Droopy Leaves


Active Member
I planted three plants about three weeks ago and keep them under constant cfl light. They leaves are nice and green but they just started getting really droopy. What could be a cause and how can I bring them back.


Well-Known Member
I planted three plants about three weeks ago and keep them under constant cfl light. They leaves are nice and green but they just started getting really droopy. What could be a cause and how can I bring them back.
If the leaves are still holding form well but just droopy they are overwatered (most likely the case). If the leaves are wilting they are too dry. It is hard to under water and easy to overwater when u really care about ur plants. If u care about ur plants u probably overwatered. If u dont give a shit, they are probably dry.
It seems like u care so just let them dry out. They will perk back up in a few days..

Hi TTree! Glad to see u still helping people out, its my favorite thing to do on here.


Well-Known Member
yes. lay off the watering for a couple days...you should be able to pick up the pot and tell...try it now, if its still wet, make a mental note of how heavy the pot is...then in a couple days pick it up, and you should notice how light it is....some people say poke your finger into the pot, but you can poke down and have it feel dry, but down at the bottom could still be plenty wet...go by the weight of the pot for next feeding


Active Member
Would it be alright to transplant them to bigger pots when the leaves are a still bit droopy or should I wait until they are back at full health?