us.. u guys pay mad amounts of money for your weed, england we pay £20 for 3.5g 8th...
but yea.. i wouldnt mind paying the taxes to grow my own smoke


Well-Known Member
lol, in the us.. u guys pay mad amounts of money for your weed, england we pay £20 for 3.5g 8th...
but yea.. i wouldnt mind paying the taxes to grow my own smoke
thats what I'm saying as long as I not selling it to kids or whatever the rules I would do it for just personal use so what is the difference from smoking weed to drinking atleast i can still drive and function on green hell most doctor meds. they give you in the U.S have you 5 times more fucked up than mj does


Well-Known Member
I pay $25 a 1/4 ounce or $80 an ounce.And it is legal in michigan for medical use.


Active Member
I agree with you Diddy it should be legalized however if it were legalised think of the effect it would have on the government they would have to radically change the judicial system, release prisoners and have to pay out hefty amounts on damages.

To date as far as im aware there has been no known cases of MJ misuse deaths in the US infact taking this figure from a book on average the amount of deaths from alchohol misuse per year is a staggering 80,000.

You stated that you DUI, im not saying that I have not donet his myself but, it is not something that is suggested like alchohol it can seriously slow down your reaction times making it more likely for you to be involved in an accident...

Any effects that you do receive from the sweet Mary Jane are reversible and can be done by staying off for even a day or two. Basically the way I see it is that if its not something you can become addicted to the goverment isnt interested in that sense. (obv this discludes drugs such as cocaine or heroin).

To sum up if the government really did legalise and place a tax on the sale or growth of it they would probably make just as much money per year if not more like what they would with tobacco or alchohol sales. Not to mention the thousands of jobs it would create concentrating on growing their own strains, which would clearly be regulated as to the amount of THC etc would b allowed in the sales like achohol.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Diddy it should be legalized however if it were legalised think of the effect it would have on the government they would have to radically change the judicial system, release prisoners and have to pay out hefty amounts on damages.

To date as far as im aware there has been no known cases of MJ misuse deaths in the US infact taking this figure from a book on average the amount of deaths from alchohol misuse per year is a staggering 80,000.

You stated that you DUI, im not saying that I have not donet his myself but, it is not something that is suggested like alchohol it can seriously slow down your reaction times making it more likely for you to be involved in an accident...

Any effects that you do receive from the sweet Mary Jane are reversible and can be done by staying off for even a day or two. Basically the way I see it is that if its not something you can become addicted to the goverment isnt interested in that sense. (obv this discludes drugs such as cocaine or heroin).

To sum up if the government really did legalise and place a tax on the sale or growth of it they would probably make just as much money per year if not more like what they would with tobacco or alchohol sales. Not to mention the thousands of jobs it would create concentrating on growing their own strains, which would clearly be regulated as to the amount of THC etc would b allowed in the sales like achohol.
The tobacco companies wouldn't like it I bet they would loose money cause you can do alot more plus make alot more with a field of weed than a tobacco crop alot more so you know thats one roadblock


Well-Known Member
i would pay taxes but still grow my own because the government marketed weed would probably have chemicals in it making it shit weed.but legal or not i'm gonna grow and smoke but it would be nice if you didn't have to worry about friggin cops.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i would pay taxes but still grow my own because the government marketed weed would probably have chemicals in it making it shit weed.but legal or not i'm gonna grow and smoke but it would be nice if you didn't have to worry about friggin cops.:leaf:
LOL you know thats right bro they would probably add chemicals to it to make you like a crack head for weed but yeah to not worry about cops in your mix is priceless :clap:

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
I would only supprt that if the weed was left unthouched and sold as is, no chemicals and whatnot....not like the radioactive pesticides/ferts they use on the tobacco. Not legalizing pot it is really stupid, the U.S. is the number 1 exporter of smokes, which kill millions of people all over the globe, yet no deaths can be directly connected to marijuana.


Active Member
LOL you know thats right bro they would probably add chemicals to it to make you like a crack head for weed but yeah to not worry about cops in your mix is priceless :clap:
Well look at tobacco that has an additive to make it addictive.

Addiction to Tobacco is not from the actual plant itself but whatever the chemical is.

The government are happy with this because of the revenue they create from it eventually they will buckle and produce weed but it will no doubt be nowhere near as good at the stuff in amsterdam.


Well-Known Member
hell no, how am i supposed to make good money if it's legal? would only make it tougher i'd imagine, so i'm against it.

oh and i pay $30usd for a 1/4oz in ohio


Well-Known Member
i agree with legalizing it. it would definitely take away alot of pot related crimes we have today. it would also make it alot easier to buy and smoke pot which all of us wants..
btw i pay 7.50 a gram for the dank, but i never buy less than a lb.