the end is near for the USA

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Well-Known Member
many people do. i just can't seem to get anything legitimate, NOTHING, from anyone, as to why obama is under so much fire, already. ;-):bigjoint:
From where has obama come under fire? what has he come under for? and why do you think that it wasn't legitmate. ?

Could it have been his lying? He has lied to us as pres. and before as well.


New Member
Obama wishes to TRANSFORM America (his own words). No one elected him to do that. Frankly it smacks of being unconstitutional. Our elected officials are there to govern by the CONSENT of the people.
Honestly, this is why he was NEVER specific as to what he would do if he was elected. Smart move, because he would have lost in a landslide if he had. I find the media duplicitous in holding his flank. No hard questions were ever asked of him. Now we all get to find out where the bottom is together. FDR turned a depression into a great depression. We all know it took WW2 to bring us out of it. Is that what awaits us?? I sure hope not.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
From where has obama come under fire? what has he come under for? and why do you think that it wasn't legitmate. ?

Could it have been his lying? He has lied to us as pres. and before as well.
FINALLY. something extremely legitimate...:rolleyes: as i thought.


Well-Known Member
Obama wishes to TRANSFORM America (his own words). No one elected him to do that.
honestly, many are depending on it. millions are looking for this country to finally live up to her potential.

Our elected officials are there to govern by the CONSENT of the people.
if you look at his ratings, discussions here on RIU, etc. he is meeting the approval of the majority. i don't mean to sound shitty, but i know what it is like NOT to be a part of that.


New Member
honestly, many are depending on it. millions are looking for this country to finally live up to her potential.

if you look at his ratings, discussions here on RIU, etc. he is meeting the approval of the majority. i don't mean to sound shitty, but i know what it is like NOT to be a part of that.
And the majority of people can't find Montana on the map...

Of course people are behind Obama, not surprising at all.

1.) The vast majority of people do not understand economics.
2.) Most people are reticent to admit a mistake.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
And the majority of people can't find Montana on the map...

Of course people are behind Obama, not surprising at all.

1.) The vast majority of people do not understand economics.
2.) Most people are reticent to admit a mistake.

out. :blsmoke:
perhaps. but, many people (of all colors) have hope, some for the first time in their life. i know this may not seem important to a lot of people, but i could show otherwise (another conversation).

but, just to dispell all the fears, does anyone TRULY believe that this brother has been given absolute power, as suggested, enough so that he CAN destroy, or even damage this country?

believe that the powers to be would never have it. :o


Well-Known Member
so many are complaining about the spending. but, the majority (i meant that word literally) of the experts i have heard (i don't discriminate, i follow fox news also) speak say that it takes BIG spending to come out of this type of mess. they also claim that this has been proven historically. i know i am not the only one hearing this (and i'm aware of the conspiracy theories...all of 'em - want to hear about some you are not familiar with?)


Active Member
And the majority of people can't find Montana on the map...

Of course people are behind Obama, not surprising at all.

1.) The vast majority of people do not understand economics.
2.) Most people are reticent to admit a mistake.

out. :blsmoke:
I think the whole economic crash is a direct result of corporate greed and people spending money they haven't even earned yet. The people that run the country have known since 1989 that the US economy was going to crash, they've been trying to ease the people into it to avoid wide spread pandamonium. You don't have to have a degree in economics to know that spending our way out this mess isn't the answer. Were dependant on a system that only works when everybody is spending beyond our means. We have been brainwashed into thinking that our only option is to stick to a system that is failing miserably. this economic crash is the beginning of the end of capitalism itself and hiding our heads in the sand won't fix the problem.


New Member
I think the whole economic crash is a direct result of corporate greed and people spending money they haven't even earned yet. The people that run the country have known since 1989 that the US economy was going to crash, they've been trying to ease the people into it to avoid wide spread pandamonium. You don't have to have a degree in economics to know that spending our way out this mess isn't the answer. Were dependant on a system that only works when everybody is spending beyond our means. We have been brainwashed into thinking that our only option is to stick to a system that is failing miserably. this economic crash is the beginning of the end of capitalism itself and hiding our heads in the sand won't fix the problem.
First of greed is everywhere....everywhere. Only one system takes this into account with any reasonable results...capitalism and free markets. the farther you get away from it, the worse the solutions have to be. Did the people in governance know that a calamity was imminent? You bet! The Govt. has been meddling with the free markets for some time now with Fred & Fannie Mae as two prime examples. The govt. has set up the board and now the very same people responsible for letting the Kraken loose now say they are the ones who can fix it. But not with free and open markets, but with socialism. Will it work? Most certainly not. No data will support that posiiton. Do people like to admit they have made a mistake. Again, certainly not. So, this will have to play out until the people have had enough self flagellation. Perhaps it is blessing in disguise, for the nail in the socialist coffin will be driven home once and for all. What is not known is how much misery the world will have to endure before we turn from the economic cliff. It is no surprise (at least to me) that the stock market started to truly tank once Obama began to show us his plans. Stock markets don't look backwards, but forwards...and the folks who make a living digesting data are alarmed (and rightfully so). The rest of the nation are not very well informed and it will take time for them to wake up. We'll see....we'll see.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I like the way Obama is giving us the science he promised instead of running his presidency based on the bible.

Bush never could quite catch on to seperation of church and state.

Personally I'm sick of churchy people making decisions for me based on a book of fiction that I don't believe in nor rely on.


Well-Known Member
perhaps. but, many people (of all colors) have hope, some for the first time in their life. i know this may not seem important to a lot of people, but i could show otherwise (another conversation).

but, just to dispell all the fears, does anyone TRULY believe that this brother has been given absolute power, as suggested, enough so that he CAN destroy, or even damage this country?

believe that the powers to be would never have it. :o
Yes, and a lot of people, the ones that were busting their asses before idiots that bought into Obama's hollow rhetoric elected him, are out of Hope.

I didn't buy into the American Dream so I could watch it get stolen by the parasites...

Though with the way Obama is talking I might as well just quit, give up, become a parasite myself.

I don't owe any one anything.

I don't think my existence is owed to any one.

And I certainly don't think that idiots that bought into the "Change" (Faster Slide into Totalitarianism), and False "Hope" that Obama was pushing have any claim on my life.

Here's a interesting thought experiment for you.

Imagine that tomorrow you heard that all the farmers, all the engineers, all the people that have decent jobs, all the lawyers, doctors, executives, and entrepreneurs just upped and left. Imagine that they got sick and tired of dealing with the idiots like Obama that are pushing Economic Slavery, and just left.

Now, tell me, where would that leave you?


New Member
I don't think it would change my life for the worse. If all the farmers just up and left, I'd have my pick of places to live and fields to work. All that free equiptment. Fuck yeah, when are they going?

I already know which places have livestock and which don't. I think I'd still be alive and well.


Well-Known Member
Here's a interesting thought experiment for you.

Imagine that tomorrow you heard that all the farmers, all the engineers, all the people that have decent jobs, all the lawyers, doctors, executives, and entrepreneurs just upped and left. Imagine that they got sick and tired of dealing with the idiots like Obama that are pushing Economic Slavery, and just left.

Now, tell me, where would that leave you?
Well, that would leave us with our pick of obscenely oversized crap mansions, sexually sublimated automobiles, and other choice articles from the unbalanced lives of the rich. You don't imagine that the wealth-obsessed classes you speak of wouldn't be replaced with others willing to do the same work for less, do you? You really don't believe that all these moneyed individuals would be welcome other places in the world where they have their own lawyers, doctors, captains of industry who have their own thing going on suppressing the masses and probably don't want any more competition in that sphere. A glut of capitalists is like a glut of migrant workers; both are a threat to stability.


Well-Known Member
Well, that would leave us with our pick of obscenely oversized crap mansions, sexually sublimated automobiles, and other choice articles from the unbalanced lives of the rich. You don't imagine that the wealth-obsessed classes you speak of wouldn't be replaced with others willing to do the same work for less, do you? You really don't believe that all these moneyed individuals would be welcome other places in the world where they have their own lawyers, doctors, captains of industry who have their own thing going on suppressing the masses and probably don't want any more competition in that sphere. A glut of capitalists is like a glut of migrant workers; both are a threat to stability.
It's too bad it wouldn't be possible to watch you die of starvation while driving around in a luxury car.


Well-Known Member
It's too bad it wouldn't be possible to watch you die of starvation while driving around in a luxury car.
Amusing riposte, but not necessarily germane. Anyway, you would be gone. So another sacrifice you'll have to make. sorry.

I also wish the rapture would come, despite my non-believer status, just to get rid of the bible-thumpers. Most of em would be gone under BT's scenario anyway.


Well-Known Member
Amusing riposte, but not necessarily germane. Anyway, you would be gone. So another sacrifice you'll have to make. sorry.

I also wish the rapture would come, despite my non-believer status, just to get rid of the bible-thumpers. Most of em would be gone under BT's scenario anyway.
Does that mean that Lack of Religion leads to a person becoming a Parasite?

No, I don't see it...

Soros believes in nothing, and he's the greatest supporter of Parasites in the world.

Then there's Obama, who has millions, he believes in parasites too.

Though in the scenario, I put my money on the government pukes that'd be left behind. I think they'd manage to kill everyone and steal all the food... They'd have most of the remaining fire arms anyway.


Well-Known Member
so many are complaining about the spending. but, the majority (i meant that word literally) of the experts
What you are calling experts are just talking heads the true experts are very few and can still be wrong.

i have heard (i don't discriminate, i follow fox news also) speak say that it takes BIG spending to come out of this type of mess
Spending like we are only hides the symptoms it does't cure disease. Almost all that is being spent only digs the hole deeper and your so called experts think the way out is to just keep diging till we dig our way out? Sounds like job securty for them. You could look at it like swiming up a fast river you may hold your own or even gain for a short while but you will wear yourself out/run out of money then the current will have its way with you, having spent your energy/money. Puting a great coat of paint on a house of cards doesn't make it a good place to live. Though if you put on many coats of paint the paint could help hold up the cards.

.[/quote=DrGreenFinger;2209600] they also claim that this has been proven historically.[/quote]

This is not true. Taking a pain killer because you have a headache and the pain going away doesn't prove that the pain killer cured the headache. What we have is a stabing pain in the right hip pocket and its not going away anytime soon and allways taking pills may alow you not to notice it but it didn't go away.

DrGreenFinger said:
i know i am not the only one hearing this (and i'm aware of the conspiracy theories...all of 'em - want to hear about some you are not familiar with?)
I think conspiracys should be kept to yourself.

The US owes more money than it has and we are fixing this problem by spending more money?

If it was you would you fix it the same way?
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