Smoking Ediquette... The Do's and Don'ts

Here you can post the DO'S and DONT'S some people have while smoking.

For example:

While smoking out a group of friends some rules may be:

1. Dont steal the lighter.
2. Snap your hits and dont leave smoke in the bong.
3. Dont hold the bong/joint/pipe and tell long borring stories.
4. Dont diss peoples weed if they are packing you free bowls.

Anyone else have anything to add....


Well-Known Member
5. Don't spill the bong
5b. Don't break the bong:fire:
6. Don't slobber on the J/Blunt/L/ect
7. Dont turn the grinder upside down when there is keif inside
8. Dont take an unreasonable amount of hits, I dont really pay attention to who takes how many, just who takes too many lol
9. If you are using a smoking apparatus that has water in it, don't cash the bowl by blowing into it


Well-Known Member
dont use the but of my lighter to pack down the cherry in the bowl (you got fingers for a reason) especially when i pack it with hash


Well-Known Member
NEVER USE A WHITE LIGHTER! One of my friends had one and got jumped, broken nose. Another friend had one and got arrested for the first time. They shouldn't even make white lighters...


Well-Known Member
NEVER USE A WHITE LIGHTER! One of my friends had one and got jumped, broken nose. Another friend had one and got arrested for the first time. They shouldn't even make white lighters...
you guys trip over the white lighter thing its great my friends do to and i just collect em never get em stolen lol


Active Member
Corner the bong hitz
i hate it when people torch the whole bowl
your not smoking the whole thing, take as much as you can take but dont ruin it for the rest of us!!


Well-Known Member
when i was younger it was customary to smoke with your dealer

the joint/blunt/bowl/bong/whatever IS NOT A MICROPHONE!!! shut up and pass that shit!!

puff, puff, pass (on rolled stuff)

x2 on the no slobers and people who tourch all the green hits!

i always use the lighter to pack the weed back down, roasted my fingers to many times!!


Well-Known Member
dont steal keefe. dont roll roach blunts and think your matching. dont keep relighting the joint/blunt to stall for more hits. if your unsure of what type of dutch to get get a vanilla.


Well-Known Member
corner the bowl dont torch the whole thing leavin ash for everyone else...that really pisses me off lol
o and if ur not accustomed to bongs speak up dont fuck every1 elses smoke bc u dont wanna sound like an idiot