What Would You Do If You Woke Up And Your Landlord Was In Your House?


Well-Known Member
So I woke up this morning and my Landlord and some guy I dont know (Im guessing a contractor by the tool belt) are standing in my house yelling if anyone is here.

I was totally asleep, I get up, in my boxers, and ask the guy WTF he thinks he's doing. I didnt get a phone call, no notice on the door saying he wanted to do an inspection. Absolutely No form of contact to ask me if he could come over. He didnt even make an attempt. His exact words were "I rang the buzzer" (its a condo) and he said "I knocked first".

I was fucking Furious, It took me 5 minutes of me standing there in my boxers telling him to get the fuck out before he left. He actually had a bag with new locks and at one point said he was going to change the locks now if I didnt give him my word I would pay rent. At this point I didnt even want to live here anymore, this was way to ridiculous.

I got him to leave, I phoned the Cops non emergency line and said I want to press charges for BnE.

A bit more info, I got an eviction notice on the 2nd (I wasnt here, it says it was filled out on March 2) And its a legal 10 day eviction notice in BC. He served the notice in case I wouldnt pay rent when I got back from Kelowna, we had a verbal agreement that I would pay rent when I got back.

Anyways, thats not the point, not only did we have an agreement that I would pay rent when I got back. Today is only the 11th and the move out date for the eviction notice was the 12th. But legally the move out date is the 15th. He couldnt even have entered if he wanted to.

As far as he knew, I wasnt even home, he thought i was getting back Friday but I got home early (lastnight) and today he shows up and claims he knocked first. :wall::wall::wall::wall:

He has my fucking cellphone number, its my only phone, the asshole calls me all the time, this is the first time he didnt call and he just showed up and entered thinking I would be gone.

So after talking to the cops, she said she cant do anything. I didnt think she would but I wanted the police report just in case. So I called the Residential Tenancy Board of BC and talked to an agent. The agent was very nice and told me that not only is it illegal for him to enter without 24hour notice OR permission from the tenant (me) but he also isnt allowed to change the locks without written notice from a Dispute resolution agent.

The agent also told me that I can get compensation (like free rent) for him violating my rights and privacy.

Im moving out on the 14th. I refuse to deal with a fucking retard like this guy. He just doesnt get it, its ridiculous because he Knows that the cops wont do anything, he said himself he has done this before. He admits to Breaking and entering illegally and doesnt care because no one can do anything to stop it.

So my big question is What would You Do if this happened to You?

I mostly just needed to vent but Im curious, What rights do I have in this situation? I feel my privacy was totally violated, and he broke in with out even attempting to contact me under the assumption I was still out of town.

And the fucking stupid thing is he did a walkthrough/inspection on March 1, only that time he phoned me like 5 times and left Written notice for 24 hours. This time he shows up thinking Im away, it seems like he's trying to sneak aound and go through my shit while Im not here, why else would he show up and not call? Even if Im away I could arrange for a friend to be here.

This guy is being allowed to knowingly break the law and violate peoples rights without any consequences. What can/should I do?

PS If anyone is wondering, yes I do grow weed, no not at this particular condo, or I would not have been calling the cops on the douchebag landlord.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Sounds like you got your advice from the Residential Tenancy Board of BC. If you are planning to move out anyways, there's not a whole lotta anything you can do. What would I do? A gun would be pointed at an intruder of my residence. If they aren't supposed to be there, and if this is my private dwelling, I have every right to defend it - at all costs. I don't know what laws are there, but I do have a right to bear arms. I wouldn't fire the gun if I recognized the intruder(s) and knew I wasn't in harm's way, but the intruder(s) would now know that they are trespassing and should feel the impact of infringing on your right to live in your dwelling without worry of losing your life or possessions.
I would just like to add that I am not condoning violence in any way, but I am condoning protecting yourself from POTENTIAL violence against yourself and your family!
dude. leave somthing to rot in the walls or somthing, i'm sure u can find all kinds of stuff like that to do. I've herd of putting crap on the lights so when they turn on the lights it will smell like shit untill they figure out its the lights that smell
Sounds like you got your advice from the Residential Tenancy Board of BC. If you are planning to move out anyways, there's not a whole lotta anything you can do. What would I do? A gun would be pointed at an intruder of my residence. If they aren't supposed to be there, and if this is my private dwelling, I have every right to defend it - at all costs. I don't know what laws are there, but I do have a right to bear arms. I wouldn't fire the gun if I recognized the intruder(s) and knew I wasn't in harm's way, but the intruder(s) would now know that they are trespassing and should feel the impact of infringing on your right to live in your dwelling without worry of losing your life or possessions.
You have the right to bear arms for now anyways, that is if you are in the USA... seems pretty soon that right won't be there anymore but anyways.. I think dude is doing the right thing to just move out. Good you are not growing herbs there. I would NEVER do that in a place I rented.
Do you know of the dreaded upper-decker?

If not, look it up. You'll know what to do.

Next time Im coming out swinging with a baseball bat. I just never expected something like this to happen, I got caught a little off guard...lol

dude. leave somthing to rot in the walls or somthing, i'm sure u can find all kinds of stuff like that to do. I've herd of putting crap on the lights so when they turn on the lights it will smell like shit untill they figure out its the lights that smell
Hahhaha, thats a good one, Shit on the lights...I'll have to remember that one but Im not putting any shit on anything. I dont want to destroy the place..lol.

I have a clean criminal record, I would like to keep it that way...lol.

You have the right to bear arms for now anyways, that is if you are in the USA... seems pretty soon that right won't be there anymore but anyways.. I think dude is doing the right thing to just move out. Good you are not growing herbs there. I would NEVER do that in a place I rented.
Im in Canada but Im getting my Restricted firearms license in a few weeks. Its just a 2 day safety course and I have a clean record so it shouldnt be a problem. 1911 Colt .45 will be the one doing the talking next time. I wont shoot anyone, but if I wake up and someone is in my house (landlord or not) they are getting a pistol pointed at their head till they explain WTF they are doing.

Oh man, not that I condones this...I had a friend who had a NASTY landlord. The LL would mess with the yard while he was at work. He would also send "pre notices" that the rent was coming up. My friend was religious about paying, so no need.

Anyway, my friend gets ready to move to the east coast and gives the LL some notice. Thinks that would be a nice thing to do. A few days later there are prospective renters and the LL in his yard at like 0730. WTF? Anyway, things went downhill from there.

My friend buys a roast and pulls the base board off the front of the sink cabinet. He puts said roast under there and re-installs the board. A few hours later he hops on a plane and heads east. We often wonder how long it took the LL to figure out what awful smell was.
Next time Im coming out swinging with a baseball bat. I just never expected something like this to happen, I got caught a little off guard...lol

Not sure you caught my drift. Google upperdecker, it's downright diabolical when done right.
Wait with a gun and shoot him when he breaks in. He is just an intruder with a bullet in his head.
too bad u couldn't get like cockroach pheremone and just paint the fuckin place with it that would fix that shit
how can you get arested for braking and enter in to you won property with a key? I feel for you m8 i do, but the bottom line is pay your rent on time!, if this was just a once off late payment then the landlord should have gave you a bit of time to pay or leave a note or message ect.. but if it was happening often then i think he had every right to come in and change the locks and throw your stuff in the street if need be its his property that you rent if you dont pay up on time then he will get someone who can/will pay on time.

hope you find another home soon.
Dude... Grow the fuck up... You ain't at momma's house anymore. Pay your fucking rent on time and then you don't have to worry about shit like this.
Dude... Grow the fuck up... You ain't at momma's house anymore. Pay your fucking rent on time and then you don't have to worry about shit like this.

Your a moron...:dunce:

Read the post next time before posting Useless comments.

No Im not at "mommas house" I rent 2 of my own properties, and I have an issue with landlords who enter illegally thinking I am out of town. Im sure you would too.

how can you get arested for braking and enter in to you won property with a key? I feel for you m8 i do, but the bottom line is pay your rent on time!, if this was just a once off late payment then the landlord should have gave you a bit of time to pay or leave a note or message ect.. but if it was happening often then i think he had every right to come in and change the locks and throw your stuff in the street if need be its his property that you rent if you dont pay up on time then he will get someone who can/will pay on time.

Did either of you read the original post? :wall:

Rent is Always paid on time. Him entering had absolutely Nothing to do with the $400 I owed him. He wasnt here to put my stuff on the street or change the locks. If he wanted me out or the locks changed LEGALLY he has to get a dispute resolution officer and written notice. He doesnt have any of that and I am the only one who has contacted a dispute resolution officer.

I have 1 year lease, Paid with 12 post dated checks, he ALWAYS gets his rent until I thought he was entering, which he was. I have full control over the property and I have the right to quiet enjoyment. He broke the lease the second he entered illegally.

He doesnt want me out, he just wants me to stay and keep paying, but I had a feeling he was entering and now I know for sure, so fuck him. :finger:

His eviction notice wasnt valid, he was using it to make sure I paid the rent that I always pay anyway. After this shit though I am not staying, I wont deal with retarded landlords who randomly enter without any permission or notice.

I think he had a feeling I was moving, and him entering illegally is the last nail in the coffin. Im not staying in a place where a landlord thinks he can randomly enter at any time.

The fact is he was entering illegally without notice, permission, any form of contact to me, or even an attempt at contact. His claim was he rang the buzzer and knocked first, But he also thought I was out of town. :wall:

If he thought I was out of town he should have phoned me first and asked, or made some attempt at contact other then knocking on the door of my, what he thought would be empty, condo.

Yeah...so thanks anyway....:roll: Thanks for the tip, but I always pay my rent in full. I was working out of town, Im not making a 4 hour trip to drop off some money that he can wait an extra week for. (which was totally fine with waiting till I got back, he just didnt tell me he would be entering illegally while I was gone. :finger:)

even if you pay your rent on time landlords STILL come in to look at things what you do is report money missing to the police!! you do this a couple of times he will get the hint;) i myself own and am happy im out of the rent crap!! get a low life Buddie to move in after you move out and hammer his ass!! you can go up to your locale dog pound pick your self out the meanest dog you can find and let him loose in the place(with a lot of food and water) pit bull would do it!!
wow all I can say is next time pay your fucking rent.. Im sure you were more than 1 month behind as he cant get an eviction notice if your jsut a lil behind ( guessing ) . there not gonna change the locks if your just a lil bit behind like you say.. Im sure your leaving shit out of the storty like you were 4 mnths behind etc..
honestly ,its no ones fault but your own. growing weed in an apt that your behind on the rent on enough to get an eviction notice?? thats stupid bro. stoners kill me w/ the shit they do sometimes.
he was not growing in there
he is just saying its fucked how the landlord thinks he is the lord
and can cruze in their with out following the law
even if he is behind on rent you can not do that
so the landlord is in the wrong
you need to give the tenet 24 hrs notice
even if its a emergency
and he has the right to tell him to fuck off
and come back when it suits him
big nasty fucking dog needs to
bite the fucker on the balls and
teach him about rules