Losing weight with cocaine

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Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yeah, this thread is hurt. Going on an herb site to ask about dieting with cocaine is lame. Get outside, exercise, and grow herb and smoke it. Come correct


New Member
This is not a joke I was being serious and i do tape my moobs with masking tape now and the only reason i wanted to lose weight is because of my man boobs so all you thinking this is a joke quite frankly go to hell!!! the people that actually helped me thank you.
Yeah, this thread is hurt. Going on an herb site to ask about dieting with cocaine is lame. Get outside, exercise, and grow herb and smoke it. Come correct
ok going out of your way to comment on how someone else is lame.. makes you even a bigger fuckin lamer.

Now tell me cheech.. where did he post his thread at?
ohyah in the hallucinatory substances section..u fuckin retard

maybe he is desperate, like ur goddamn mom

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Legalizecannabishemp, you are a fucking lunchbag yourself asshole go suck a cock bitch. i wish you could say this to my face so I could smack the f out of you you pussy

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Legalizecanabishemp, this kid is a tool. hes probably your fat little brother. Anyway, everyone told him to exercise, we tried to help the fgat little oinker, its either a joke, or the kid is too dumb to live. So, fuck you prick and watch who you call a fuckin retard. I so wish I could reach through this computer screen and fucking teach you some respect pussy.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
LegalizeCannabisHemp, You are the one name calling. You call me a fucking retard and Learning To High a fucking prick. We tried to help this porker and you are the one who comes on and calls us names. Why dont you just go away you little bitch
Legalizecannabishemp, you are a fucking lunchbag yourself asshole go suck a cock bitch. i wish you could say this to my face so I could smack the f out of you you pussy
oh tough guy huh.. how hard you are when your on the other side of the computer..

dude your my fucking hero.. you should be in the UFC

the Ultimate Fag Challenge!

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hahahahah. I think its funny that you call me a fucking retard for telling a fat kid to exercise rather than diet with cocaine. Yes, I said this thread is hurt. It is. So are you. You are a joke to me. You are the lame asshole. Im not trying to act like a tough guy behind a computer believe me. Im just frustrated that I cant beat the shit out of you. Because if some asshole in real life talked to me like that I certainly would

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
So funny you say people have nothing better to do than hate on a fat kid. We were giving him good advice. Only one hating on this thread is you Legalize


Active Member
crack will make you loose weight really really fast. In fact, coke will suppress your appetite (causing you to loose weight) and so will crack. Smoking cigarettes and drinking will do the same.

I HIGHLY dont recommend you do the drugs though (unless its like 99% pure coke) because the coke out not is so cut up and dealers add more shit to it (including meth) to get you hooked. Pure cocaine is not that addictive (just about as addictive as weed is). I mean you dont seriously think coke got popular by making you a hardcore drug user and making you feel like shit when your done do you? Go back to the 80's when coke was pure.

Ask your doctor to give you a medication that will help you with your appetite and then see a physician/nutrition about getting proper exercise and a proper meal plan going. Doing straight drugs will not help you.

man coke is not the right way to lose weight, if anything your life will be ruined after three mounths, ive had family members withh the addiction its not something to play with!!
good luck
Hahahahah. I think its funny that you call me a fucking retard for telling a fat kid to exercise rather than diet with cocaine. Yes, I said this thread is hurt. It is. So are you. You are a joke to me. You are the lame asshole. Im not trying to act like a tough guy behind a computer believe me. Im just frustrated that I cant beat the shit out of you. Because if some asshole in real life talked to me like that I certainly would

Ok tough guy... ROFLMAO


Well-Known Member
nice triple post...

we could use less of that... you are ruining RIU, all of the threads recently end with posts like yours. hateful, and unhelpful.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
This little girl called me a f'n retard for telling this guy to exercise and get outside. He also wont stop sending me little bitchy messages.., I agree, these are the people who ruin RIU

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Read back through the thread, I was giving good advice and this Legalize said that I am a fucking retard and the fat kid is desperate like my mom??!?!? Im not supposed to react to that? He also said something real out of line to Learning To High. We were only trying to help. Legalize should be banned

Top 44

Well-Known Member
Fellows, this is a really bad idea. You may lose weight, but you'll probably lose everything else important to you as well, maybe even your life. Please do not do it. Go to a medical professional, there are lots of safe, effective weight loss methods available.


New Member
Read back through the thread, I was giving good advice and this Legalize said that I am a fucking retard and the fat kid is desperate like my mom??!?!? Im not supposed to react to that? He also said something real out of line to Learning To High. We were only trying to help. Legalize should be banned
:finger::finger::finger: and once more :finger:!!!
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