well i would say more like 56 days, but i have never grown the real northern lights, just the old nirvana version so i could be wrong about that.
however that is a figure made for idoor growing, that is 45 days of flowering at 12 hours light and 12 hours dark, im not sure but id say were getting about 16 hours of daylight right now, less if your closer to the eqator, and when they start to flower it should be around 14-15 hours. this alone will change that flowering time but also that time really means nothing when judging outdoor maturing because it isn't about how long it takes a plant to bud outdoors(most indica sativa hybrids flower in 6-8 weeks) but when they start to bud outdoors, you could have a plant start flowering in late july, bud for 9 weeks, and still finish before a plant that started flowering in late august and only took 6 weeks.
and yes getting jacked sucks, it wasn't the first time and wont be the last im sure, as long as you plant in small groups you will minimize the loss, im just lucky i still have enough to play around with after the cops got done with them. and not to blame the cops for everything, this drought killed many of my plants, as i am just giving up on all but my roadtrips, i just don't have the phisical compasity to stay out in the swamp all day long in the heat and humidity,every week to take care of all of them, nor do i have a single source of water except for what i can haul in on my back.