F**K!!! F**K!!! F**K!!!…. I missed the gawwd damn Girl Scout Cookie Sale AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
i dont know what girl scout cookies are, flavour wise. but if there the same as i see on TV then i wouldnt buy any anyway. probably a rip off. get down to one of the cheapo US shops like wal mart (where everybody goes for some reason) / target or some other massive warehouse job. im sure they've got cookies. ohh, get the rainbow cookies.

edit: florida girl, i like ur avatar,lol
Eat one first, they're really fucking good:mrgreen: Samoas are the shit!


Well-Known Member
Eat one first, they're really fucking good:mrgreen: Samoas are the shit!
arnt samoas indian food?

where do they get their cookies from in bulk? ive never really understood why every1 loves them - you see it on TV shows all the time and ive just be thinking, why does everybody love them?! they cant be that nice, but obviously im wrong,lol.

fair play cookies girls.

oh and if they came round one night whilst i was gone, i would probably buy a pack and eat them to myself no matter how much they cost,lol.


Well-Known Member
arnt samoas indian food?

where do they get their cookies from in bulk? ive never really understood why every1 loves them - you see it on TV shows all the time and ive just be thinking, why does everybody love them?! they cant be that nice, but obviously im wrong,lol.

fair play cookies girls.

oh and if they came round one night whilst i was gone, i would probably buy a pack and eat them to myself no matter how much they cost,lol.
Here's a pic of a samoa, they look a little weird but they have a marsh mellow fluffy thing going on and coconut and chocolate or something...I honestly don't know what they are but damn they're good. And the Mint chocolate whatevers are good too...It's been too long :(
