The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
No i cant wait but ill have to or smoke wet weed lol. I need to score again to tide me over i recon lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah i spose your right.... i was just trying to be nice

if i had nothing i woulda bought an oz already ;) i feel your pain tho dude:cry:

mr west

Well-Known Member
be nice to find an oz to buy, my troubles would be over but the only stuff sbout is wet unfinished 6 week flowering no flush commercial shit and i wouldnt waste my money on it id rather stick needles in my eye lol. The uk has got a pot problem at the min has been shit for a good few years. Oh well never mind.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ha ha if u know someone whos growing and maybe get a bit off them but the street dealers aint gotr a fukin clue bout quality lol


Well-Known Member
Hey mr up mr west,nice man :)
i got lucky the other day and managed to grab an oz of whitewidow for £150..the funny thing is the reason i chose whitewidow to grow was coz i hadn't had any in about 8 yrs haha


Well-Known Member
Yup, the wait sucks, but on the plus side Mr. West, you have some awesome looking buds that will be ready soon enough. Anyway is it such a crime to dry one of those buds quickly ?... To smoke some while the rest is being done properly.... hehehe

mr west

Well-Known Member
well thats what im doing tonight, Its my weed the main lot of buds are drying nice, wont be long till theyve had 24hrs lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh yeah forgot bout the smoke.the ghsc is much more cheesey than the bbc, they bothe get ya stoned but the ghsc tastes better. Also some of the popcorn on the bbc had seeds ive found bout 8 so far ffs lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
HAHAH>>> it always catches me off guard..LOL...
did u forget, Im sure its come up b4 somewhere on the boards lol. Well thge smoke tonight got me laid so must be quite good lol. In fact it must be very good cuz she fucked off to bed soon after and gave me some peace lol. So double bubble lmao, only kidding sweet heart lol mwah!!:weed::weed:. Im gonna join her now night night everyone in internet world :-P