DUDES!!!! guess wat!!

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Well-Known Member

omfg.. are you like 12? judging by ur avatar I assume u are.. who the hell pays 200.00 for a 1/2 of reggie? thats insanely stupid. I pay 60.00 at most for a 1/2 oz.. thats the craziest shit I ever heard
thats a bit harsh.

im from aust and a half should cost 125 and i dont realy get reg shit sept when times are tough but i will pay up to 300 bux for really good shit.
general price is 220 an oz so id say you got ripped.

i have eto agree you got ripped.. but like i said times are tough even for me atm :( maybe its the same for you


Well-Known Member
Why did YOU be a dick?

See how that works? you have an opinion and expressed it..So did I.. Get over it.. all it is is letters forming sentences... its not an ass whooping. this is the internet..Not church.. I take it ur not from around here.

Seems like you love posting shit behind me.. Are you stalking me?

your not gonna last long around here. :roll:


New Member
btw- why did u buy a thermo just to "store" a 1/2 oz in? why so concerned about the smell of a 1/2 oz of weed? Sounds exactly like the OP is just some young ass kid that spent his parents money on some schwagg.

no offense, but its just how I feel.


New Member
your not gonna last long around here. :roll:

see, the person calls ME a DICK and I get jumped on by Mr super mod.. this is total BS and im just about fed up w/ the modding here. no shit. so do w/e u want as im sure you are anyway.. are you gonna give me another "infraction" ?

pffftt.. this site needs better mods.. seriously.


Well-Known Member
btw- why did u buy a thermo just to "store" a 1/2 oz in? why so concerned about the smell of a 1/2 oz of weed? Sounds exactly like the OP is just some young ass kid that spent his parents money on some schwagg.

no offense, but its just how I feel.
your attitude is not desired. we are a "community". we come here to relax, laugh and share. you are not playing along and it will NOT be tolerated. you have been warned. :twisted:


New Member
your attitude is not desired. we are a "community". we come here to relax, laugh and share. you are not playing along and it will NOT be tolerated. you have been warned. :twisted:

BS.. BS BS BS.. do you even read 1/10 of the posts/threads here daily? There are far worst shit said every minute on this site but i NEVER see anything said to the ones that actually deserve a repromand..Play along? heh... w/e... I know what the problem is.. Thats good enough for me.


Well-Known Member
BS.. BS BS BS.. do you even read 1/10 of the posts/threads here daily? Play along? heh... w/e... I know what the problem is.. Thats good enough for me.

i have read enough in the past 2 days to know that you are becoming a problem. :cuss:
watch how long you fight over this one. :roll: keep it up.


Well-Known Member
BS.. BS BS BS.. do you even read 1/10 of the posts/threads here daily? There are far worst shit said every minute on this site but i NEVER see anything said to the ones that actually deserve a repromand..Play along? heh... w/e... I know what the problem is.. Thats good enough for me.

If im a Dick, then suck my face.

i'm done with you. good-bye. :finger::bigjoint:
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