Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member

bulgarian carrot peppers ... not sure what im gonna do with these yet:rolleyes:
I make a relish sort of thing with my peppers... remove a bunch of the seeds... throw into food processor... put into big pot, add some water and boil.... boil off water till you like consistency..then add maple syrup and jar.... makes a sweet HOT condiment... I put it on everything...

Its a line Cheech and Chong used when I saw them... its the skit "Dogs".. they put the mike stands off the front of stage and pretend to be dogs, humping everything......


Well-Known Member
It is cold at night here, but, HOT as hell during the day.
I have been working in my yard for a week now, and I am sore! I plan to finish up today, I hope. How are you Miss? You getting all your yard work done?


Active Member
Funny ass thread. I started @ 8:00AM. Going to be a nice ass day out - 78... Baked as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


New Member
Not really, when it's warm it seems to be windy as hell, and when it's not windy it's cold.

I did manage to get the front cleaned up from winter but that is it. Now I have my new motorcycle battery, so warm days will be a struggle. I'll have to make myself a reward system, "do 2 hours of yard work and then I can take a ride" or I'll never get it done, I'm naughty.


Well-Known Member
My son is coming home in April for Spring Break and I need to get his room done...That is my 'drying' room, lol....I figure I am getting the outside done while it is still cool enough and then I am jumping on his room. I am so florida'd out. C'mon economy!!! I want out of here.

I am going to catch a quick buzz and do a transcript and then back to the yard! I just wanted to drop in and say good morning to you guys!:hug:


Well-Known Member
Good morning wake and bakers..... bongsmilie

How are you guys doing?

Weedman :hug:

Morning everyone.bongsmilie:joint::peace:
Morning ladies...... :hug::hug:

good morning everyone.

Nice to see im not the only one up at this ungodly hour
tokin one for the morning :bigjoint:

Funny ass thread. I started @ 8:00AM. Going to be a nice ass day out - 78... Baked as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Welcome.................. bongsmilie