~official nirvana ak48 grow log with pikz!!~hott

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New Member
looking good man...whats up with the brown spots on a couple of the plants?
thnkz..most of the plants had these spots..they are either a nute burn i gave them when i first fed liquid seaweed...or they are a deficiency,maybe magnesium..either way,the plants are growing much healthier now,with no spots or other signs...i did water with epsom salt..maybe that did the trick?>>


Well-Known Member
thnkz +rep...the whole point of why im stuck in using the t-5 or the 400hps is cus i dont have a way to properly vent and cool my closet...and its not light proof..thats why im running the t-5 24/0..it elimnates both problem,s and i just leave it on and forget about it,,,,

if i use the 400 hps to veg 18/6 (which id love to)..ima struggle daily with keeping temps cool,and making sure no light hits them on their off period.

so would it be ALOT worth it in veggin with the h.i.d instead of the t-5?
This is the exact reason that I did 24/0 and now my headband and K-train have to be watched very closely for stamens.

here are the pikz of my closet..so will just having a few fans in there keep it cool WITH THE DOORS CLOSE....ofcourse Ill try to keep the door open as much as possible in the day,but this isnt an option at night....and then ill have to seal the closet off with some blankets..so will the heat build up too much with the door closed and no air intake?

oh and i added some close ups of my favorte and most healthy plant..should i top her?

I have the same 400hps but upgraded to the euro-cool hood. Oh and Dude, I work at a High School and that book is a freshman biology book...and it is a new addition...which makes you a little young. I suggest you are more careful.

oh cheap exaust is threw the cieling with a bathroom exhaust fan to the attic cheap. im installing one 2morrow.
This is one of the ways I deal with heat.



New Member
hayduke what exactly do you mean by "stamens"? and as for the book ive been out of high school for years..much more the frehsman year lol....ah memeroies..


New Member
i checked my temps today when I woke up..it was in the low 90's!..I quickly opened the closet doors to exhaust all the hot air..so will having temps near the low to mid 90's affect anything THAT MUCH?I know its obviosly on the hotter side..but I thought cannabis was a more tropical plant which can thrive on high temps..am I right?Is 90-95f OK..or will it greatly affect the plants...some of m,y plants are drooping..I think its the heat..or theyr dry...Ima water right now...


New Member
Ok...here's the update,I set up the 400w hps yesterday..right now the temps are 85f with the door open and my room ac on full blast..I smust admit I dont really like the temps....my plants are drooping,most likely due to the high temps,which was around the 90;s when I woke up and checked....I think I might have to put the t-5 back..dammit...is there any tips on how I can keep things cool..right now I only have one fan in there...would another fan work?Or is the only way to keep things cool is have an exhaust fan sucking the hot air near the bulb itself?

And lets say I do change back to the t-5,will the change of intensity and spectrum affect the plants...or maybe the heat they experience last night..has this stunted them??

Dam I knew having the hps on was gonna be a hassle....oh and the light is around 15 inches away..is this fine?



Well-Known Member
the plants can tolerate those temps, but yours look a little too small at the moment. U might wanna veg a lil longer with the t-5's till they get a lil bigger then they'll be begging for more light.

and ur best option for cooling would be to have an exhaust fan sucking the hot air near the bulb itself, and extract it out of your room. U may also consider investing in a heat shield.


New Member
the plants can tolerate those temps, but yours look a little too small at the moment. U might wanna veg a lil longer with the t-5's till they get a lil bigger then they'll be begging for more light.

and ur best option for cooling would be to have an exhaust fan sucking the hot air near the bulb itself, and extract it out of your room. U may also consider investing in a heat shield.
yea Ima put the t5 later today..the hps just puts off too much heat..and considering i live in a warm,tropical climate..thats just makes things worse....so will the plants veg a alot slower under the t-5 or not really?

and considering the size of my cl;oset..can i just use one of those cheap 35$ booste4r fans from htg supply to exhaust the hot air?


New Member
aiir..i set up the t-5 back..i guess ima veg fgor a few more weeks under that..then once i have my fans and ducting ill use the hps..dammit the hps KICKED MY ASS lol.....way too hot and bright for confort,I had my ac on full blast and it still felt hot in my room.....the plants are all droopy and shit..hopefully they recover soon...so who thinks i may have stunted my plants?


New Member
hey dudes..how long till my plants recover from the heat/intensity stress??theyr satill droopy..maybe by tommorow theyll be nice and healthy again?or will it take like a week?>


New Member
can i use advanced nutrients monkey juice BLOOM for veg?Im having some problems..my plants are having a deficinecy of somthing..my guess is magnesium..or my tap water is to "hard"..and is locking out other nutes....dam this grow is starting to get on my nerves..i may need to invest in an ro filter....


New Member
do i feed with nutrients EVERY WATERING..or just every other watering?i use monkey juice bloom for veg and flower..


Well-Known Member
If you go with the HID lighting, ease them into it with the light up high or the girls off to the side...personally I would keep them under the t-5.
Especially as the temps increase with summer coming, pretty much need to remove the heat from the room. Check craigslist or ebay for an air cooled hood and fan of 256cfm or greater. Cut hole in ceiling to vent to attic if possible. If there is a light fixture: turn off breaker, remove fixture, remove wire nuts from wiring (fixture now loose), replace wire nuts and stuff capped wiring back in hole...voila! no damage done. If no fixture, cut 4" hole neatly and replace with one when you move. mis dos pesos.


New Member
Especially as the temps increase with summer coming, pretty much need to remove the heat from the room. Check craigslist or ebay for an air cooled hood and fan of 256cfm or greater. Cut hole in ceiling to vent to attic if possible. If there is a light fixture: turn off breaker, remove fixture, remove wire nuts from wiring (fixture now loose), replace wire nuts and stuff capped wiring back in hole...voila! no damage done. If no fixture, cut 4" hole neatly and replace with one when you move. mis dos pesos.
thnkz cuz...and yea the hps KICKED ME ASS nasty lol..i removed it and put the t5 the next day lol..all plants were extremely droopy,theyve recovered now..im now planning on a cooling setup...please go to this link and help me out there....im either gonna build a diy cooltube with a bake around..or just suck the hot air from the bulb..either way,theyr under the t5 for now..growing rather slow...i can only blame this on my nutrients...

since im using coco coir,is it wise to use alaska fhsih fert 5-1-1 and seaweed..or should i use monkey juice bloom for veg??


Well-Known Member
hey dudes..how long till my plants recover from the heat/intensity stress??theyr satill droopy..maybe by tommorow theyll be nice and healthy again?or will it take like a week?>
If they were just dry(probably) they will be good in a day. depending on how bad, you may lose leaves. Post some new pics.

can i use advanced nutrients monkey juice BLOOM for veg?Im having some problems..my plants are having a deficinecy of somthing..my guess is magnesium..or my tap water is to "hard"..and is locking out other nutes....dam this grow is starting to get on my nerves..i may need to invest in an ro filter....
I do not know about the Monkey juice, short term ok, but if you are going to veg for a while you need more nitrogen...maybe your kelp added?

As for your water, I would definately recommend buying $0.25 RO machine water and adding a small dose of cal-mag. If the cal-mag is not possible, the epsom salts would work for the magneisum, but be cautious of the total amount over time as the salts will build up. Then get your calcium by adding a little tap which will probably bring your pH up a little. I got a TDS pen this weekend and my tap water has 647ppm. Due to your new this year edition of your Biology textbook I assume you are in the Southwest, though that is not exactly "tropical", so your water may be this bad.

do i feed with nutrients EVERY WATERING..or just every other watering?i use monkey juice bloom for veg and flower..
Depends on the nutes, and the amounts. I use a Botanicare and feed everywatering though I have had to make adjustment for headband as she is a little bitchy. If I did this with Fox Farm they would burn bad, so I guess it depends. To be safe I would do every other watering especially with hard tap water. Better to under feed than burn/lockout;)



Well-Known Member
thnkz cuz...and yea the hps KICKED ME ASS nasty lol..i removed it and put the t5 the next day lol..all plants were extremely droopy,theyve recovered now..im now planning on a cooling setup...please go to this link and help me out there....im either gonna build a diy cooltube with a bake around..or just suck the hot air from the bulb..either way,theyr under the t5 for now..growing rather slow...i can only blame this on my nutrients...

since im using coco coir,is it wise to use alaska fhsih fert 5-1-1 and seaweed..or should i use monkey juice bloom for veg??
No link, but either the dIY cool tube or some other (seen a few) would be good. Besides the stink on the fish ferts I would think they would be fine, but I honestly do not know.



New Member
dam hayduke..thnkz man,i tried to rep u again,but it didnt let me..anywayz,the plants have all recovered fine,i just watered them right now,and yea ill supplement the nitrgoen with some bloodmeal if i have too..and as far as the tap water..your sounds BAD..im afarid mine might be that bad too..im in fl btw..so yea my tap water must have high ppm too...and heres the link where im duscussing my cooling options..please read and add your 2 cents...or a dollar,since u seem very helful man..


ima buy a ppm meter and a ph meter soon...i might have a couple males,theyr growing very lanky,with no side branching,etc...and then i have some very nushy,symmetrical,nice growing plants which im sure are female...only time wil tell


Well-Known Member
hey man i am growing AK-48 look at my journal if u wanna see what tyo expect. also build a cool tube for that light. my temps are from 75-79 with no ac.
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