i reused my dirt!


Well-Known Member
I use 1 bag ffof, 1/2 bag pertlite, 2 cups wormcasting, Indonesian guano and and Mexican guano, and sum lime. I tried soil moist works good but use very little


Well-Known Member
good im glad to see that im not the only one who is tired of buying soil...40 a bag wow. I thought mine was bad at 18.

9inch bigbud - how much lime do you use and what do you amend with? peat will also lower the soil ph over time.

go through the dirt with my hands and take out the big roots. but as already mentioned they will become compost if you keep reusing it.

I too would be skeptical if my plants didnt do good the round before and then reusing the dirt for the next grow...


9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
good im glad to see that im not the only one who is tired of buying soil...40 a bag wow. I thought mine was bad at 18.

9inch bigbud - how much lime do you use and what do you amend with? peat will also lower the soil ph over time.

go through the dirt with my hands and take out the big roots. but as already mentioned they will become compost if you keep reusing it.

I too would be skeptical if my plants didnt do good the round before and then reusing the dirt for the next grow...

i dont use lime what i do is the last 2 weeks flush with ph'ed water! i use hydro nutes the soil is just a media that contains fuck all after the flush it basicly hydro grown in spent out soil the hydro nutes supply all the nutes, but the soil supports the plant from falling over.

i leave the soil in black bin bags to brake down the roots for 8 weeks the time it takes for the new crop to finnish so in other words i have i.e 200L of soil 100L is used to grow in the other 100L is left for 8 weeks to brake down the roots then once one crop come down the other soil is reused.

and the cycle goes on and on you can not do this with normal N.P.K nutes you need hydro nute because the have all the shit that need to grow a plant. rememder to flush the pots 2 weeks before harvest all you are left with is brown dirt that has fuck all left in it the only perpose of the soil is to support the plants instead of i.e roockwool or coco. works for me, iv been doing it for the last 5 years, but im going back to my old NFT tables:-P fuck all comes close to NFT IMHO.


Well-Known Member
i re use soil just watch the PH it will rise the more you use it that is because of the old roots . bring the PH back down with lime or if like me use hydro nutes on soil this will buffer
the soil ph for you. the soil in these pots have been usesd for over 4 grows

if your plants become sick then throw the old soil out and start again with fresh soil and bleech the pots be for reusing.
Lime(calcium carbonate) is a base, it'd increase PH.

Rot can lower or increase pH, as I recall. It depends what's munching on the roots.

Which is why it's not suggested. There are too many possible problems, for such a little benefit(a couple bucks?).


Well-Known Member
I got a garden I throw the used soil in for next season perennials. I dig a hole and put the old plants in for compose. Think I'll try a reuse soil next time. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Just take your dirt, spread it thin on an oven-safe sheet, and toss it into an oven preheated to 450 and bake it for a couple of hours.

Never worry about root rot in soil caused by older roots ever again. Also, say adios to any fungus, bacteria, and insect larvae you may have had sneak into your soil.

Nature reuses soil every second of the day. Marijuana is a great soil reconditioner.


Well-Known Member
I use to reuse but Ive recently made transition to hydro, like others I got tired of all the dirt, plus I dont make a mess recycling.
also u can get a uv sterilizer for dirt (its like a dirt oven). I used one in the greenhouse a few years back works great, but costs a penny.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yes, Mack is right. I don't Re-Use Soil, I grow it..... If She's alive with a living soil, She will eat as much as my first Wife. Two years of building up the soil, the soil is the best of the best. Keep your soil slightly moist, add molasses.


Well-Known Member
Just take your dirt, spread it thin on an oven-safe sheet, and toss it into an oven preheated to 450 and bake it for a couple of hours.

Never worry about root rot in soil caused by older roots ever again. Also, say adios to any fungus, bacteria, and insect larvae you may have had sneak into your soil.

Nature reuses soil every second of the day. Marijuana is a great soil reconditioner.
I've heard of this but it seems like it would take forever and stink the house up like a mother fucker.


Well-Known Member
I have a biodynamic compost pile, with a rotation cycle:kitchen scraps,straw, old pot soil, manures etc. in on the left-finished on the right. so all those nutes get re-digested...the amount of nutes in "waste" soil is off the chart!...not recommended if you're not running organic!


Well-Known Member
not even when it's cooking in the oven? lol
cooking in the oven? are you trying to kill off the bugs? cause that's not the ONLY thing you kill! healthy soil is actually a microcosmic boisphere (too complicated?)...there are processes involving micro-organisms, fungi,bacteria, bugs...they all have a part to play...I have all kinds of bugs(yes-indoor)! my army of spiders are paid in food! my plants have ZERO bug problems; because my soil 'lives'...in symbiosis. .I wish I could bottle my aftersmoke as an air freshner! that's what the hippies really meant by 'kind' bud. the stuff(soil, plants,and finished weed) exudes lifeforce! worm castings? hah! try teeming with worms!


New Member
I havnt even bothered to read the replies to this thread!!!!!!!!!

Never and i mean never re-use soil in any situation, thast only my opinion, peace

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Hillbilly said it right. The Sun & the water is only 20% of the total outcome. The 80% is what the ends of the tender root system has avalible, & how easy it is to be absored. Give it Meth/chems, and wonder why She's sick. Sterilizing soil is fine for certain reasons, but if you are not willing to parent several million healthy microbes into the soil... your plant suffers. Good for you, HB.