Auto AK47xHinduKush PC grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey all. Right now I got an Auto AK47xHindu Kush. Sprouted about two weeks ago but was a little stunted. Currently in Happy Frog soil and entered its first day of 20/4.

I had it vegging under a t5 setup to get it back to life. It worked so now were off!

Im using three 23w CFLs and plan on adding two more in a few days.

Anyone know when i should start using nutes? Ill be using AN Sensi A-B, CarboLoad, and BigBud



Well-Known Member
Hey all. Right now I got an Auto AK47xHindu Kush. Sprouted about two weeks ago but was a little stunted. Currently in Happy Frog soil and entered its first day of 20/4.

I had it vegging under a t5 setup to get it back to life. It worked so now were off!

Im using three 23w CFLs and plan on adding two more in a few days.

Anyone know when i should start using nutes? Ill be using AN Sensi A-B, CarboLoad, and BigBud
im growin ak47 blueberry hydro and dirt i am trying 1/4 strenth bloom nutes on week1 and up to 1/2 on week2


Well-Known Member
i think im gonna consider this week the first week. Since i just started the 20/4 cycle under red spectrum lighting. Next watering ill do 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
I have seen these in a few places.. I still don't understand how it would even work right in there.. What about smell and so on. Height of plants?


Well-Known Member
Im growing a dwarf autoflower. It wont get any bigger than 20 inches but ill be LSTing if it needs it. Plus, its already stunted.

Smell isnt too much of a concern, ill be buying some air fresheners anyways.


Well-Known Member
Auto-flowering plants don't like nutes early on, I am growing Lowlife AK47 and can attest to this having burned my plant early on using even a 1/4 strength solution. Less is more, your plant will let you know when it needs feeding.


Well-Known Member
Auto-flowering plants don't like nutes early on, I am growing Lowlife AK47 and can attest to this having burned my plant early on using even a 1/4 strength solution. Less is more, your plant will let you know when it needs feeding.
i grew half the seeds in dirt and half in hydro and the hydro with no nutes for the first two weeks are way smaller then the dirt with 1/4 strenth nutes?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I am not a hydro grower but i'm pretty sure you need nutes because you use a nutrient free medium.

I was referring to the soil grow, if you wanna feed 'em go ahead man but it is very easy to burn a plant and to lose it so early when it is vunerable would suck. Have a look at my journal man I have experienced this myself.

Also you don't want a tall plant you want it to stay bushy as it grows, with short internodal spacing for denser buds. The vets can probably explain this in more detail than me as I am still learning myself. Your CFL setup looks to me to be 2700k if so you should at least have one source of blue spectrum in there for foliage and keeping internodal space at the optimum, especially in an enclosed space.

Have a look at the other PC grows on here for tips and ideas, good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip. As i only have 3 CFLs in there, would it be safe to replace one with the blue spectrum CFL?


Well-Known Member
Red spectrum is for flowering. The plant will love you if you give it blue light for veg, so yes I would say replace one with a daylight or blue CFL.


Well-Known Member
ok, becuase it was vegging for about a week under some t5's and another week right when it popped through the soil, and that was with 3 reg cfls aswell. Ill replace one right now.


Well-Known Member
once it popped it kinda just sat there and didnt grow at all. Its about two weeks old and doesnt have a stem really. Its on its second set of leaves and they are dark green but no real GROWTH.


Well-Known Member
once it popped it kinda just sat there and didnt grow at all. Its about two weeks old and doesnt have a stem really. Its on its second set of leaves and they are dark green but no real GROWTH.
Try not to worry, could just be concentrating on rooting at the moment. The blue will help veg for sure.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip. As i only have 3 CFLs in there, would it be safe to replace one with the blue spectrum CFL?
good stuff' in...i used a 1/4 dose of fox farm's grow big on my diesel ryder's during the first couple weeks and they fucking loved it!! really perked up...just be careful...i might have to get a 10 pack of those, sounds's the smoke supposed to be?


Well-Known Member
I'm subscribed imo, i would reccomend u start using nutes now...veg nutes of fox farms grow big.. Or bio-bizz grow..but since your using AN nutes, use what u got..also, i see your using carbo-load...well since your using that i reccommend you also use AN voodoo juice...(read up on it, it goes perfect with carbo-load) will keep an eye on this grow for sure

hey all. Right now i got an auto ak47xhindu kush. Sprouted about two weeks ago but was a little stunted. Currently in happy frog soil and entered its first day of 20/4.

I had it vegging under a t5 setup to get it back to life. It worked so now were off!

Im using three 23w cfls and plan on adding two more in a few days.

Anyone know when i should start using nutes? Ill be using an sensi a-b, carboload, and bigbud


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up. I just dont know if its too late to use veg nutes becuase its already like...week 3 believe it or not. Its pretty stunted but it will grow. I guess i could just use them for the next week or two then switch to my current nutes. Ill also def check out Voodoo Juice when I go to my hydroshop! Thanks budday


Well-Known Member
Cool...and yeah, that voodoo juice will make you pack on massive root growth which = massive buds.. Especially since you say it's stunted...also u may wanna add some of advance nutes phirana and trantula as well as some cal-mag. One last thing..when and if u use all these extra nutes/suppliments, buy some clearex and do a flush every 10 days with some black strap molasses....hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
Cool...and yeah, that voodoo juice will make you pack on massive root growth which = massive buds.. Especially since you say it's stunted...also u may wanna add some of advance nutes phirana and trantula as well as some cal-mag. One last thing..when and if u use all these extra nutes/suppliments, buy some clearex and do a flush every 10 days with some black strap molasses....hope this helps...
i myself wouldnt start a program to switch it in a week they are still autos and have you seen the new nutes from advance i herd some amazing shit the have self balancing nutes and some expert nute said to add 47% more bud to your best grow.