help with heat & humidity


Active Member
ok well i currently rent an apartment so i can only use a closet for growing right now. i am going to be using a 400watt hps for flowering and i figure i am going to need to figure this out before then. i cant really cut a hole in the closet door so all thats left is a little crack at bottom of door, any ideas?


Active Member
what kind of door is it? is it a regular door. is it a single sliding door, is it a double sliding door. you left alot of info out
is there an attic opening in that closet?


Active Member
what kind of door is it? is it a regular door. is it a single sliding door, is it a double sliding door. you left alot of info out
is there an attic opening in that closet?
oh sorry well i live on first floor and someone lives above me so no attic. closest vent outside of door is about 15 feet away across my livingroom. normal wooden door on hinge. my only thought has been to actually cut a 2 holes in door (one for intake and one for exhaust) and half block it with blankets to obscure view from anyone else. im just looking for any alternatives before i destroy a door and have to explain something if the landlord ever found out


Active Member
man you are in a predicament maybe some else might have better words than me, but i just had to get rid of mine and i live in what i would call a double triplex (3 apartments in a row and mirrored on the other side). one nieghbor is the fuzz. but any way i only use about 250 watts of light in a 2x2x3 area and have two 4 " muffin fans it keeps the temp and humid anywhere from 83-93f and 37-50h depending on how much i have in that box. man you could prolly just take the door off and put up some plastic sheet or something (my cat just farted) nI wouldnt make any hard to fix modifications to that place unless you know your nieghbors and are going to be there for awhile. no partys either.


Active Member
just had a thought. you could take the door knob off and use that opening for an exhaust you could also rig up a carbon filter at the same time
i got a closet grow with just 2inch cracks at the top and bottom of my closet with a humidifier in plants look real good tho just try to air it out manually here and there

420 4 fun

Active Member
man you are in a predicament maybe some else might have better words than me, but i just had to get rid of mine and i live in what i would call a double triplex (3 apartments in a row and mirrored on the other side). one nieghbor is the fuzz. but any way i only use about 250 watts of light in a 2x2x3 area and have two 4 " muffin fans it keeps the temp and humid anywhere from 83-93f and 37-50h depending on how much i have in that box. man you could prolly just take the door off and put up some plastic sheet or something (my cat just farted) nI wouldnt make any hard to fix modifications to that place unless you know your nieghbors and are going to be there for awhile. no partys either.
lol. tmi

I like that suggestion of taking the door off to preserve it and set up your own temp. door, it could be as simple as a piece of corplast with a blanket to cover the entry re: escaping light
my suggestion would be simply this. Cut a square cut out inside the closest like 12 in by 7 in. Then cut the same demention hole thru the other drywall that (i am guessing) goes to a halway or another room. Then buy 2 vent grills at lowes/homedepot for 5 bucks and screw them into the drywall. This way is looks just like a heating/cooling vent. That way you can atleast vent hot air out of the closet.

Other suggestion. Same idea just cut that demension in the ceiling and put a grill over it. This way the hot air that rises goes into the attic space that is there even if it is a small amount of room . Usually on all 2 story apartment buildings, the separation between flors is usually 2x6's or more. This should work. More info would be nice though. And PICS! Pics really help out.


Well-Known Member
I always think to myself someone should start an official "Cab In A Closet" thread and I have yet to do it. Basically you need to create an environment (cabinet grow room) inside an environment (a closet). I too live in a rented apartment and I need to be very discreet.

as you can see my closet doors are vented at the top and are made out of aluminum.

the cab is small enough to fit in the closet comfortably and heat is suck'd from through the cool tube out the box into a soon-to-be carbon scrubber.

Just make sure you light proof the fuck out the cabinet and get cabinet locks you shall have no worries. I just built a false wall and homemade door w/ hinges and magnets behind those sliding doors. Weather stripping and caulk are your best friends when it comes to light leakage.

My suggestions for you in an apartment is to not make ANY NOTICEABLE MODIFICATIONS TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF YOUR APARTMENT. Thats some hot shit and we dont need that!


Well-Known Member
i always think to myself someone should start an official "cab in a closet" thread and i have yet to do it. Basically you need to create an environment (cabinet grow room) inside an environment (a closet). I too live in a rented apartment and i need to be very discreet.

as you can see my closet doors are vented at the top and are made out of aluminum.

the cab is small enough to fit in the closet comfortably and heat is suck'd from through the cool tube out the box into a soon-to-be carbon scrubber.

just make sure you light proof the fuck out the cabinet and get cabinet locks you shall have no worries. i just built a false wall and homemade door w/ hinges and magnets behind those sliding doors. Weather stripping and caulk are your best friends when it comes to light leakage.

My suggestions for you in an apartment is to not make any noticeable modifications to the construction of your apartment. Thats some hot shit and we dont need that!

that would be a good thread!