Advice on hiding my shit?

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I’m sorry for you, man, sounds like a tough and complex situation. It’s hard for me to imagine her calling the cops, though you know her and your local laws better than we do. The fact that she left you with one of the dogs seems at least a little promising that she’s not full of ill will. We don’t know her side, and I’m not asking.

Also not asking for an answer to the following, but it would be a consideration for me. Did she leave with a perceived sense of self fear? You have mentioned being angry, armed, and we can assume sometimes stoned, etc. (trust me, in 30 years of marriage, I’ve been there too, not being judgmental here, just considering details). You’ve also mentioned that you’ve never behaved in a threatening way towards her, which I certainly believe. But her perception is important.

I would make clear through the mutual friend that you just want to end things as painlessly and peacefully as possible, I guess. If you truly fear arrest over two plants, then I guess I’d ditch them, especially if she expressly stated feeling threatened. Lots to consider in that case.

Hoping for the best for you.
Usually when a woman says she needs some time alone or wants to take a break from the relationship, or "it's not you it's me" unless there was some very obvious reason leading up to that point, 99% of the time there is someone else.

And once they've gotten to that point, there is nothing you or anyone else can say or do to change their mind. That's just the way the female brain operates. Usually it's not anything you did, or lack thereof, it's just the way they're wired.

Hopefully whatever the reason, she doesn't take it to the level of calling the cops. I would move on best you can and be amicable to her during this process. If you think there's even a chance of her bringing over the law, chop the plants. Throw a few cuts in the fridge or to a temporary foster home. Focus on yourself and keep your chin up man, there's more fish in the ocean.

Best of luck to you
I’ve come to the conclusion that the only logical thing to do for the rest of us with girlfriends is to get some pictures of her watering and tending the garden. Then store them away for the possibility they might come in handy someday.
I was raided in 09 due to the old lady, wish I thought of this sooner.
I went through a similar situation the other day.
After we ended the relationship, I started planting and created a profile here on Rollitup. Trying to rekindle the relationship, bought her a gift, gave it, she accepted it, came home and thought we're fine, so I showed her my grow (me, fucking asshole, but she showed a pic of a plant she and her home mate are trying to grow, you know "hey, cool, look what I can do"). She went and didn't come back, she's been behaving like a real scumbag, being a psychologist it's really easy to her doing it.
Scared, I didn't know what to do. Then I found a male among the plants. (no structure to make crosses now) I took several photos with this destroyed plant and blamed it on her "Look at what a son of a bitch you are, I've been waiting for years to cultivate, now that I've started I need to destroy it because you came to my house and made me believe that you would come back, I'll show you my secret, which is the most fantastic thing I've ever done on this earth, now I have to destroy it, I can't trust you, I can't trust that you won't call the police. See, you destroyed me completely, you destroyed everything I loved." Calmly, sadly, lower voice.
I made her believe that there is nothing left here, so if she calls the police they won't find anything and will accuse her of hazing...
Sometimes is better being the victim.

3 days ago I found a better woman to relate with.
My apologies if this is scatterbrained and error laden - haven't slept all night and spent all night moving. Haven't eaten yet, either. The move out stuff is over, and it didn't go anywhere near as bad as I'd thought. I hid the plants in a spare basement bedroom closet and didn't bother cutting. I might still take cuttings though, because the plants have been a bit neglected. Maybe I should grow a forest of green ffs lol.

I am glad cops didn't show up and things didn't really escalate, but she brought like 5 people over. I am glad the other friends showed up. My ex was pouting and sobbing the whole time, and I could hear it from the basement. I was asked to go into the basement one of the mutual friends that came over to help because "that's what my ex wanted". Perfect. I was the bouncer for my two shrubs. My bud and I spent the entire time just talking about cars and shit, and it really helped to take my mind off the situation, and the thunder over my head. She was petty about what she took, too. Like, she took the silverware organizer and left the silverware. She took my pillowcase... the little plastic toiletry tray things I keep my shampoo and shaver stuff in, lol. Like really? That kind of stuff. She took my honey edible and doesn't even get high. She left gifts I gave her over the years sprinkled throughout the house, such as a bracelet I made for her out of bass guitar strings. Just, who does that. Ugh. I bought her a Kitchenaid mixer for Christmas and was told she is going to return it. She wouldn't stop talking about them before. True colors shining brighter...

I could tell this morning that of the two mutual friends of ours, the wife was more sympathetic to my ex while the husband moreso to me. I guess that makes sense. But as the wife kept helping the moving, she started to take my side more and more. They stayed for a good 2 hours to chat with me and make sure I was ok. I was told that the other 2 friends that came to help were really concerned about me and made some passing comment about "not the first time this has happened". I wish I could have gotten a hug or a handshake for some closure. But just like the petty shit, that just makes it all the more easier to get over this.

Thanks again yall
In New York, once you are qualified for a med card you forfeit your right to own a handgun. Be sure to check into it
Good info to know but I own no firearms. I'm surprised I've not heard of that issue being brought up in ohios scramble to govern the new devil weed I can still get drunk and shoot up the there's
Good info to know but I own no firearms. I'm surprised I've not heard of that issue being brought up in ohios scramble to govern the new devil weed I can still get drunk and shoot up the there's
I've heard that with some states but haven't heard anything about it in Ohio. Who knows, might come out when they figure out the amendments
Good info to know but I own no firearms. I'm surprised I've not heard of that issue being brought up in ohios scramble to govern the new devil weed I can still get drunk and shoot up the there's

I lost mine in an unfortunate boating accident. Such a dumbass thing. I don't deal. I grow personal use only. I need the ability to defend myself in case someone broke into my house. That's the world we live in. Hey if you smoke this plant you forfeit your right to own a tool for self defense.
I've heard that with some states but haven't heard anything about it in Ohio. Who knows, might come out when they figure out the amendments
In Michigan you only lose your ccw if you have a med card, you can still bare arms if you have a med card rifles ect. But now it's rec so no need for a med card if the same laws apply. In ohio you do not need a ccw to carry a hand gun btw.
I lost mine in an unfortunate boating accident. Such a dumbass thing. I don't deal. I grow personal use only. I need the ability to defend myself in case someone broke into my house. That's the world we live in. Hey if you smoke this plant you forfeit your right to own a tool for self defense.
That's a crazy coincidence, we were out on the lake duck hunting in a little John boat with all my guns on board and the damn boat flipped over, lost everything!
In New York, once you are qualified for a med card you forfeit your right to own a handgun. Be sure to check into it
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